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My Lumen Tech Jam Playtest

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    My Lumen Tech Jam Playtest

    Hi folx,

    My name is Cody, and I'm writer. I'm entering a tech jam on using a system called Lumen, and I'd like to playtest my game before submitting it.

    Ideally I'd like at least two sets of 3 to 4 people who want to play, I'd like to run a game as the GM once, and then have someone else run the game while I sit in, not as a player. If possible I'd like to have these games be short one shots with a little Q&A after to get some feedback and gather any opinions people would want to share.

    I don't intend to get rich off this, I'll either use the "pay what you want" format incase anyone is willing to support my writing, or just make it free. I'm more interested in people playing it than anything.

    As such the only compensation I can offer is your name in the credits (if you want your name in the credits of course, you can be omitted or can use a screen name if preferred ) a copy of the finished PDF and the chance to play something new.

    It's still a work in progress, but the theme is Modern Psionic Heroes like Eleven in Stranger Things or Jesse Faden in Control.

    If anyone is interested in this at all please let me know, I think I have over a month before I need to submit the game, but if enough people are interested in playing I'd be willing to run several games.

    Thanks for reading my pitch even if you're not interested in joining, I appreciate your time. If you have any questions feel free to ask me via comment or PM.

    Cody Garett Wells

    This is a very cool idea and opportunity, Cody! Thanks for coming to the TTW community with this one. I really hope it works out and you find some play testers!

    You may find posting this as a game advertisement for recruitment instead of just as an interest check will get you more responses. If you check the how-to threads near the top off the forum page, you’ll see a step by step guide for setting up your own forum and how to advertise for recruitment.

    Good luck, cheers and happy gaming! Welcome to TTW


      Thanks for the advice, I'll check that out!


        I think I might have seen these contests before, or at least something very similar to it. Some pretty great new little games come out of these things.


          I hope it will be! I'll post the game advertisement once I have a few items ironed out, not to mention free time to run it!


            I might be interested, especially if the game wouldn't start for a few weeks.....but I must admit a lot of ignorance about what you are suggesting. I've never heard of a tech jam, so correct me if I'm way off, but it sounds like you've written a one-shot that'd we'd run twice, once with you as GM? What game system would you be using?


              No worries, game JAMs are basically just like game design exercises.

              The game system is called Lumen, and it is basically a barebones mechanical set of rules with no setting.

              What I'm doing is making a game utilizing Lumen's rules to make my own classes, setting, etc. It's a stand alone game, built on the Lumen ruleset.

              I have the classes done, I just need to polish some abilities and finish the enemies, so yeah a couple more weeks.


                Ok sounds cool. Well I'll watch for that advertisement then.


                  So will I!


                    Hey everyone I'm sorry but I decided to drop this project, it wasn't working out the way I wanted it to and I have other projects taking priority.

                    I appreciate the support though! Going forward I won't pitch a playtest idea before getting the system playable!


                      No worries, man. We all have moments like that! Even so, I hope you stick around TTW regardless so that maybe we can end up in a game together sometime.

