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Icewind Dale?

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    Icewind Dale?

    So admittedly I'm in tons of games over on The Weave (waiting for some to officially close) and running at least two on Discord (alongside starting/running another soon on the Weave within a Tavern-style game). So it seems like my plate is pretty full. And it probably is. However, for the sake of this ancient and lesser-known website and its fanatical followers, I am willing to take on one additional group specific to here.

    However! Before I can commit to anything, I must first know if there is interest enough for a game and which system to run it in. There should be a poll as part of this post with options. Further details are as follows: I am willing to run an instance of the isometric CRPG Icewind Dale (or Icewind Dale II, the sequel) for a party of 4-6 players. I will largely be ripping the plot directly from these games, and adjusting/stripping down dungeons and encounters as needed for the sake of PbP gameplay. I can't promise this will be a great game (it is mostly just your classic dungeon crawler), but I do promise to run it for as long as people are willing to play (or until we reach the natural conclusion of the game by defeating the BBEG(s)).

    So I ask you, dear readers, to tell me what you want! Do you want a standard dungeon crawl (Icewind Dale), or something a bit more open (Icewind Dale II)? Both are equally railroady, considering that they're CRPGs, but one has more open spaces than the other. Choose wisely, as you only get one vote, and the poll is only open until May the 8th!

    Oh, forgot to mention earlier: While I'm willing to put in the work as the GM to convert the game in question to d&d 5e, please bear in mind that it will take much more effort on my end and things may be less exciting as a result. Icewind Dale (and its 3 expansions) was originally built using the AD&D 2nd edition ruleset, while Icewind Dale II was using 3rd edition (not 3.5, but 3rd edition; though those differences are minor at worst). I include 5th edition d&d as an option because it's newer (by comparison) and so people who've never played older editions or Pathfinder may find it more appealing.
    D&D 3.5
    PF 1e
    D&D 5e
    Any/All (please elaborate)

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by Faeryl; 04-21-2021, 02:04 AM.
    Active Character(s):
    Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros

    Right. I should probably clarify: I'm not just looking for everyone's preferred system, but also which game you would like to play. Do you (the players) want to play Icewind Dale 1 or 2? The story is a fair bit different between them, with 2 being a clear sequel to the first, though no knowledge of the first game's plot is required to play the second. Please, potential players, I need to know. Which game is desired most will reflect upon how much work I need to get the game actually started.
    Active Character(s):
    Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


      I don't want to throw your whole concept of reality into question or anything, so maybe make sure you're sitting down before you read the rest of this, but what if someone has no knowledge of either of those games?


        Originally posted by Drew View Post
        I don't want to throw your whole concept of reality into question or anything, so maybe make sure you're sitting down before you read the rest of this, but what if someone has no knowledge of either of those games?
        Well, that would arguably make the entire thing even better. In fact, I go into this assuming that players have little to no knowledge of the game. Icewind Dale is a great game, but it's not nearly as well-known in pop culture as Baldur's Gate. Which is absolutely fine. At best, people know of the location "Icewind Dale" from either R.A. Salvatore's novels or the more recent 5th edition module set in the same area. At worst, someone has heard the name thrown about but has no context beyond "It's a d&d thing". Most of the players in my discord version of this game have never heard of/played the game before, so don't feel bad if you haven't either. Just means you're less likely to suddenly recall plot elements. Plot aside, the games run on the same Infinity Engine, with the primary difference being that Baldur's Gate has you create a single PC while Icewind Dale has you create a party of six.
        Active Character(s):
        Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


          Heh... I know both games by heart. They're still on my pc in their advanced remade versions.


            Originally posted by Tiger View Post
            Heh... I know both games by heart. They're still on my pc in their advanced remade versions.
            Same! I even got BG2:EE and NWN:EE... thought NWN isn't really all that "enhanced". It looks exactly the same. :/ Also, NWN's achievements don't seem to work, and haven't for years for many, so that sucks.
            Active Character(s):
            Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


              I never really gave this much thought, but it's hitting me now how very odd it is that I played so much D&D and so many videogames when I was younger, yet somehow the two worlds never really overlapped. I don't think I ever played any D&D videogames at all besides one Baldur's Gate game for the PS2 one time.

              So, yeah, I actually don't know these games. I kind of know of the place. I've read Salvatore's books, but it was a very long time ago and those memories are pretty fuzzy. But it's good to know that applicants don't need to be worried even if they have zero knowledge of the source material.


                I love both Icewind Dale games and I'd love to play in one run by you, Faeryl! I'd vote the first of the two stories, especially if folks don't know the stories yet.


                  I have fond memories of both games. There's an excellent NPC mod for the first one, and a (less excellent, but still ok imo) one for the 2nd one. I don't have time for this PbP version, but good luck!
                  Game master: The road not taken (TTW link and Obsidian portal link)


                    The ol' Vlad eye pic! Brings back fond memories of Caithas and decapitation.


                      To be honest, I'm one of those that only knows Icewind Dale as a "dnd thing". I voted pf1e, but am fine rolling with whatever wins. Regarding stories, I'd suggest running the first one because it leaves the option that IF it runs well enough you could follow it up with running the sequel.
                      Chartacters info
                      Thaniel Essex, Human Ranger


                        Presently, it looks like d&d 5e will be the system used. I'm not terribly surprised. Still, there's just under a week left for anyone else who sees this to vote if they wish. At that time, I'll probably begin active recruitment.
                        Last edited by Faeryl; 05-02-2021, 07:40 PM.
                        Active Character(s):
                        Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


                          IWD is probably my favorite PC game of all time. I'd be interested in playing but I'm a little bummed you didn't go OSR for it. 2E would have been fun, or something like OSRIC. or LL Advanced
                          Last edited by cailano; 05-06-2021, 12:16 AM.


                            Originally posted by cailano View Post
                            IWD is probably my favorite PC game of all time. I'd be interested in playing but I'm a little bummed you didn't go OSR for it. 2E would have been fun, or something like OSRIC. or LL Advanced
                            In my defense, I can barely muddle through AD&D 2e on the player side. I don't even know what OSR or OSRIC are. Let alone LL Advanced. Thanks for your input nonetheless!

                            Edit: So, turns out those are basically what I thought: OD&D and clones thereof. In all honesty, I'd probably have to do even more work trying to back-port the AD&D 2e mobs to OD&D clones. I'd first have to find the rules, then learn them, and by that point I'd probably have been better off just running it in 2e. At least that way I could just straight-up use most of the creature stats from the video game.

                            That said, if someone else were to run something similar aimed at helping newbies learn, I'd probably go for it if only to say I did.
                            Last edited by Faeryl; 05-06-2021, 04:21 AM.
                            Active Character(s):
                            Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


                              Ah, the old days of THAC0.


                              • Blackfox42
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                              • Drew
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                                lol, Fox