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High Seas Exploration

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    High Seas Exploration

    A nice guide with roll tables came to my hands, for a 1-10lvl campaign of seafaring.
    It has tables for mid sea events, like:
    passing ships
    on ship events
    sea battles

    If people show interest, it will only take a week max to
    "solidify" each event so i ll be ready for everything.

    PS: Regarding the Dark Ages game, i tried hard, but any time i tried to flesh out an event or npc,
    i went increasingly angry. I consider myself a man of science and freedom of speech, and even
    thinking of having to bestow those Dark ideas and that kind of immoral authoritarianism on
    people makes me physically sick.

    you are on a ship bound to travel for months/years on unexplored seas.
    (the specifics not yet to be disclosed)
    You may be part of the crew or travelers.
    Expect water, ship, ship to ship and some land combat.
    It will be 5e, only races that don't have flying or swimming speed.
    No homebrew material.
    It is made for 1-10lvl, but i can throw a couple of 1shot campaigns i have to bump it up to 14-15.

    Last edited by Kerilstrasz; 05-08-2021, 07:55 PM.

    I'm game. Fathomless Warlock keeps calling my name.



      Thinking on (maybe) adding on the original idea by creating a world around it.
      A sea world.

      Like 4-5 major continents that each is no bigger than... lets say Crete, Taiwan or Jamaica.
      Each with its own rule, laws, military etc..
      Each forced to trade with each other due to unique local production of goods.

      Add a few hundreds of known islands and an unknown number undiscovered islands.


        Bigger. Like Japan. Because smaller islands can't supply enough lumber to build lots and lots of seafaring ships.


          Originally posted by Tiger View Post
          Bigger. Like Japan. Because smaller islands can't supply enough lumber to build lots and lots of seafaring ships.
          Trust me, the size, for undisclosed reasons, is correct


            I like it.


              I do too, Psynister! The idea of a "water world" that doesn't suck (like Waterworld) sounds deeply appealing.


                I'm leaning toward either Fathomless Warlock, just because I really want to play one, or Forge Cleric because it's a favorite and it's super useful for making supplies in such a setting.

