Hello!!! I am one of the players within an epic 5e homebrew world and community. We are looking to go 'live' with a solid team of fun, imaginative people that enjoy role-playing 1st person perspective so they can join us in understanding and appreciating this fantastical world over time by simply playing with us. Come and have some fun in our hilarious, narrative, free-formed, adventurous, entertaining, and mind-blowing campaigns. Our goal is to get a solid group formed and one day possibly stream videos like Matthew Mercer! We currently are working on about 150 different projects behind the scenes that expand our Homebrew world through novels, comic books, newsletters, animated shorts, games, a merchant shop to list a few, on top of our games! We hope you can join in the fun today by simply adding me Prlmus#5916 and message me to seeing if you got what it takes to let the real adventure begin!
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Seeking a serious roleplaying community? I have a potential answer for you!