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Is this site dead?

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    Is this site dead?

    I have been noticing that there don't seem to be games really recruiting for a long while and there used to be tons of games looking for players. Are there still games going on?
    Liam J Black - Whitecliff Watch
    Yi Hou - Claiming of Fort Gale

    Well, southeast... Honestly? Yeah. In my own personal opinion, the Web is almost dead. Recruitment for new games has pretty much stopped altogether, and once the currently running games end... well, I don't know. I fear that we'll just sit and collect dust. I'm open to any ideas or suggestions that you or anyone else may have to bring people to the site. It deserves better than this.


      I suspect a lot of the problem may be that many people have moved on to using Discord or other such things as their go-to for PbP. It's (supposedly) easier to connect to people there. Then there's all those other sites people have been playing on for ages and ages already. Frankly, I think the tabletop PbP community may just be spread too thin. Unfortunately, I don't really have any solutions to offer.
      Active Character(s):
      Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


        It might be a bit of a vicious circle - no new games are being posted which means people are visiting the site less, which means less people are hosting games. Certainly I'm visiting the site much less than I used to. As to how to fix it, who knows? Are people finding that other PbP sites are more popular, in which case it is a site issue that might be fixable, but if they're also dead then maybe PbP is much less that it was.


          The only other PbP site I frequent, Myth-Weavers, seems to be just as active as ever. Can't speak for any other places, but I don't believe that PbP is "much less than it was". I don't think it was ever the most popular choice for tabletop gaming, but it's hardly dying out from my perspective.
          Active Character(s):
          Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


            Does mean then that this site can be resurrected. How to do it though is not something I know though.


              I was just so sure that our character sheets would bring the crowds. They're the most beautiful sheets on the internet, in my opinion. Much better than the black and white ones you can find everywhere else. But I was wrong, obviously. I'm kicking around the idea of finding a way to pay the GMs for running games.


                It has not been responded to in the other thread, so I'm posting it here... I think when new people come to the site, they think there are no games open.


                  To be fair, I don't think any are except the one that we're both in together. I could be wrong, of course, and in that case it may well be due to some confusion on how to show games as openly recruiting. However, I suspect that a lot of the games on this site are either legacy games that aren't open to new people or are games that stick within the same group(s) of people and don't recruit outside of that/those group(s).
                  Active Character(s):
                  Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


                    Okay. I made a few changes to the Forum homepage. Anyone willing to, I'd like you to go there now and act as if you were looking for any games that might be recruiting at the moment. Come back here after that and let me know how it went.


                      Not sure where I am being told to go to act as if I am looking for a game...I am but only one game has a recruitment post and I am not even sure if it is still actively looking as it was posted back in November.
                      Liam J Black - Whitecliff Watch
                      Yi Hou - Claiming of Fort Gale


                        It took me a minute to find the sidebar games looking for players, but as usual when I click "view all" I don't see anything--but thats my acct for some reason

                        Maybe a forum section where a DM can post for games like the old way? Seemed easier.


                          I've always just glanced at the sidebar 'Games Looking for Players', but I think the record number of games at once was two or three and that didn't last long.

                          That said, I would second a subforum specifically meant for game ads. I don't know how many people actually even know the sidebar is there, let alone check it/the games looking for players section. Of course, even if we have a more obvious location for games, it might not actually solve the problem of 'not enough new games to go around'. It might just help though.

                          We have 938 registered members, but only 81 "active" ones if the site statistics sidebar is to be believed. These numbers are probably not helping matters. It's a vicious cycle, I'd imagine.
                          Step 1: Not a lot of games recruiting (if any), so people stop checking in as frequently.
                          Step 2: People stop checking in as frequently, so fewer games crop up.
                          Step 3: Return to Step 1 until eventually you get threads like this one.
                          Last edited by Faeryl; 01-16-2025, 01:28 AM.
                          Active Character(s):
                          Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


                            Found the Recruiting forum. Think Faeryl has summed up the issue quite nicely though in their 3 steps.


                              I concur with Faeryl's observations too.

