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Is this site dead?

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    Originally posted by Luopo View Post
    Maybe a forum section where a DM can post for games like the old way? Seemed easier.
    Originally posted by Faeryl View Post
    I would second a subforum specifically meant for game ads.
    Understood. A forum called The Spinner's Call can now be found in The Loom. It is just for GMs to post game ads, and it can be Subscribed to.


      Thank you Drew! I hope this works!


        I check in maybe once every two months to see if the site got any more active, but it has been years since I have been able to join a game. Part of that is that I will miss the rare recruiting games that pop up from time to time.

        What could help is if there were moderators or some group dedicated to running one-shots/short games to promote gaming. It could attract a more active userbase and possibly get some users who will then make their own games. Maybe if anyone has access to easy to run games that could allow for those with less time or skill to try and run them.

        I could DM something like that but I don't have time to write my own games or run something overly complex.
        Liam J Black - Whitecliff Watch
        Yi Hou - Claiming of Fort Gale


          Originally posted by southeast View Post
          What could help is if there were moderators or some group dedicated to running one-shots/short games to promote gaming. It could attract a more active userbase and possibly get some users who will then make their own games.
          That is a really good idea, and I will start working on something immediately. Maybe I'll inspire my fellow Staff Members to join in.


            Throwing out ideas - many years ago there was a DM academy where experienced DMs would train/mentor players to become DMs. Is it worth resurrecting something like that?


              I don't recall that DM Academy actually getting much traffic. Of course, I didn't pay close attention to it so I could be wrong, but even so.
              Active Character(s):
              Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


                It didn't get much traffic. Most people who found us already knew how to play.


                  Yeah, mods running one-shots has been tried. It didn't get much more interest than the DM Academy. I had one group of 4 that made it through my short adventure, then never got another group interested.
                  "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
                  Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
                  Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


                    just writing to not get my account deleted

