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Best Moments

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    Have two moments.. One was when playing d&d and my cleric toghter with his companions were fighting a giant.. Like crusting a fly he killed my cleric.. But with all the Good deeds and servitude for his god it was a 4% chanse for him to be saved.. He was saved by his god.. Then smashed.. Saved.. Smashed.. Saved (the dm did not hide the dice..) then one of the companions got a critical with a vorpal sword and killed the giant... Imagen the confused giant face when he couldn't crush the little cleric.

    Second would be my fabulous rogue.. Crazy like no other.. They were down in a mountain where a evil dragon lived.. They found a pool with magical powers and with 1% chance to turn the person into a living God.. Or be cursed with some kind of effect.. Crazy as he were.. He touched the pool and started to smell like a rotten corpse.. Touched again and his skin would start to desolve if fresh water would touch it.. Again he put his hand into the pool.. He could now talk with dragons telepathic with his mind.. He touched again and he died and became a ghost.. He could no longer touch the pool... But he will forever plauge the dragon with his smell and from distance with his madness

