I've been using the Profiler on Tangled Web for well over 4 years now. I used it to hold the character sheets for all of the NPCs and my players used it to hold their character sheets for our campaign which has been going on for the entirety of that 4 years. Well, the site has basically done a full reboot and now the profiler from the previous site is gone and as far as I knew there was no warning that this was all going to happen. Is there any way I can get my info from the profiler back or am I just kinda out of luck?
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How do I recover character sheets from the old Profiler?
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Originally posted by ZweiKnight View PostI've been using the Profiler on Tangled Web for well over 4 years now. I used it to hold the character sheets for all of the NPCs and my players used it to hold their character sheets for our campaign which has been going on for the entirety of that 4 years. Well, the site has basically done a full reboot and now the profiler from the previous site is gone and as far as I knew there was no warning that this was all going to happen. Is there any way I can get my info from the profiler back or am I just kinda out of luck?
There have been multiple announcements, notices, and posts pasted across the top of the site for several months now, foretelling of the change over and that the Profiler would cease to exist in that form when the site changed, and that all current sheets would be lost - And to backup anything that you could not afford to lose.
I apologize if none of those messages managed to be in an area of the site that you use - However I'm not sure how we could have made it any more clear.
That being said, thankfully it seems that the Team saved the backups and files of the old Database and should be able to recover the information on the sheets, if not the sheets themselves - which is more than I was originally going to be able to say, so thank you Maudlin!."Ho there wanderer... Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man." ~Elminster, BG1, just outside Candlekeep
For Evil to triumph, all good men must do is nothing. The corollary to that proverb is that sometimes evil must be done by honorable men for the greater good to triumph. ~Twilight Warriors
To reinforce Fox's message, I think I got a notice like at least 6 months ago, if not 9 months ago regarding the update that just occurred and about the sheets? I had tons of ancient sheets that I was notified I had to backup prior to end of year with at least 6 months notice. I didn't care about losing them, but *plenty* of notice was given sitewide regarding this.Designing systems on no sleep. Classed games are boring af.
Originally posted by Maudlin View PostThe old profiler itself is gone, but we did keep backups of all the files and database. If you like, I can send you a csv file of your characters. It won't look pretty, but at least you'll have the info.
Also to Blackfox42 and Magrus (Can't quote your messages for some reason). I understand. And apologies if I seemed ignorant or difficult. Was kinda losing my mind trying to figure out what to do for my game. Where I frequented I did not see notifications on the site being reworked. I never really frequented the forum portion, moreso I used the profiler almost exclusively because it was convenient. So if there were warnings about this I apologize for not seeing it. I'm sure everyone working on the site did what they could and I just never caught on to it. So, for that I'm sorry.
If anyone else has need of old sheets let us know. Sooner is better than later for getting your data recovered."Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by meDisclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”
I also missed all the announcements, having mostly shifted to in-person 5e play. My 1 currently active character sheet is for a 5 year old 3.5 game on another forum.
If it's simpler to pull just 1 character sheet, the only one I really need is Kilus, the Spirit Shaman. He's level 6.
Maudlin Would you be able to pull this? Also, I'm happy to handle these in the future if its time consuming for you, if I'm provided the backups and explained how to comb through them."Ho there wanderer... Stay thy course a moment to indulge an old man." ~Elminster, BG1, just outside Candlekeep
For Evil to triumph, all good men must do is nothing. The corollary to that proverb is that sometimes evil must be done by honorable men for the greater good to triumph. ~Twilight Warriors
Hi all. I, too, missed the change. If someone can send me the csv files, I would greatly appreciate it.
Though I'm genuinely sorry some of you missed the notices, I do hope you enjoy things here at the new and improved TTW going forward. Thanks for coming back and I hope you'll keep on sticking around with us, because there are more good things to come!
Cheers and happy gaming, all!
Pollie, lvl 1 gnome monk - Supers
Vothe, level 3 human druid - Whitecliff Watch
Unt'chuck, level 3 half-orc bloodrager - CotCR
Kyle, level 3 human barbarian - TotYP
Yuenni, level 6 human cleric - Lore and Lies
Symund, level 6 human ranger - CoS
Illimistra, level 7 drow monk - ToD
Gnool Ur'dool, level 5/2 half-hobgoblin bowman - Arcanis
Joyya, level 9 dwarf warpriest - RotR
Brüna, level 10 dwarven fighter - Moonsea Legends
I, too, must deeply apoligise for having to ask: Would it be possible to recover the data of character ID 87360 named Xa'Naar?
I realise that I have failed to visit the forum or even the front page for well over 6 months, judging by Magrus' comment. I used to access my character sheet through a direct bookmark so this is purely my fault.
At the same time this is a giant compliment to the Profiler. It simply worked without intervention. Thank you very much.
I'm already happily trying out the new character sheets, they look amazing!
Would it be possible to recover the data for the account of Naar Haran as well. It would be greatly appreciated.
I also did not know this was happening/managed to miss all the notices about it. I set up my account just for the use of the sheets... I'm not sure, at least 9 or 10 years ago.
I only ever went to a bookmarked page for the individual sheets, or the profiler page for my account, which is probably how I missed all the notices. It sounds like I'm in a similar position to ZweiKnight and schop.
I'm extremely relieved that the data was backed up and still is recoverable though, even if the formatting is strange in a .csv or something. I have a lot of extremely extensive sheets that it would be completely impossible to recreate without the data.
I would very much like to have all my sheets' back ups sent to me, if that is possible, please!
Thank you, and sorry for the trouble.
Hi, I think I'm in the same boat as others above, only using the site for the sheets.
Sorry to ask, but could I get my backups sent to me as well? I have a lot of old sheets and NPCs that I couldn't ever remake the same without the data.