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Ban scare?

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    Ban scare?

    So approximately 10 minutes prior to this post, I refreshed the main page of the forums to see if I had new notifications (I don't check my email often enough to deal with those). To my shock, there was a message on the top of the screen that said "You have been permanently banned by the administrator." and my profile pic was greyed out and replaced by a generic gray portrait. It didn't say why I was supposedly banned, there were no emails to address it, and when I logged out and back in, the message was gone.

    I even re-read the site rules to see if I had somehow inadvertently done something wrong. So far as I can tell, I did not, especially as evidenced by the fact that everything seems to have returned to normal after a re-log. If everything is indeed fine, then all I would like to know is "what the heck happened?".
    Active Character(s):
    Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros

    I'm sorry, Faeryl. It was probably me.

    We had two different usergroups that were both tied to having a free TTW account, with extremely minor differences between them. It was a necessary requirement on the old site but is no longer needed here on the new site. The Staff convened and it was decided that these two usergroups would be merged into a single usergroup to make things simpler.

    lol, I went as fast as I possibly could so that, in the minutes during which the usergroups were being combined, hopefully no one would notice any disruptions, but it looks like you refreshed your page right within that window. The system appears as though it treats users who are "between" usergroups as if they were actually in the Banned usergroup, something I did not know it was going to do during that time.

    My apologies. You were not banned. You have done nothing wrong. You are a wonderful and always-welcomed member of the site. And if anyone else encountered that brief scare, my apologies go out to you as well. All is good now so it shouldn't happen again.


      Goodness. My poor luck extends beyond dice rolls now! Thank you, Drew, for that terrifyingly brief ordeal. XD
      Active Character(s):
      Aleisandra - level 6 Dark Elan Soulknife - The Altar of the Sleepless - GM - Zeros


        What can I say? I'm a natural when it comes to panicking our userbase.

