So approximately 10 minutes prior to this post, I refreshed the main page of the forums to see if I had new notifications (I don't check my email often enough to deal with those). To my shock, there was a message on the top of the screen that said "You have been permanently banned by the administrator." and my profile pic was greyed out and replaced by a generic gray portrait. It didn't say why I was supposedly banned, there were no emails to address it, and when I logged out and back in, the message was gone.
I even re-read the site rules to see if I had somehow inadvertently done something wrong. So far as I can tell, I did not, especially as evidenced by the fact that everything seems to have returned to normal after a re-log. If everything is indeed fine, then all I would like to know is "what the heck happened?".
I even re-read the site rules to see if I had somehow inadvertently done something wrong. So far as I can tell, I did not, especially as evidenced by the fact that everything seems to have returned to normal after a re-log. If everything is indeed fine, then all I would like to know is "what the heck happened?".