I'm curious. When I registered, it said that choosing one of the options was required information. Now I see a bunch of people who have nothing in that section. Is there a way to change it? I'd much prefer to have nothing marked in that section. Thanks.
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Profile Pronouns?
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That's a new profile field that was most recently added. Users with blank spaces there were grandfathered in as users who had profiles already before that profile field existed yet. Eventually everyone will hit a point where they need to pick something from the list of options. Since you'd prefer to have no answer there, I have just changed your selection to 'Private'.
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I feel like I should point out that it is not unusual for females to pretend to be guys in public gaming communities, TTRPGs are nowhere near close to any exception, to avoid harassment. Many just go with 'anonymous' for the same or other reasons. With that in mind, is there a "prefer not to say" option for those who do not feel safe or comfortable sharing that information, but are fine with other, less personal things being displayed on a profile?
Edit: Poked around my settings and found the new profile features, and yes, anyone can set it to private, but it looks like doing so still shows it up on a person's posts. That makes a red flag on their profile that is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable and stop interacting with the site. I would personally recommend that having set it to private makes it not appear on people's posts, at least, so that those who have had their privacy assaulted in the past (it has happened even here, I was stalked by a TTW member back in 2011 and left the site for years when that person's misbehavior toward so many people was ignored by the people who ran the site at the time) can have a chance to do something fun without feeling like they are being called out in front of everyone for not trusting total strangers on the internet.
I know most of the current owners well enough to not believe any of them want to harm or alienate the users of this site, and I can see why such a feature would be of interest to some people to have available, but it is not a feature that would be universally appreciated for a variety of reasons that may not be thought of if a person has never dealt with them personally.Last edited by Tsatsayka; 10-16-2021, 01:20 AM.Every sweet has it's sour: Every evil it's good ~Emerson
Honor the TRICKSTER For you would make a good squeaky toy
I create worlds as a hobby. Does that make me a goddess?
Let's just keep the field available on profile pages (with 'Private' as an option for users to choose for their answer to that field) and remove the field from posts, then, and if that upsets anyone they are free to let any Staff Member know and we'll continue to figure things out from there. We are definitely just trying to find the right middle ground to take a progressive stance but also to make sure that everyone feels catered to and respected. We don't want anyone to feel harmed or alienated, that's correct.
Well said, Drew; I agree entirely. And thank you, Tsatsayka, for pointing out this other perspective on this issue for us. Your feedback - and you yourself at TTW, of course - is very appreciated!
Pollie, lvl 1 gnome monk - Supers
Vothe, level 3 human druid - Whitecliff Watch
Unt'chuck, level 3 half-orc bloodrager - CotCR
Kyle, level 3 human barbarian - TotYP
Yuenni, level 6 human cleric - Lore and Lies
Symund, level 6 human ranger - CoS
Illimistra, level 7 drow monk - ToD
Gnool Ur'dool, level 5/2 half-hobgoblin bowman - Arcanis
Joyya, level 9 dwarf warpriest - RotR
BrĂ¼na, level 10 dwarven fighter - Moonsea Legends