Hello everyone, and welcome to today's eddition of Neonivek's bazaar. For those who don't know how I do this, I list atleast three items every week and then you may comment on them.
This week however is special and in light of the New Tangled Bazaar I shall repost all my old items for those who have never gazed upon them. Sorry if some of these items do not have prices, my goal is to have a price.
Lastly, You are allowed to refute item prices, as long as it is done in a polite way. (and reasons as well as a correction is GREATLY appreciated)
Goblet of slime: Magic item (trap): The goal of the would be dungeon crafter is thinking of newer more ingenious ways in order to trap and ensnare enemies. This is a cruel invention unremarkably created by a great gnome sorcerer but has been in circulation ever since.
When activated the liquid in this goblet becomes a grew slime (However note that the grey slime does not actually have to be grey). The danger comes from the actual activation of the goblet itself, unless a arcane or magic eye is attached to it a somatic component is required which is to put ones lips to the cup in a drinking motion. To do this without searing to be instantly being attacked requires a reflex save (20) or a slight of hand (15) and allows you to cause the slime to appear up to 30 feet away assuming no cover. If one does not know the cup has this ability it requires the same saves except 5 points higher. The slime will attack the closest target. This object usually appears as a golden goblet encrusted with jewels with a liquid, usually wine, appearing inside.
Price: Pending
Magic Boulder: Magic item: Current Anthropologists do not believe a actual ogre created this object due to its fancy and quite smooth design as well as the complex energies used to create this. No they believe a humanoid mage sought out the rock ogre tribe and infused them with great magical object. However much later when the tribe fell and the mage was nowhere to be found, assumed to be eaten by the ogres he aided, these items been introduced to the mainstream.
This object counts as a simple throw able object. When thrown this normal rock sized object becomes a large boulder and smashed upon enemies and then reforms back into a small rock in your hand. It deals 2d6 smashing damage and has a +2 to hit due to its large size and is too large to be caught by a medium or smaller creature with arrow deflection feat. This object appears to be a small stone with a spherical orb with arcane draconic symbols planted upon it.
Price: Pending
Horn of empty: Cursed item: Such vial creatures always seeking to harm poor adventurers. This item has fallen even the most well equipped parties and have defeated even the most powerful wizards by attacking the one thing they never bother to protect.
Upon touching the horn it will destroy all food owned by him and his party within 30 feet and do it again every hour or delayed if there is no food to destroy. Just by carrying it even within a portable hold or bag of holding the carrier will require twice the amount of food as usual. This object appears as a horn of plenty and due to the way the magic functions upon it, it requires a knowledge: Arcana of (15) just to know it is cursed after a detect curse spell. (Without the skill it is impossible)
Price: Pending
Vial Horn of Empty: Cursed item: Those fiends have improved upon the old design and created something that even speaking the name puts fear into all desperate adventurers. Most of those who use this die of starvation or scurvy.
This horn creates food however the food creates no sustenance and it fills the bellies of those who eat the food tricking them into believing that they have actually quenched their hunger and thirst. The bright side is that unlike its ancestor it can be detected like most cursed objects. This item appears exactly like a horn of plenty.
Price: Pending
Trial of Justice: Minor Artifact: We find the man guilty your honor… A pure incarnation of the justice system in certain lawful cities this hammer cuts down foes only if proof of guilt can be found.
This hammer if active grants a +5 war hammer with a extra +2d6 of blunt damage. However you must find absolute proof of a crime. Crimes do include attacking. This object unfortunately includes mental ability to commit the crime thus only sane creatures with a intelligent score of at least 3 can be effected. This appears as a oversized wooden judge gavel.
Magic Roses: Magic item: Grown from nature soaking up rivers of magic they eventually start to take on magic of their own. In eternal beauty unhinged by the forces of time many have sought out these for this very reason. Legends of whole bouquets of them or druidic gardens brimmed with these magical roses bless the world.
Each kind of rose has a different effect, they can take any item slot in the core rule book except for armor and weapon though only one may be equipped at a time. When equipped the rose will implant itself in the wearer’s flesh and serve a symbiotic relationship. Elementals, undead, constructs, oozes, creatures without a physical body, and creatures with a active passive ability that harms the living (such as a flaming body) cannot equip it for it will kill the rose. The actual implanting and removal process fells even slightly comfortable if not eerie. Note however that these roses are living and cannot survive outside of soul or flesh for more then 24 hours though water can lengthen this time to a week.
White: Protection from cold, +5 to survival
Black: Darkvision 60 feet, glows if user is under a negative effect.
Red: +2 strength, protection from heat.
Green: +2 constitution, Regeneration (1)
Blue: +2 intelligence, +5 knowledge: Royalty
Violet: +2 dexterity, +2 deflection AC
Yellow: Can use sunlight as foods. +5 to Climb checks
Silver: +2 charisma, +5 diplomacy
Gold: +2 wisdom, Three extra turning
Red with Gold spots: Cursed… will deal 1d6 constitution damage and a additional 1d6 con every minute until pulled off. It can survive on undead bodies.
Price: Pending
Crown of roses: Woven from groups of magically infused flowers, these have been a status symbol as much as it is magical. Fae and druids keep these close to them and only bestow these upon the most worthy of adventurers. However it isn’t that uncommon to see these stolen for the allure of such a priceless object tempts even the most humble of adversaries.
Unlike the magic roses these do, infact, take the helmet slot and can last up to a year without soil or flesh befor dying. They cannot be equipped with the magic rose as well.
White: Pass without a trace, Protection from cold, +5 Animal training
Black: Dark vision (120), immunity to curse effects
Red: +5 Strength, Protection from heat, Great cleave feat.
Green: +5 constitution, Regeneration (1), immunity to poisons and disease
Blue: +5 intelligence, +10 to knowledge: Royalty, +10 Spell craft.
Violet: +5 Dexterity, +4 deflection AC
Yellow: Sustenance, No need to sleep, +10 to climb
Silver: +5 charisma, charm 3 times per day, +10 diplomacy, +10 Bluff
Gold: +5 wisdom, 6 extra turning, +1 turning
Red with gold spots: Cursed… 1d6+1 constitution damage per round and requires strength check of (23) to pull off. Can survive on dead bodies.
Price: Pending
This week however is special and in light of the New Tangled Bazaar I shall repost all my old items for those who have never gazed upon them. Sorry if some of these items do not have prices, my goal is to have a price.
Lastly, You are allowed to refute item prices, as long as it is done in a polite way. (and reasons as well as a correction is GREATLY appreciated)
Goblet of slime: Magic item (trap): The goal of the would be dungeon crafter is thinking of newer more ingenious ways in order to trap and ensnare enemies. This is a cruel invention unremarkably created by a great gnome sorcerer but has been in circulation ever since.
When activated the liquid in this goblet becomes a grew slime (However note that the grey slime does not actually have to be grey). The danger comes from the actual activation of the goblet itself, unless a arcane or magic eye is attached to it a somatic component is required which is to put ones lips to the cup in a drinking motion. To do this without searing to be instantly being attacked requires a reflex save (20) or a slight of hand (15) and allows you to cause the slime to appear up to 30 feet away assuming no cover. If one does not know the cup has this ability it requires the same saves except 5 points higher. The slime will attack the closest target. This object usually appears as a golden goblet encrusted with jewels with a liquid, usually wine, appearing inside.
Price: Pending
Magic Boulder: Magic item: Current Anthropologists do not believe a actual ogre created this object due to its fancy and quite smooth design as well as the complex energies used to create this. No they believe a humanoid mage sought out the rock ogre tribe and infused them with great magical object. However much later when the tribe fell and the mage was nowhere to be found, assumed to be eaten by the ogres he aided, these items been introduced to the mainstream.
This object counts as a simple throw able object. When thrown this normal rock sized object becomes a large boulder and smashed upon enemies and then reforms back into a small rock in your hand. It deals 2d6 smashing damage and has a +2 to hit due to its large size and is too large to be caught by a medium or smaller creature with arrow deflection feat. This object appears to be a small stone with a spherical orb with arcane draconic symbols planted upon it.
Price: Pending
Horn of empty: Cursed item: Such vial creatures always seeking to harm poor adventurers. This item has fallen even the most well equipped parties and have defeated even the most powerful wizards by attacking the one thing they never bother to protect.
Upon touching the horn it will destroy all food owned by him and his party within 30 feet and do it again every hour or delayed if there is no food to destroy. Just by carrying it even within a portable hold or bag of holding the carrier will require twice the amount of food as usual. This object appears as a horn of plenty and due to the way the magic functions upon it, it requires a knowledge: Arcana of (15) just to know it is cursed after a detect curse spell. (Without the skill it is impossible)
Price: Pending
Vial Horn of Empty: Cursed item: Those fiends have improved upon the old design and created something that even speaking the name puts fear into all desperate adventurers. Most of those who use this die of starvation or scurvy.
This horn creates food however the food creates no sustenance and it fills the bellies of those who eat the food tricking them into believing that they have actually quenched their hunger and thirst. The bright side is that unlike its ancestor it can be detected like most cursed objects. This item appears exactly like a horn of plenty.
Price: Pending
Trial of Justice: Minor Artifact: We find the man guilty your honor… A pure incarnation of the justice system in certain lawful cities this hammer cuts down foes only if proof of guilt can be found.
This hammer if active grants a +5 war hammer with a extra +2d6 of blunt damage. However you must find absolute proof of a crime. Crimes do include attacking. This object unfortunately includes mental ability to commit the crime thus only sane creatures with a intelligent score of at least 3 can be effected. This appears as a oversized wooden judge gavel.
Magic Roses: Magic item: Grown from nature soaking up rivers of magic they eventually start to take on magic of their own. In eternal beauty unhinged by the forces of time many have sought out these for this very reason. Legends of whole bouquets of them or druidic gardens brimmed with these magical roses bless the world.
Each kind of rose has a different effect, they can take any item slot in the core rule book except for armor and weapon though only one may be equipped at a time. When equipped the rose will implant itself in the wearer’s flesh and serve a symbiotic relationship. Elementals, undead, constructs, oozes, creatures without a physical body, and creatures with a active passive ability that harms the living (such as a flaming body) cannot equip it for it will kill the rose. The actual implanting and removal process fells even slightly comfortable if not eerie. Note however that these roses are living and cannot survive outside of soul or flesh for more then 24 hours though water can lengthen this time to a week.
White: Protection from cold, +5 to survival
Black: Darkvision 60 feet, glows if user is under a negative effect.
Red: +2 strength, protection from heat.
Green: +2 constitution, Regeneration (1)
Blue: +2 intelligence, +5 knowledge: Royalty
Violet: +2 dexterity, +2 deflection AC
Yellow: Can use sunlight as foods. +5 to Climb checks
Silver: +2 charisma, +5 diplomacy
Gold: +2 wisdom, Three extra turning
Red with Gold spots: Cursed… will deal 1d6 constitution damage and a additional 1d6 con every minute until pulled off. It can survive on undead bodies.
Price: Pending
Crown of roses: Woven from groups of magically infused flowers, these have been a status symbol as much as it is magical. Fae and druids keep these close to them and only bestow these upon the most worthy of adventurers. However it isn’t that uncommon to see these stolen for the allure of such a priceless object tempts even the most humble of adversaries.
Unlike the magic roses these do, infact, take the helmet slot and can last up to a year without soil or flesh befor dying. They cannot be equipped with the magic rose as well.
White: Pass without a trace, Protection from cold, +5 Animal training
Black: Dark vision (120), immunity to curse effects
Red: +5 Strength, Protection from heat, Great cleave feat.
Green: +5 constitution, Regeneration (1), immunity to poisons and disease
Blue: +5 intelligence, +10 to knowledge: Royalty, +10 Spell craft.
Violet: +5 Dexterity, +4 deflection AC
Yellow: Sustenance, No need to sleep, +10 to climb
Silver: +5 charisma, charm 3 times per day, +10 diplomacy, +10 Bluff
Gold: +5 wisdom, 6 extra turning, +1 turning
Red with gold spots: Cursed… 1d6+1 constitution damage per round and requires strength check of (23) to pull off. Can survive on dead bodies.
Price: Pending