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New Weapons and Armor

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    New Weapons and Armor

    You folk should know how this is done.... make'em somewhat real, make'em somewhat usable... if a DM wants a special item, he can create it here... this is basically the revival of contest threwad from the old forum, but this isnt a contest.... ill make the first i suppose

    this is of course an extremely powerful weapon and would only be used in Epic level campaigns

    Soul Severing Sword of The Abyss

    Base Item: Masterwork Bastard Sword

    This vile and evil sword was created by the most fierce of smiths from the abyss for the most powerful of Abyssal warriors... the souls this sword has taken become trapped with in cause the Aura of Dead.


    +4 to Base Attack
    +2d8 damage to any good aligned creature
    +2d8 HP to any evilly aligned creature attacked
    +1d6 magic damage
    +2 enchantment bonus for attack against Celestial creatures
    +2d6 extra damage to Celestial creatures
    +3d6 additional AC
    Aura of Evil
    Aura of the Dead
    Aura of Despair
    Any creature of good alignment to attempt wielding this blade is Paralyzed, even if they have immunity to Paralysis. The paralysis can be reversed by any caster of the 9th level or higher.
    Any good aligned creature within 1/2 a mile becomes sickened recieving the appropriate -2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Any Paladin of Good alignment with 60ft becomes nauseated and recieves the appropriate inability to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn. Any creature with the Detect Evil Ability can easily sense this weapon for within 2 miles.
    The wielder of this blade may also gain the Smite Good Ability 3 times perday, if the weilder already has this ability the effects do stack.
    The weilder of this sword also recieves the ability so summon Two Fiendish creatures (as the Summon Creature 9 spell) whether or not the weilder has any casting abilities.

    this item cannot be created using the craft wonderous item of craft arms and armour feats.
    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

    The Warden of The North
    The Royal Executioner
    The RiDDLe BoxXx

    Well i said Weapons and armour, so i guess i gotta post y'all a set of Armour as well, Armour can be pieces ( Helms, Bracers, Boots, Shield ) or you can use the PHB base armours and just supify them i will do a helmet for all you folks

    Vile Helm of Destruction

    This helm was crafted in the most vile pits of the Nine Hells, it was crafted for evil War Priests.


    +4d6 poison damage
    Smite Good 3/day, stacks with wearers Smite Good ability if wearer has it
    Sickens Good aligned creatures within 100ft
    Aura of Evil
    Allows the wearer to cast contagion as a free action 4d8 times per day. even if the wearer is not a spellcaster, or is a spell caster but not of appropriate level to cast contagion
    Immunity to Poison
    Immunity to Fire
    Immunity to Acid
    Vulnerability to Cold
    Can be worn with any other armour that does not already have a helm.
    Can be worn with armour scuh as full plate that does have a helm with a 25% arcane spell failure rate, and a -8 check penalty.

    This helm cannot be reproduced and is pure black.

    Ancient Artifact.
    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

    The Warden of The North
    The Royal Executioner
    The RiDDLe BoxXx


      Something for the slightly middle levels is needed, I feel. This one is a template to apply to any mundane weapon.


      +1 Enhancement bonus.
      +3 effective enhancement bonus against the wielder's own race.
      +2d6 additional damage against the wielder's own race.
      Very feint evil aura.

      Creation: CL 8, Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Summon Monster I.
      Value: As per the base weapon plus 8,300gp.
      Effective enhancement is equivalent to a +2 weapon for the purposes of treasure.

      Note: Treat "own race" to mean the broad catagories a ranger would use for his racial enemy - elves are all grouped together, goblinoids are all grouped together etc.[/u][/i][/b]


        i feel creative. i suppose its a mid level weapon, but is really a dragon slayer class specialization weapon. i have no idea what inspired this thing guys.

        Dragonshard Soulblade

        +2d6 extra damage ( fire-ruby, acid-emerald, cold-crystal, all three- dragonstone)
        +2d8 Soul damage to dragon kind
        +4 enchantment agaisnt dragonkind
        +5 Fortitude Saves made to resist acid fire or cold, when installed with the correct gem.
        +2 survival checks made to track dragons ( any size)
        +2 spot checks made to see a dragon
        +2 search checks to attempt detecting a dragons presence
        Dragon Sense: senses the presense of a dragon within 200ft, in any direction.

        this blade was created by the Dragonshard Guild of Dragon Hunters. there are only 20 such swords in existance, the blade connects to the weilders soul, possibly through the gem, possibly through an accident in creation, no one knows. but it is known that the weilder of any such sword, can use power from their soul, fear, rage, anger, despair, and emotion to cause excruciating damage to dragon kind. the wielder is more capable to track a dragon, and can sense when a dragon is near. the art to create such weapons was lost, long ago when the Dragonshard Guild was abolished and the members sent on their different ways. it is rumoured that anyman who tgrips the handle of such a blade is locked to it with his soul. the soul of every man that has died with one of these blades in his hand has been trapped within the jewel set into the hilt.
        I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

        /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

        The Warden of The North
        The Royal Executioner
        The RiDDLe BoxXx


          I guess Ill try my hand...

          Slaadic Ring of Prismatic Powers

          The Slaad is a race of chaotic beasts each one unique and almost a species in it of themselves, spreading chaos to all they tred. This does not however say that they do not have the capabilities to bring their abilities to the forge and their equipment has proven to be exactly like they are, chaotic. This ring has been tainted by order but still retain a grain of chaos inside it... Who knows the horrors of the truely chaos taint ring could bestoy and curse upon the wearer.

          Upon donning the Ring the wearer must roll a 1d6 each day where each number represents a different attributes. (1=str, 2=dex, 3=con, 5=int, 5=wis, 6=cha) and then a 1d6 to descide the ammount.


            Hammer of Moradin

            +3d6 extra physical damage when wielded by a dwarf ( of any subrace)
            +30ft Darkvision
            +2 Appraise skill
            +2 craft skill
            +6 to attack bonus
            +12 to attack bonus ( when wielded by dwarves, negate the previous +6)
            Power of Stone Bashing ( smashes through any stone object with easy )
            Tremor Sense

            some say this weapon is Truly the hammer Moradin used as he walked the Material Plane, others indicate that his hammer was shattered and its shards were used to give the dwarven races strength and encouragement; and many years after this hamppened the Dwarves trained "The Hammers of Moradin" their elite soldiers and equiped these mighty warriors with hammers with samll shards of the true hammer inside them. the decision is up to you.
            I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

            /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

            The Warden of The North
            The Royal Executioner
            The RiDDLe BoxXx


              Ok - first shot at a sword that I think would be neat, although not too powerful - should (amazingly enough) be about the same as a +4 weapon... Let me know if you agree with the 'numerical' assessment.

              Rapier of Shadows
              Enhancement bonus of +2
              Hide skill +10
              Wielder can cast Shadow Walk (6) once/day [cast, as if a 6th level wizard]
              Usable only by a Shadowdancer [this restrictions does the overall cost...]

              The blade of this rapier is jet black, and the hilt seems to be made normal - as the etchings along it seem to be little more than waving lines. When anyone that is not a shadowdancer (UMD check of 30, due to the nature of the blade) attempts to use it, the rapier feels and acts just like a steel rapier painted black would. When a shadowdancer wields it, the darkness of the blade's surface seems to swirl along the length of the blade, darkening that area around the wielder slightly and the etchings of the hilt feel like they slither slightly.

              This blade was crafted by one that lives in the Shadow Plane, as payment to a long forgotten shadowdancer that had done a favor (a big one, obviously) for him. Since that time, the blade seems to have largely disappeared from history, with only occasional reappearances - which of course makes many to believe it is simply legend. Currently, it resides with a black dragon - who simply liked the look of the dark blade - awaiting able hands to wield it once more.


                Dwarf Slayer
                +2 Dwarf Bane Warhammer, Minor Artifact
                Strong Necromancy; CL 17; Craft Arms and Armor; Cause Fear, Fear, Summon Monster I; Must have access to a dying god's soul or a Wish spell; 342000gp; 5lbs

                In eons past, the dwarves of the great nation of Deima waged war against the Elves of the Askat. A cruel sorcerer found a way to use the essence of a dying god, as well as the sorrow of dwarven slaves to forge a most destructive set of weapons. These were Dwarf Slayers.

                Indestructible: Due to the framents of a dying god's soul, the entire set of Dwarf Slayers is indestructible.

                Elf Powered: In the hands of any race other than elf, the Dwarf Slayer is a simple +2 Dwarf Bane Warhammer. In the hands of an elf, the fell nature of the hammer awakens, enhancing the warhammer to +4 when used against dwarves. It also grants the following Spell-like Abilities:
                3/day - Cause Fear (DC 15)
                1/day - Fear (DC 16)
                Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                GM'ing: Praetor


                  Acid Coated Blade of Darkness

                  This blade was coated carefully by a master of Science, the blade is made of pure black stone, mined from the Infernal Plain. The Acid does no damage to the wielder.

                  Base Item: Bastard Sword
                  +2 Enchantment Bonus
                  +1d6 Acid Damage/wielder level, reflex negates half.
                  +2d6 extra damage to 'Good' aligned creatures, due to the pure vileness of the blade.
                  Acid Immunity
                  Corruption. moves any good creatures alignment towards evil by 5 point ever 24 hours.
                  Faint Aura of Evil

                  this blade was created as a weapon against good creatures, by an evil dwarven sage and blacksmith, who personally removed the ingredients for the viciously curved and spined blade. there is only one.
                  I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                  /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                  The Warden of The North
                  The Royal Executioner
                  The RiDDLe BoxXx


                    i have returned, with a bunch of fun things in mind, and well, i made these next items for my story, so i may as well throw them out to use.

                    Gloves of Blades

                    originally created to assist soldiers in the battle against the darkness these gloves have become extremely popular amongst adventurers, they have magical properties which enhance one use of a bladed weapon ( sword, axe, dagger, etc. ) [EDIT]::: the black set also grants its benefit to (composite included)longbows and shortbows but not crossbows of anykind :::[EDIT]These gloves come in a variety of colour, which indicates their powers, they are arranged by colour set and strength here:

                    Black and Red +8 on attack rolls, +8 extra damage $8800gp$
                    Black and Blue +8 on attack rolls, +6 extra damage $8600gp$
                    Black and Purple +8 on attack rolls, +4 extra damage $8400gp$
                    Black and White +8 on attack rolls, +2 extra damage $8200gp$

                    Grey and Red +6 on attack rolls, +8 extra damage $6800gp$
                    Grey and Blue +6 on attack Rolls, +6 extra damage $6600gp$
                    Grey and Purple +6 on attack rolls, +4 extra damage $6400gp$
                    Grey and White +6 on attack rolls, +2 extra damage $6200gp$

                    Green and Red +4 on attack rolls, +8 extra damage $4800gp$
                    Green and Blue + 4 on attack rolls, +6 extra damage $4600gp$
                    Green and Purple +4 on attack rolls, +4 extra damage $4400gp$
                    Green and White +4 on attack rolls, +2 extra damage $4200gp$

                    Yellow and Red +2 on attack rolls, +8 extra damage $2800gp$
                    Yellow and Blue +2 on attack rolls, +6 extra damage $2600gp$
                    Yellow and Purple +2 on attack rolls, +4 extra damage $2400gp$
                    Yellow and White +2 on attack rolls, +2 extra damage $2200gp$

                    These gloves are not extremely common, but are not extremely rare either, well off adventurers can come across them easily. Many beast that hoard gold or other valuable baubles are most likely to have a pair of these somewhere in their hoard.
                    Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 04-10-2010, 01:12 PM. Reason: add prices and bows to the best set
                    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                    The Warden of The North
                    The Royal Executioner
                    The RiDDLe BoxXx


                      Ring of Power

                      This ring is said to increase the wearers ability to wound an opponent. no one knows who decided to create these rings, but their power has been harnessed and they have been reproduced to equip the militaries of some countries.


                      Reduce Critical Hit roll by 4.
                      Increased Critical Hit Multiplier by 2.

                      Example 19-20/x2 becomes 15-20/x4 with the Ring of Power.

                      reproduction by character is prohibited.[/b]
                      I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                      /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                      The Warden of The North
                      The Royal Executioner
                      The RiDDLe BoxXx


                        Ring of All Languages

                        This ring was created by one who wished to be able to communicate with all the races. To the mans misfortune, his magic was to strong and through the power of the ring, his mind was torn from his body. He was last seen conversing with an odd assortment of creatures.


                        enables the wearer to understand, speak, write and read all dialects of all languages.

                        though this object was originally to powerful to be worn, it is centuries old and the magic lessened considerably when the creator of the ring died ( or was assumed dead ) the ring is now wearable and usable, though there is only one, and there has been no word of it in several centuries.[/b]
                        I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                        /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                        The Warden of The North
                        The Royal Executioner
                        The RiDDLe BoxXx



                          This weapon was forged in the assistance of Paladins across the Planes. it enhances their abilities and helps them in fighting the demons of the darkness.

                          Base Item +2 Greatsword


                          Smite Evil + 4/day
                          Strength + 2
                          Charmisa + 1
                          Constitution+ 3
                          +2d10 damage to evil aligned creatures
                          +10 Hide checks made to avoid evil aligned creatures

                          I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                          /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                          The Warden of The North
                          The Royal Executioner
                          The RiDDLe BoxXx


                            Re: User Created Weapons and Armour Thread

                            Dorje of the ethereal thunder

                            This wand, 1 foot in length, is made from the bone of a deceased human psion, the Anatma Katyakama. it's marrow is replaced with the ashes of his funeral pyre, and it's surface is inlaid with gold and silver tracery, studded with diamonds found within his burnt remains. At it's tip is a ruby, said to have been found in the place of the Anatma's heart. The Dorje it'self was crafted by a deva and naga in unison, who out of respect for the Anatma's work in life, saught to hep his teachings continue on after his death.

                            He who holds the Dorje gains a reservoir of 100 power points to use daily on the following powers of his choosing,
                            at caster level 9th
                            * Adapt body
                            * Body adjustment
                            * Precognition, defensive
                            * Inertial barrier

                            The user also gains spell and power resistance equal to 15+HD, and a +4 luck bonus to both wisdom and intelligence
                            Wielder gets +2 luck bonus on attacks, saves, and checks

                            Alignment: LN
                            Ego: 30
                            int 18
                            wis: 14
                            Purpose: To defend all psions, and seekers of the way.

                            Item has deathwatch continually active
                            Item can activate zone of truth 3/day
                            Item can use detect magic at will
                            Item can bless its allies 3/day

                            Item can use detect thoughts at will
                            Item can use arcane eye 1/day
                            Item has status effect, usable at will

                            The item is telepathic, and may communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 ft with an intellegence above 2, even if such a creature has no language.


                              Re: User Created Weapons and Armour Thread

                              I'm not a big fan of the standard modifications/enchants so I came up with several of my own. It's only really the tip of the iceberg, but I don't have the exact details fleshed out.

                              Flare +2

                              On crit, deal an addition 2d6+2 fire damage to all creatures except the wielder (or in the direction of said person) within 5 feet of the target.
                              Stackable. Each additional application increases damage by 2d6 and range by 5 feet.

                              Flames +2

                              2 times a day, enchanted weapon may be activated to deal an addition 2d6+4 fire damage for 4 rounds. One minute cooldown.
                              If Flare enchant is active while Flames is active, add Flames's fire damage to Flares Aoe and increase the radius of Flare's enchanted by 5 feet. In addition, set target aflame on Reflex.
                              Each additional application of Flames only increases the number of times per day by 3.

                              Greater Flare +4

                              On crit, deal an addition 4d6+6 fire damage to all creatures except the wielder (or in the direction of said person) within 10 feet of the target.
                              Stackable. Each additional application increases damage by 4d6 and range by 10 feet.

                              Greater Flames +4

                              3 times a day, enchanted weapon may be activated to deal an addition 2d6+4 fire damage for 5 rounds. One minute cooldown.
                              If Flare or Greater Flare enchant is active while Greater Flames is active, add Flames's fire damage to Flares Aoe and increase the radius of Flare's enchanted by 10 feet. Set target aflame no Reflex. Set all units hit by fire damage aflame on Reflex.
                              Each additional application of Greater Flames only increases the number of times per day by 4.

                              Minor Sentience +3
                              Treat as a separate character that levels separately and partakes of the experience otherwise assigned to the character. Use the ratio of 1:15 to determine how much of the character experience must be given to enchanted item. So, if the character carries 5 items imbued with minor sentience, then the ratio would be 5:15, and the character would recieve 3/4 of his normal experience, while the remainder is divided equally between the sentience equipment. Cannot disenchant or remove without destruction of the item. Treat as a construct for all other purposes with an intelligence of 1.
                              Max Level: 6
                              Weapons: increase BAB by 1 and damage by one per level.
                              Armor: Increase AC by 1 every 4th level.

                              Lesser Sentience +6
                              Same as minor sentience.
                              Experience ration 1:7
                              Max level: 12
                              Weapon: increase BAB by 2 and damage by 2 every level
                              Armor: Increase AC by 1 every 4th level. Increase Natural AC by 1 and maximum dexterity dexterity by 1 every 5th level.

                              Greater Sentience +9
                              Same as minor sentience.
                              Experience ration 1:3
                              Max level: 18
                              Weapon: increase BAB by 3 and damage by 3 every level
                              Armor: Increase AC by 1 every 3th level. Increase Natural AC by 1 and maximum dexterity dexterity by 1 every 5th level.

                              Legendart Sentience +13
                              Same as minor sentience.
                              Experience ration 1:1
                              Max level: 25
                              Weapon: increase BAB by 4 and damage by 5 every level
                              Armor: Increase AC by 1 every 2th level. Increase Natural AC by 2 and maximum dexterity dexterity by 1 every 4th level.
                              Also has the ability to communicate telepathically. Roll 2d6 to determine it's int and wisdom scores. Increase int and wis by 1 every 2 levels.

