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New Weapons and Armor

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    Re: User Created Weapons and Armour Thread

    I'm not quite understanding the purpose of the sentience abilities. How are they any better (or more beneficial) than an intelligent magic item? Also, the XP ratios seem overly complex... instead of putting it as a 1:1 ratio, why not just say the item gets 50% of the owner's experience?


      Re: User Created Weapons and Armour Thread

      Here's a modification of something I and a Storyteller created for an online Exalted game that died a sorrowful death.

      "The Tears of the Five Maidens" (artifact 5, attune 12m)
      Starmetal Long Sword "Tears of Destiny"
      speed:5 accuracy:+5 damage:+8L defense:+3 rate:4 minimums: (str:2,dex:4)

      Starmetal Short Sword "Tears of Fate"
      speed:5 accuracy:+5 damage:+6L defense:+3 rate:4

      Special Powers:
      The Tears of the Five Maidens have several charm-like powers. Each power can be invoked as a miscellaneous action Using these powers are (in Exalted terms) hideously expensive so it's balanced. The ultimate power will drain at least 20% of a characters essence pool and about half his/her willpower pool. Worse, it shuts down charm use and weakens defense, which can be deadly. And that's before the aggravated health level is spent ...

      Note: These don't count as a charm activation.

      Stolen Secrets
      Cost: -- Mins: -- Type: reflexive (step 7) Keywords: automatic Duration: instant
      Upon striking an enemy (just getting past DV, doesn't have to do damage), you learn one glaring/crippling fact about that foe.

      Twisted Destiny
      Cost: 1wp Mins: -- Type: simple (speed 5, DV -1) Keywords: obvious, fate Duration: varies
      An enemy previously struck by The Tears of Jupiter suffers a negative astrological effect of your choice, so long as information obtained from Stolen Secrets is somehow manipulated to achieve it. A bright green disk extends from the wielder for (essence) miles while the astrological effect takes hold. The disk fades after 5 ticks.

      Feared Exposure
      Cost: 2wp Mins: -- Type: simple (speed 5, DV -1) Keywords: obvious, illusion, stackable Duration: varies
      Stolen secrets are channeled into the blades. Upon striking the enemy again, the enemy believes that you and everyone he knows or can currently see knows this horrible secret. Once struck, the opponent suffers a 1-die penalty to all dice pools and DV's for the remainder of the scene. While the secret is being channeled, The Tears of Jupiter are surrounded by a bright green halo, visible for (essence) miles.

      Haunting Distraction
      Cost: 2wp Mins: -- Type: simple (speed 5, DV -1) Keywords: obvious Duration: next (essence) actions
      The essence of a stolen secret is channeled into the blades, blindsiding a foe. For the next (essence) actions, your attacks on that foe are unexpected. While in effect, the secret, written in Old Realm, materializes on a glowing bright green prayer strip that floats around you.

      Tears of Blood
      Cost: (Enemy's Conviction)wp Mins: -- Type: reflexive (any step) Keywords: obvious Duration: instant
      An enemy automatically botches one roll of your choice, related to stolen information, unless they make a current willpower roll at difficulty (your essence). Regardless of whether the target resists, both you and they shed a single tear of blood.

      Knowing and Fearing Prayer
      Cost: 20m+5wp+1ahl Mins: -- Type: simple (speed 5, DV -2) Keywords: obvious, prayer strip Duration: one scene
      The character takes a prayer strip containing the Scripture of Secrets and infuses it with essence while reciting the prayer. If the character does not posess the prayer strip, they may reflexively create one for 5m. For the duration of the prayer, both Tears of Fate and Tears of Destiny hover around the character and parry incoming attacks (ignore onslaught and wound penalties). The character may not dodge or use charms for the duration of the prayer.

      At the conclusion of the prayer, the character dons the prayer strip (like a headband) and designates one target. For the rest of the scene, The Tears of Jupiter no longer inflict physical damage to that target. Instead, their innate abilities are modified to extreme levels.

      - The designated target may not regain willpower through stunts for the scene.
      - Upon successfully striking that opponent, drain 1wp from said target.
      - An opponent reduced to 0wp falls into a coma and can make a reflexive (essence + intelligence) roll every week (every day for Exalts, Demons, &c) to recover. The target needs (your essence * points of willpower stolen) successes to revive themselves.

      During the period in which the target is unconscious, you know everything the target knew, with perfect clarity and recall. Once they regain consciousness, you do not lose the knowledge, but lose perfect recall. You may use one Charm the target possessed while the target is in this state. Only one target may be rendered in this state at a time. You know reflexively when the target breaks free.

      Alternatively, you may use any of the target's Virtue ratings as your own during this period. This causes massive flashbacks.

      If the target is killed (not by you), you know everything the target knew, and everything Fate designated that the target would have known in their lifespan. This can be overwhelming at times. You may use any Charm on a tree the target had purchased Charms for, at a surcharge of 2m (as if you had learned it as an Eclipse). Only (intelligence) Charms acquired this way may be useable at a given time. (You can re-shuffle the Charms after sleeping)

      The target believes they are being mercilessly eviscerated by the blows, as does everyone who witnesses the attacks. Only after the coma has passed does the truth of the situation reveal itself. Thus, it is inadvisable to use this ability to interrogate others.
      Last edited by cdi; 05-28-2008, 08:53 PM.


        ill have a go at this

        well if everyone else is having a go at this magic weapon stuff i think i should too

        Ragan's Gauntlets (pronounces RA-gan not like the ex-president)

        Ragan was an dwarven pit fighter known for his ability to annihilate his foes with his fists.

        +1 to AC
        +2 to base attack bonus (only when using the gauntlets as weapons)
        critical = 19-20/3

        when wielded by a dwarf these gauntlets grant +1 strength


          not to be picky, but what kind of bonuses? Enhancement, competance, luck? Also, +2 Str would probably be more appropriate since it *always* increases your modifier.
          Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

          Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
          Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

          Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

          GM'ing: Praetor


            i made it so that its just something for low level games not an epic character since thats the level that most of my games run at...


              Another Item for my Story

              Dragons Mages Plate of Magic Fit.

              This skin tight armour is donned by placing a dragon skull emblem on your chest, the emblem then presses itself into the wearers scales. the dragon scales can be various colours. Because this plate armour was intended for use by mages and fits ANY dragopn type character from Colossal to Tiny perfectly it has a low check penalty, spell resistance 20, also, the hands are left free for better casting abilities reducing the spell failure, the magical fit also helps there.


              +8 AC
              15/10 Damage Reduction
              +6 Wisdom
              All breath Weapon Dice change to d12

              HOLD BACKS

              -1 Check Penalty
              10% Arcane Spell Failure
              +6 Max Dex

              Strength 30
              Dexterity 20
              Charisma 16
              Intellegence 14
              Must Be Dragon Type creature

              Knowledge Arcana 15 ranks
              Spellcraft 15 ranks
              concentration 20 ranks.

              To be reproduced the crafters must have an example set. two crafters must reproduce this item, an ARCANE caster of 20th level or above and a dwarven blacksmith -Profession blacksmith 20 ranks. this item cannot be reproduced by a single person.

              creation feats required
              Craft Epic Magic Armour
              Craft Epic Magic Item

              Items Required for Creation
              20lbs of dragon scales ( one colour only )
              one set of Full Plate armour
              a Dragon Skull emblem
              4 vials of dragons blood


              17500xp EACH from both crafts
              Cost of required items + 7500gp from each crafter.

              This item would take 4 days, 2 for each crafter to pour their skills into it, to create and another 4 days of arcane work. This item is rare to find thoughout the world due to suspected dragon hording of the items.
              Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 03-08-2010, 02:51 PM.
              I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

              /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

              The Warden of The North
              The Royal Executioner
              The RiDDLe BoxXx


                The Shifters Soul

                Base Item

                +5 short sword

                this short sword appears to be crafted - hilt and all - from the very shadows themselves. the blade jumps and dances as if it were black flame.


                +5 Base attack ( due to base item of +5 short sword)
                wielder can cast Darkness additional 6 times per day
                +2d10 negative energy damage
                double negative energy damage vs good align creature
                +10 hide
                +10 move silently
                double shadow jump distance.

                only Shadow Dancers may wield this weapon and gain benefits
                any to wield this weapon that is NOT a shadow Dancer provokes
                -5 base attack
                Darkness is cast at random 6 times per day, directly on the wielder.
                the wielder will recieve half the damage done to his opponent each hit,
                the wielder will be drained 10 hitpoints per round if not a shadow dancer


                25 Dexterity
                20 Charisma
                20 Wisdom
                25 ranks in Hide
                25 ranks in move silently
                20 ranks in bluff

                AT LEAST 5th LEVEL SHADOW DANCER
                EPIC CHARACTER

                there are less than 100 of these swords, and they may only be accuired in the shadow realm $70,000gp$
                Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 04-10-2010, 09:58 PM. Reason: making it more resonable
                I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                The Warden of The North
                The Royal Executioner
                The RiDDLe BoxXx


                  Casters Cloak of Chaos

                  this cloak flickers in black flame, chilling the air around the wearer yet burning to any else who touch it.


                  diplomacy +10
                  slieght of hand +10
                  concentrate +15
                  Energy Resistance -> 20 Fire -> 20 negative
                  5 bonus spells 8th lvl or lower for sorcerer
                  3 bonus spells from necromancy and illusion schools for cleric
                  presence of evil---> turns any wearer 20 points to chaotic evil every 24 hours( unless creature is already of evil alignment- neglecting nuetral evil

                  Cloak Specialty Spell
                  Thirteen Orbs of Doom
                  Level: Specialty spell only available by wearing the cloak, minimum caster level 15
                  Components: V, S, M
                  Casting Time: 1 full action
                  Range: Long (200 ft. + 40 ft./level)
                  Area: 20-ft.-radius spread
                  Duration: Instantaneous
                  Saving Throw: Reflex half
                  Spell Resistance: Yes

                  As this spell is cast each of the thirteen black fiery orbs appear behind the caster, they scatter to the distance desired by the caster ( this spell can be cast directly on the square the caster is standing on if so desired, the caster recieves 10% of the total damage dealt by the spell if this is done). 6 of the thirteen orbs deal 10d6 fire damage when detonataed( by the distance traveled) in a 20 foot radius, another 6 contain deep negative energy which deals 10d6 damage, drains 1d6 CON and STR to creatures within a 10 foot radius aswell- creatures within range of more than one orb recieve damage from all orbs they are withing range of. the last and largest orb contains 1d8 of the following energies: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Negative, Electricity, Acid, Ice( dealing 2d12 damage per energy) along with dealing 5d6 Fire and 5d6 negative energy anyways.

                  The caster must speak the distance he wishes the orbs to detonate at, and point them in their direction of scatter. Each orb may be ordered a different distance- if so the caster must speak each distance and how many orbs he wishes to send that far.

                  material component: 2gp worth of sulfur, a pinch of ash and a piece of glass

                  character MUST be at least caster level 15
                  Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 08-14-2008, 11:03 AM.
                  I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                  /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                  The Warden of The North
                  The Royal Executioner
                  The RiDDLe BoxXx


                    Ultimate Spell Absorption Cube

                    this fist sized cube of purple and blue transparent glass absorbs all spells cast at its owner. the cube only absorbs spells when it is in a direct line of sight to the caster- it will not work from a backpack or box. only the owner of the cube may remove it from where ever it is placed, touching it deal 2d10 magical damage, it also deals 1d10 damage per spell it absorbs. the cube can be crushed with a strength DC of 20, a thunderstone that hits the cube directly will shatter it, releasing ALL of the spells trapped within. this item is key in detaining creatures with spell casting abilities.

                    Creation Requirements

                    Craft Magical Epic Item
                    10000 expirience
                    10000 gold coins
                    1 pound of glass
                    caster level 20
                    requires 2 days of arcane working.
                    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                    The Warden of The North
                    The Royal Executioner
                    The RiDDLe BoxXx


                      The Blinkin' Pup (Artifact of Legends)

                      Though this technically doesn't fit the title of this thread, I thought this magic artifact I made was worth mentioning. So here goes...


                      The Blinkin' Pup

                      No one knows exactly how this artifact came to be, and only few have known its true powers, but many wandering travelers, who found themselves lost on a foggy night, swear to have seen it and felt it drawing them in.

                      The artifact is a marvelously crafted wooded box of about 6 cubic inches in size. When the box is placed upon empty forest clearing, on a misty night, by a good aligned character, and the proper phrase is spoke, the box unfolds into a cozy looking little tavern, called "The Blinkin' Pup". It then covers itself in a thick fog, that spreads itself a mile in every direction. The tavern itself becomes a beacon within that fog, drawing you in with its warmth of a lit fireplace, the smell of an abundance of food and drinks, and the sound of music and laughter. Inside, the tavern is a lot bigger than it looked from the outside. There is a bar with a halfling behind it, named Oliver, who can serve you any drink you want. A halfling cook, named Suzy, who can cook any meal you fancy. There are the halfling triplets, named Mary, Marcy, and Maggy, wading upon the guests, and their three older brothers, Mik, Dan, and Tim, providing the entertainment. The tavern is big enough to hold up to 30 guests up to large in size and has a bedroom for each, where they can rest like kings. The place has an unusual effect upon everyone, for even the most ill tempered or bad mannered feel themselves compelled to just eat, drink and be merry, before finally going to bed.

                      The fog is a on giant two way portal, that seems to be in touch with other natural occurring fogs 400 miles around the tavern. Any poor souls who find themselves lost within these natural fogs all find their way somehow to "The Blinkin' Pup" through magical means. As a beacon of hope, it draws them in, and treats them well. As these poor souls wake up the next morning, they will find themselves in the same place as they found themselves lost the night before, but with a filled stomach, new found hope, and instant knowledge of the way home, as if under the influence of a "Find the Path" spell. Their memories of "The Blinkin' Pup" will seem like a vague dream to them, but a dream that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

                      There is just one exception, and that is the character that placed the box and spoke the phrase to activate it. He is in full control of his actions and thoughts, and thus can focus himself on other things besides eating, drinking and being merry. He can even choose to stay awake when others feel their beds calling them. This allows him to do anything within the boundaries of his powers and alignment while other are dreaming peacefully. However, even he is restricted from using any form of violence. Eventually even the character must sleep, and while he sleeps, the tavern and the fog will disappear, and return to the box they came from. The character will wake up fully refreshed on the same spot the box had been activated, with full memory of the events of that night, and all of his possessions on him. The character can choose to leave some of his possessions behind though, and he will find them again when he is able to activate the box once more. To do this, he simple has to place the item at least five feet away from his bed, before going to sleep. The character will always get the same room whenever he activates the box, so he will always find the items where he left them. Unless of course the item is left outside the room, then there is a chance another guest might have taken it with him.


                      Well, this is it, and I hope you'll like it. I would love to get some feedback on it.
                      Last edited by Aisling; 08-15-2008, 12:20 PM. Reason: Adding Attached File


                        Got some other stuff I have been working on.
                        • Dreamchaser - a new Prestige Class.
                        • Silk Ribbon of Entanglement - a Wondrous Item/Weapon.

                        Again, some feedback would be apreciated.
                        Last edited by Aisling; 08-17-2008, 04:13 PM.


                          "Tough Crowd"

                          This 2ft. long rod has a large copper tomato-shaped head with faint reddish glow (5ft. radius). When activated with the proper command word ("Boooooh"), it will cast 2d6 rotten tomatoes at one or several targets (no two of which can be more than 15ft. apart) up 60ft. away as a ranged touch attack. Each tomato requires its own roll to hit, and will cause a victim to be silenced for 1 minute per tomato that hits a target successfully (3 minutes on a natural 20). Each victim is allowed a will saving throw (DC 15) to negate the effect and become immune to the tomatoes for a month. This rod can be activated once per day.

                          Moderate conjuration and illusion; CL 10th; Craft Rod, create food and water, silence; Price 12,000 gp.


                            Originally posted by Aisling View Post
                            "Tough Crowd"

                            This 2ft. long rod has a large copper tomato-shaped head with faint reddish glow (5ft. radius). When activated with the proper command word ("Boooooh"), it will cast 2d6 rotten tomatoes at one or several targets (no two of which can be more than 15ft. apart) up 60ft. away as a ranged touch attack. Each tomato requires its own roll to hit, and will cause a victim to be silenced for 1 minute per tomato that hits a target successfully (3 minutes on a natural 20). Each victim is allowed a will saving throw (DC 15) to negate the effect and become immune to the tomatoes for a month. This rod can be activated once per day.

                            Moderate conjuration and illusion; CL 10th; Craft Rod, create food and water, silence; Price 12,000 gp.
                            I love this one! LOL It's totally going into my next campaign


                              Originally posted by Aerthos View Post
                              I love this one! LOL It's totally going into my next campaign
                              Why do I get praised on my lesser work, but hear nothing on those creations I'm the most proud of?


                                Another Story Item

                                The Body of Evil

                                Base Item:

                                +10 Spiked Breastplate.


                                Bonus' DO NOT affect characters that are not a minimum of 5th level Blackguard- and an EPIC character level30+

                                Sneak Attack +2d6
                                +10 AC
                                +2d12 Damage
                                Allows the wearer to controll 30HD of Undead Creatures in addition to the creatures controlled by the Undead Army Ability
                                +20 Spell Resistance

                                Special Ability
                                Undead Army
                                This ability replaces the Blackguards Undead Companion ability. It allows the wearer to summon instead of a single medium zombie or skeleton, 1 medium Zombie Warrior AND 1 medium Skeleton Warrior(of one half of the character total character levels) per 3 character levels. ( round decimals up or down respectively)


                                for any character to wear this that is not a blackguard it incures serious penalties,

                                -10 base attack
                                bestow 2 negative levels for 2d6 days
                                - 5 strength and constitution while armour is donned


                                28 Strength
                                5th Level Blackguard
                                EPIC Character

                                Each set of The Body of Evil is made specifically for a certain Blackguard, the intended wearer must be present at the Creation- he will need to put 10,000gp and 12,500exp into the creation of this armour- he cannot also be the crafter of the Armour. another person is required to craft the armour- the crafter must have the Craft Epic Arms and Armours, Craft Epic Magic Item and Craft Wonderous Item feats, he must spend 5 days enchanting and crafting this armour, for which the Blackguard MUST be present to pour his negative energy and pure evil into the set. summoning spells must be cast into this armour to allow for the special ability, the attack and damage bonus' are a direct result oif the impending evil and doom.
                                Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 08-21-2008, 06:08 PM.
                                I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                                /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                                The Warden of The North
                                The Royal Executioner
                                The RiDDLe BoxXx

