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Arch's Portal of Wonders

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    Arch's Portal of Wonders

    You step through the glowing portal to a shop, tended by a sagely human in wizard's robes. "How can I help you youngster?"

    Table of Contents:

    Orc Rebuild

    Nycaloth Miniature for Maptools
    Shadow Dragon - Pathfinder Conversion

    Attach Aberrant Graft
    Improved Graft
    Empowered Graft

    Cloaks of the Mask
    Aberrant Grafts
    Divine Rings
    Shirt of Revifiy

    Missile Pack, Energy Lances, Ray of Idiocy
    Waterproof Page
    Last edited by archmagi1; 03-21-2013, 01:32 PM.
    Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

    Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
    Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

    Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

    GM'ing: Praetor

    {Wondrous} Cloaks of The Mask

    Here are a few handy dandy cloaks for the everyday thief or caped crusader.

    Lesser Cloak of the Mask - Minor Wondrous Item
    Worn off the back like a brown cape with a hood, this cloak appears to be ordinary. Only when it is turned inside-out does its true powers manifest. This black hooded smock seems to draw in light, conferring a +5 enhancement bonus to Hide checks. The covered face on the hood distorts the wearers voice and obscures his features, conferring a +5 enhancement bonus to Disguise Checks.

    Moderate Transmutation; CL3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; Alter Self, Obscuring Mist; Price 5,000gp

    Cloak of the Mask - Medium Wondrous Item
    As lesser cloak of the Mask except as follows:
    1/day - Dimension door: Disappears in a puff of smoke, Command Word

    Strong Transmutation; CL7th; Craft Wondrous Item; Alter Self, Obscuring Mist, Dimension Door; Price 15,080gp

    Greater Cloak of the Mask - Major Wondrous Item
    As lesser cloak of the Mask except as follows
    +10 Enhancement bonus to Hide & Disguise
    3/day - Dimension door: Disappears in a puff of smoke, Command Word
    At-will - Knock: Command Word

    Overwhelming Transmutation; CL12th; Craft Wondrous Item; Alter Self, Obscuring Mist, Dimension Door, Knock; Price 52,240gp

    Cape of the Dark Knight - Minor Artifact
    This fabled cloak is the basis for the famed Cloaks of the Mask, though it far outshines its derivatives. It was last in possession of Bruce of Wayne from the elemental plane of Crime, Gothami.
    +10 Enhancement Bonus to Hide & Disguise
    +10 Competence Bonus to Move Silently
    +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength
    -4 Circumstance Penalty to Charisma
    Continuous Effect: Feather Fall
    3/day - Dimension Door: Disappears in a puff of smoke, Command Word
    At-will - Knock: Command Word
    Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

    Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
    Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

    Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

    GM'ing: Praetor


      Some interesting stuff.

      Aberrant Subtype - Any creature can become aberrant, a tainted semblance of what it once was. This subtype can be gained by taking any Aberrant feat or prolonged casting of certain spells. It confers a -2 circumstance penalty to any charisma based checks from the not so subtle physical or psychological changes of becoming aberrant. This penalty is cumulative for each aberrant feat or graft you possess.

      Attach Aberrant Graft (General Feat)
      Prerequisites - Type: Aberration or Outsider, INT 20

      This feat allows you to create and attach to yourself or others an aberrant graft. Aberrant grafts permanently occupy an equipment slot such as neck or cloak.

      Improved Graft (Aberrant Feat)
      Prerequisites - Any 1 attached graft

      Choose any aberrant graft you possess, this feat increases that graft's uses per day by 2. This feat can be selected multiple times, but must be applied to a different graft each time. A fighter can select this feat as a fighter bonus feat.

      Empower Graft (Aberrant Feat)
      Prerequisites - Any 1 attached graft

      Choose any aberrant graft you possess, this feat increases that graft's variable numeric effects by 50%. This feat can be selected multiple times, but must be applied to a different graft each time. A fighter can select this feat as a fighter bonus feat.
      Last edited by archmagi1; 07-13-2008, 09:40 PM.
      Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

      Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
      Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

      Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

      GM'ing: Praetor


        Aberrant Grafts

        Here are a few aberrant grafts

        The Eye of the Beholder - Aberrant Graft
        The eye-stalk of a beholder has been attached to a part of the body. Often, the eye-stalk replaces the hand of its recipient (glove slot). There are three types of this graft. Each ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit its target.

        Frightful Eye - 3/day you can fire a ray of fear at a single target as a supernatural. The target must make a DC 16 Will save or suffer the effects of the spell Fear.

        Vengeful Eye - 3/day you can fire a ray of pain at a single target as a supernatural ability. The ray deals 3d8+5 points of untyped damage. Will DC 16 half.

        Frozen Eye - 3/day you can fire a frigid and paralyzing ray at a single target as a supernatural ability. The ray deals 1d3 cold damage and the target must succeed in a a DC 17 Fort save or be paralyzed for 1 minute.

        Attach Aberrant Graft: CL 10; Requires a preserved beholder eye-stalk of the appropriate type. Cost: Frightful Eye 10,000gp; Vengeful Eye 10,000gp; Frozen Eye 15,000gp

        Rotted Soul - Aberrant Graft
        Only the vilest of creatures knows the true nature of this graft, but many sages surmise it is the tainted remains of a vampire lord's soul. The graft is usually lodged within the hosts' mouth (neck slot) to hide its presence. Every 1d4 rounds one of the following abilities can be used:

        Blast of Shadows (Su) - A black blast of evil issues forth from the graft, searing everything in a 30' line with 2d6 points of negative energy damage, Fort DC 16 Half. This damage destroys plant matter instantly with no save.

        Bite of Slow Death (Sp) - A 15' cone of evil blasts forth, dealing 2d3 CON damage and slowing targets for 2d4 rounds. A Fort DC 16 negates the slow damage and halves the CON damage.

        Attach Aberrant Graft: CL 15; Requires the blasted husk of a vampire lord who died from being exposed to direct sunlight; Cost: 20,000gp
        Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

        Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
        Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

        Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

        GM'ing: Praetor


          A few rings

          Forsaken Ring of the Pit
          This ring bears the holy symbol of some foul deity and glows with its vile power.

          This ring functions as a divine focus for spells with the DF component

          +1 Deflection to AC*
          1/day - Rebuke Undead with +4 bonus; CL of the ring

          Faint Abjuration; Variable CL, Forge Ring, Shield of Faith, Caster must be at a level 3x that of the rings enhancement, Caster must be evil, Caster must be able to rebuke undead.
          *Price: 3000gp (+1 CL3), 9000gp (+2 CL6), 19000gp (+3 CL9), 33000gp (+4 CL12), 51000gp (+5 CL 15).

          Blessed Ring of the Priest
          This ring bears the holy symbol of a benevolent deity.

          This ring functions as a divine focus for spells with the DF component

          +1 Luck bonus to all attacks and damage
          1/day - Turn undead with +4 bonus, CL of the ring.

          Faint Evocation; CL5 (minimum), Forge Ring, Divine Favor, Caster must be good, Caster must be able to turn undead. Price: 4000gp

          Wavering Ring of Indifference
          This ring is unadorned, but emits divine power.

          1/day - Empower or Extend any domain spells

          No aura; CL7, Forge Ring, Caster must be neutral, Caster must cast divine spells. Price 5000gp
          Last edited by archmagi1; 09-23-2008, 02:48 PM.
          Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

          Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
          Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

          Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

          GM'ing: Praetor



            Dimunitive Monstrous Humanoid

            Hit Dice 1/4d8 (1hp)
            Initiative +2
            Speed 5' (1 square)
            Armor Class 16 (+4 Size, +2 Dex), Touch 16, FF 14
            BAB/Grapple: +1/-14
            Attack: claw -1 1d3-2 slashing
            Full Attack: 2 claws -2 1d3-2 slashing
            Space/Reach: 1'/0'
            Special Attacks: Spell Like Abilities
            Special Qualities: Darkvision
            Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
            Abilities: Str 6, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
            Skills: Hide +16, Move Silently +6, Listen +3, Concentration +3
            Feats: Stealthy
            Environment: Underground, Urban
            Organization: Single, cabal (5-9), clan (15-30)
            Challenge Rating: 1/4
            Advancement: By Level
            Level Adjustment: -

            Spell Like Abilities:
            At-Will: Detect Magic
            3/day: Grease DC 10

            Darklings are minuscule creatures who stalk the night looking for treasure to steal. They can be found in most cities and in the darkest caves. Rumors abound that a clan's treasure horde can rival even that of lesser dragons.
            Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

            Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
            Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
            Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
            Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
            Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

            Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

            GM'ing: Praetor


              Missile Barrage
              School: Evocation [Force]; Level: Sor/Wiz 3
              Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
              Components: V,S
              Range: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
              Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes

              A barrage of missiles of magical energy issue forth from your outstretched hand dealing 2d4+2 points of force damage to every target. You can target a number of creatures equal to your caster level, but can only target a single creature once. Extra missiles are wasted.

              The missiles strike unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat, so long as it has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell. This spell functions as a Magic Missile spell for defensive abilities.

              Missile Armageddon
              School: Evocation [Force]; Level: Sor/Wiz 6
              Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
              Components: V,S
              Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft)
              Targets: One creature/level
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes

              A barrage of missiles of magical energy issue forth from your outstretched hand dealing 5d4+5 points of force damage to every target. You can target a number of creatures equal to your caster level, but can only target a single creature once. Extra missiles are wasted.

              The missiles strike unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat, so long as it has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell. This spell functions as a Magic Missile spell for defensive abilities.

              True Missile
              School: Evocation [Force]; Level: Sor/Wiz 9
              Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
              Components: V,S
              Range: Long (400ft + 40ft / level)
              Area: Cylinder (30ft radius, 80ft high)
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: Fort Partial (see text); Spell Resistance: Yes

              Missiles burst forth from the para-elemental plane of force in such a violent fashion that nothing can withstand. Every creature in the cylinder takes 10d4 damage plus 1 damage per caster level (Maximum 40). Targets effected by the spell are stunned, knocked prone and fatigued for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates this secondary effect.

              The missiles strike unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat, so long as it has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Objects are not damaged by the spell. This spell functions as a Magic Missile spell for defensive abilities, however spells like Shield and Brooches of Shielding only reduce this damage by 1/2.

              Positive Energy Lance
              School: Conjuration (Healing); Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
              Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
              Component: V,S,F/DF
              Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft / level)
              Effect: Ray
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: Will Half (Harmless); Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)

              You summon forth a lance of positive energy, hurling it into your target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit. The lance heals the target for 2d4 points +1 point per level (Maximum +10). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.

              Focus: A holy symbol

              Positive Energy Rift Lance
              School: Conjuration (Healing); Level: Clr 6
              Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
              Components: V,S,DF
              Range: Medium (100ft + 10ft / level)
              Effect: Ray
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: None; Will Partial (See text); Spell Resistance: Yes

              You pluck an unstable lance of positive energy from beyond the planar veil, and can hurl it at an enemy. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit. If used against a living creature, the ray deals 5d4 damage. Using the spell in this manner has no saving throw.

              If the lance is used against an undead creature, the ray deals 2d6 points of damage per caster level (Maximum 40d6). If the undead creature makes a successful Will save, the damage is reduced to 5d6 damage. Should this damage destroy the undead, it explodes as if affected by the full ray. Undead add 1/2 their channel resistance to this saving throw.

              Any creature brought to 0 or fewer hit-points by this spell explode in a burst of positive energy, staggering any undead creature adjacent to the target for 1 round (Will save negates). This destroys the creature's remains, but does not affect the creature's equipment.

              Ray of Idiocy
              School: Enchantment (Compulsion); Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
              Components: V,S
              Range: Close (25ft + 5ft / 2 levels)
              Effect: Ray
              Duration: Instantaneous
              Saving Throw: Will Negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

              A mind-numbing ray springs forth from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit. The ray deals 1d4 point of damage to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. Alternatively, you can focus the ray to a specific ability, and deal 2d4 damage to one mental score. A successful Will save negates this damage.

              Special: A successful sneak attack with this spell only deals 1 additional ability score damage per dice of sneak attack.
              Last edited by archmagi1; 01-21-2011, 11:26 AM.
              Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

              Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
              Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
              Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
              Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
              Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

              Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

              GM'ing: Praetor


                Nice missile pack, but I'm especially partial to the Positive Energy Lance. I was reading it and did a double take when it said you stab them and then it heals... then I rescanned it and it all came clear.

                Nice to see the Portal open up and spew forth some new goodies.

                See ya next time.


                  Pathfinder Shadow Dragon

                  These stats are formatted in pathfinder dragon stat block and progression tables found HERE.

                  Basic Table:
                  Shadow Dragon
                  NE Dragon
                  Base Statistics
                  CR 2; Size Tiny; Hit Dice 4d12
                  Speed 40 ft, climb 40'
                  Natural Armor +7; Breath Weapon Cone, 1d6 Negative Energy
                  Str 11 Dex 10 Con 13 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 15
                  Environment Underground
                  Organization Solitary
                  Treasure Triple
                  Special Abilities
                  Breath Weapon (Su): Although it deals negative energy damage, a shadow dragon’s breath weapon does not heal undead creatures.
                  Negative Energy Affinity (Ex): The creature is alive, but reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead—positive energy harms it, negative energy heals it.
                  Climb Stone (Ex): A shadow dragon can climb any stone surface as if it were rough stone (DC 15).
                  Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions other than full daylight, a shadow dragon can disappear into the shadows, giving it Total Concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not negate this ability. A daylight spell, however, will.
                  Change Shape (Su): A young or older shadow dragon can take any animal or humanoid form 3/day as if using polymorph.
                  Frightful Presence (Ex): A young or older shadow dragon is frightening to behold. This special quality makes a creature’s very presence unsettling to foes. Activating this ability is a free action that is usually part of an attack or charge. Opponents within range who witness the action may become frightened or shaken. The range is usually 30 feet, and the duration is usually 5d6 rounds. This ability affects only opponents with fewer Hit Dice than the creature has. An opponent can resist the effects with a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the frightful creature’s racial HD + the frightful creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a failed save, the opponent is shaken, or panicked if it has 4 Hit Dice or fewer. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same creature’s frightful presence for 24 hours. Frightful presence is a mind-affecting fear effect.
                  Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A shadow dragon Adult or older can hide in plain sight as per the Assassin ability.
                  Energy Drain (Su): A shadow dragon of Ancient or older is so intune with negative energy that their natural attacks drain the life from their target. This attack saps a living opponent’s vital energy and happens automatically when a melee or ranged attack hits. Each successful energy drain bestows one or more negative levels (the creature’s description specifies how many). If an attack that includes an energy drain scores a critical hit, it bestows twice the listed number of negative levels. Unless otherwise specified in the creature’s description, a draining creature gains 5 temporary hit points for each negative level it bestows on an opponent. These temporary hit points last for a maximum of 1 hour. Negative levels remain until 24 hours have passed or until they are removed with a spell such as restoration. If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the draining creature’s racial HD + the draining creature’s Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature’s descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent. A separate saving throw is required for each negative level.
                  Spell-like abilities (Sp): A shadow dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will upon reaching the listed age category. Very Young-Darkness; Juvenile-Mirror Image; Adult-Dimension Door; Old-Nondetection; Great Wyrm-Shades.
                  Advancement Table:
                  Age Category         Special Abilities                  Caster Level
                  Wyrmling             Negative Energy Affinity, Climb Stone    -
                  Very Young           Shadow Blend, Darkness                   -
                  Young                Change Shape                             -
                  Juvenile             Frightful Presence, Mirror Image         1
                  Young Adult          DR5/Magic, Spell Resistance              3
                  Adult                Hide in Plain Sight, Dimension Door      5
                  Mature Adult         DR10/Magic                               7
                  Old                  Nondetection                             9
                  Very Old             DR15/Magic                               11
                  Ancient              Energy Drain (3)                         13
                  Wyrm                 DR20/Magic                               15
                  Great Wyrm           Shades                                   17
                  Last edited by archmagi1; 03-24-2011, 08:16 PM.
                  Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                  Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                  Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                  Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                  Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                  Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                  Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                  GM'ing: Praetor


                    Shirt of Revivify

                    Aura: Faint Conjuration (Healing); CL 5th
                    Slot: Chest; Price: 7200gp; Weight: --

                    This shirt, upon command, can restore wounds of its wearer! Once per day it can cast Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+5 HP), and five times per day, it can cast Lesser Vigor (Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds).

                    Construction Requirements
                    Craft Wondrous Item, Cure Serious Wounds, Lesser Vigor
                    Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                    Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                    Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                    Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                    Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                    GM'ing: Praetor


                      Orc as rebuilt using Advanced Race Guide Race Builder
                      Humanoid (orc) 0 RP
                      Medium 0 RP
                      Base Speed
                      Normal 0 RP
                      Ability Score Modifiers
                      Standard (+2 STR, +2 WIS, -2 CHA) 0 RP
                      Standard 0 RP
                      Racial Traits
                      Defense Racial Traits
                      Fearless 1 RP
                      Offense Racial Traits
                      Ferocity 4 RP
                      Weapon familiarity 2 RP
                      Senses Racial Traits
                      Darkvision 60 ft. 2 RP

                      Total 9 RP
                      Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                      Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                      Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                      Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                      GM'ing: Praetor


                        Waterproof Page
                        School Transmutation; LevelBard 1, Sor/Wiz 1
                        Casting Time 1 Round
                        Components V, S, M (A vial of oil from duck's back)
                        Range Touch
                        Target Page touched, up to 3 sq. ft. in size
                        Duration Permanent
                        Saving Throw None; Spell Resistance No

                        Waterproof Page alters the chemistry of a page of written or typed paper so that it is waterproof. This spell does not protect against any other means of destruction, and does not protect against natural wear and tear by means other than water.
                        Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                        Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                        Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                        Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                        Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                        GM'ing: Praetor

