Anytime you want, anywhere you are, peer through space and time and shop at Durnan's specialty store, where you can buy the rarest items in the world.
Uses of Inspiration
1 point: Gain Advantage on (or remove Disadvantage from) your next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
2 points: Find 200 gold pieces, or place Advantage/Disadvantage on another character's next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
4 points: Throw out your last roll and get a do-over.
8 points: Find 1,000 gold pieces, or force another character to throw out their last roll and do it again.
10 points: Find a Midnight Berry.
1 point: Gain Advantage on (or remove Disadvantage from) your next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
2 points: Find 200 gold pieces, or place Advantage/Disadvantage on another character's next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check.
4 points: Throw out your last roll and get a do-over.
8 points: Find 1,000 gold pieces, or force another character to throw out their last roll and do it again.
10 points: Find a Midnight Berry.
Uses of Berries
Midnight Berry: Find 2,000 gold pieces, or ... Your next spell today requires no components and is a guaranteed success, your next Save or Ability Check today automatically succeeds, and your next attack is a guaranteed critical hit.
Ivory Berry: Find 6,000 gold pieces, or ... Find a Siphoning Focus. Taking whatever form you wish, the Siphoning Focus activates when cast a spell. As a bonus action, you may cause the focus to absorb a portion of that spell's magical essence. Once you have absorbed the essence of that spell a number of times equal to the spell's level, you may treat that spell as a racial ability from that point onward.
Golden Berry: Find 18,000 gold pieces, or ... You can no longer be disarmed and any weapon, while wielded by you, gains the Returning property.
Midnight Berry: Find 2,000 gold pieces, or ... Your next spell today requires no components and is a guaranteed success, your next Save or Ability Check today automatically succeeds, and your next attack is a guaranteed critical hit.
Ivory Berry: Find 6,000 gold pieces, or ... Find a Siphoning Focus. Taking whatever form you wish, the Siphoning Focus activates when cast a spell. As a bonus action, you may cause the focus to absorb a portion of that spell's magical essence. Once you have absorbed the essence of that spell a number of times equal to the spell's level, you may treat that spell as a racial ability from that point onward.
Golden Berry: Find 18,000 gold pieces, or ... You can no longer be disarmed and any weapon, while wielded by you, gains the Returning property.
Use of Cosmic Crystals
When crushed, the wielder becomes encased in rainbow-colored energy for 30 seconds. Their hit points are refilled to their maximum, all spell slots are instantly restored, any conditions/diseases/curses afflicting the wielder are removed, and basically any other ability that operates on a limited pool of points has that pool completely refilled. The wielder is also completely immune to all damage and all magic for the duration of the energy encasement. Your next two attacks automatically hit for 4x their normal damage. For the duration of the rainbow encasement, all sentient creatures that socially interact with you are affected as if under a Charm spell, but they do not know that they have been charmed when the effect ends. Before the 30 seconds is up and the energy disappears, you also have the ability to freely cast the spell Wish one time. However, casting the spell will immediately end the energy encasement.
When crushed, the wielder becomes encased in rainbow-colored energy for 30 seconds. Their hit points are refilled to their maximum, all spell slots are instantly restored, any conditions/diseases/curses afflicting the wielder are removed, and basically any other ability that operates on a limited pool of points has that pool completely refilled. The wielder is also completely immune to all damage and all magic for the duration of the energy encasement. Your next two attacks automatically hit for 4x their normal damage. For the duration of the rainbow encasement, all sentient creatures that socially interact with you are affected as if under a Charm spell, but they do not know that they have been charmed when the effect ends. Before the 30 seconds is up and the energy disappears, you also have the ability to freely cast the spell Wish one time. However, casting the spell will immediately end the energy encasement.
You unerringly duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower without needing to meet any requirements or costly components. It simply takes effect. Alternatively, you can create one of the following effects of your choice:
• You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
• You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all Hit Points, and you end all Effects on them described in the Greater Restoration spell.
• You grant up to ten creatures that you can see Resistance to a damage type you choose.
• You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical Effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's Life Drain Attack.
You may, of course, use the spell to do even greater, more powerful things, but anything beyond what has been listed already is tapping into the true wild magic nature of the power behind this spell and can carry with it some risk. The caster must be very careful in how they word their wish.
In all cases, the casting must always begin with the words "I wish", it must be exactly one sentence long, and it must not take more than six seconds to say. If this Cosmic Crystal was purchased from the GM by the player and not redeemed through trade-up by the character or found as loot by the character, the GM cannot engage in any 'monkey's paw'-type trickery regarding the player's wording of their wish.
• You create one object of up to 25,000 gp in value that isn't a magic item. The object can be no more than 300 feet in any dimension, and it appears in an unoccupied space you can see on the ground.
• You allow up to twenty creatures that you can see to regain all Hit Points, and you end all Effects on them described in the Greater Restoration spell.
• You grant up to ten creatures that you can see Resistance to a damage type you choose.
• You grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical Effect for 8 hours. For instance, you could make yourself and all your companions immune to a lich's Life Drain Attack.
You may, of course, use the spell to do even greater, more powerful things, but anything beyond what has been listed already is tapping into the true wild magic nature of the power behind this spell and can carry with it some risk. The caster must be very careful in how they word their wish.
In all cases, the casting must always begin with the words "I wish", it must be exactly one sentence long, and it must not take more than six seconds to say. If this Cosmic Crystal was purchased from the GM by the player and not redeemed through trade-up by the character or found as loot by the character, the GM cannot engage in any 'monkey's paw'-type trickery regarding the player's wording of their wish.