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Flay (D&D 3.5 spell)

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    Flay (D&D 3.5 spell)


    School: Evocation [Force]

    Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2

    Components: V,S,M

    Casting Time: 1 standard action

    Range: Close (25ft +5ft/2 levels)

    Target or Effects or Area: One Creature

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Saving Throw: Fortitude (partial)

    Spell Resistance: Yes

    By casting this spell, claws of force appear and rake at the targets flesh. As a force effect this spell will affect incorporeal creatures (However incorporeal creatures are NOT subject to the ability damage of this spell). The caster must make a ranged touch attack to hit. If successful the target creature takes 1d8 points of damage, +1 point of damage per caster level to a maximum of 1d8+10 damage at 10th level. Additionally the target creature takes 1 point of constitution or dexterity damage (casters choice). A successful save eliminates the ability damage.

    Material Component: an uncured strip of leather
    Last edited by Shadowbranch1; 01-19-2011, 10:56 PM.

    Ooh, a nasty lvl 2 spell. It sounds very similar to one or two necromancy spells from the spell compendium...can't think of them right now...not exactly the same though. It is nice that it's not necromancy though, since almost all those types of spells tend to be necromancy for some reason.


      I like it. The spell evokes some great imagery. Might I recommend that you reword this one portion though...

      "1d8 +1 damage per caster level" sounds like I'd roll 1d8+1 for each caster level, ie: 2d8+2 for level 2 / 3d8+3 at level 3 and so on

      I haven't read any spell descriptions in months though, so pardon me if that's how it's been written afore.

      Personally, I'd write it to say that it causes "1d8+X where X = Caster's Level in the relevant casting class" or something along those lines.

      Regardless, it's a nice spell and I'm already wanting to add it to my next spell slinger's arsenal.


        I adjusted the wording to make the damage more clear.

        Thanks for the suggestion.

