Welcome to the The Tangled Web Oneshot writing challenge. As we are a tabletop RPG community, instead of a novel, we’re hosting a oneshot/ short adventure writing challenge. Here are the rules.
- The Adventure should be able to be completed in between 1 to 3 reasonable length (about 3 hours) Sessions.
- The Adventure must contain at least one explorable location. This does not need to be a literal dungeon, as locations like enchanted forests or old mines can also fill this role.
- The Adventure should include at least one town or village with a minimum of 5 NAMED NPCs.
- The Adventure should be targeted for the level 1-5 range
- There is no restriction on system. You can write for Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or any other system of your choice
- In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, All writing and basic designing should be done between 00:00 Monday, November 1 local time and 23:59 Tuesday, November 30. Editing can be done after that point.
- Because of the variable conditions of writing a short adventure, a project will be counted as a “Win” if it meets the following conditions. (A). Your project has a clear beginning, middle, and end that logically flow together. (
Your project adheres to the challenge guidelines. Winners will receive a small digital asset in recognition. Like a banner or avatar or something. Participants, those that at least began their project, even if they did not finish, will still receive an asset.
- Collaboration is allowed. If several people worked on the same project in a writing capacity, please denote all involved parties and their contributions. Beta readers and people that merely gave advice do not count.
- When sharing your project, use one of the following formats: PDF, Google Doc, or Microsoft Office. You must give your project a title and include the author or authors’ names. There is no restriction on internal formatting.
- All submitted projects will be posted to The Tangled Web forum for critique and reading. If there’s enough interest, we may compile all of the projects into one pdf.
- OPTIONAL. We encourage the use of at least one classic monster, such as a gelatinous cube, owlbear, or some form of dragon.
IF you’re interested, please reply to this post. I (Lake) will keep track of who has entered. I would also appreciate if you would give your project a title at least temporarily.