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So I got the idea to make a fantasy Campaign using Saga.

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    So I got the idea to make a fantasy Campaign using Saga.

    As the title says, I got the idea to make a fantasy campaign setting using Star Wars Saga as the rules model. I like the system, its sleek, fast, elegant, and awesome. I wanted a pulpy, action packed, and fantastic setting in which Players could easily play as the good guys. So, I started writing, and this is what I have so far, its not complete, and nowhere near finished, but i'm working on it. Comments are as always, appreciated.

    Things I aim to keep from the star wars 'verse

    The Jedi classes - I don't want to get rid of them, and add something else in, nor do I want to get rid of the completely. I will keep them, just change the flavor of the 'Jedi' to match the fantasy setting I will make.

    The force - See Above

    Blasters, lightsabers, hi-tech stuff - Obvious, I don't want to rewrite the entire equipment stuff. Blasters will become pistols, either technological or they work through magic.

    Droids - Who doesn't want to play a robot once in a while? Still haven't read on them, but I have a few ideas to fit robots into the game.

    Anyway, those are things I aim to keep. Now, a bit of a teaser into to my world... First of all, it is steampunk. Mercenaries wielding top of the line Magicasters, ranged weapons fueled by magically enhanced technology are common. Giant, metal behemoths are a common sight on the battlefield. It will be cosmopolitan, somewhat 'modern', and pulpy. I intend for it to have a video game/Anime feel, and I have told my prospective players this. It will focus on good guys, high action, and gusto~!

    The continent of Daseal Has been in a state of war for the past 80 years. From the east, the Holy Empire of Furekal has been leading a coallition of smaller nations and city-states against the Technocratic despots of Aseil. Aseil claims to be the sole ruler of Daseal, and has enslaved thousands upon thousands in its conquest. Furekal and its allies are being beaten, slowly. Even with Furekal's mystical knights, and even training other nations in their abilities, the alliance is slowly crumbling. Aseil takes more land each day. Their warmachines out perform and out match everything else. Aseil is not the only thing railing against Daseal, however. Pirates come from the Sokalas seas to the east, they only come to raid, pillage, and plunder all they come across, taking booty, slaves, and riches. From the west, were hordes of beasts and degenerates once roamed. Once content to act as mauraders, these monsters and beastmen are slowly becoming a legion, amassed under a single ruler. Nobody knows who leads them, but whatever it is, it wants the blood of all nations to slake its thirst.

    There is hope, however. Furekal and its allies are finishing their final project, soon they will have war machines to match against Aseil's, and they have finally built something that Aseil doesn't, and has never had, Airships. The times might be desperate, but there is always a glimmer of light, will you be able to help Furekal? Are you pirates from the mysterious seas, coming only for plunder and loot? Are you from Aseil, and ensuring your nations inevitable conquest of those troublesome Furekans and their allies? are you a 'degenerate' from the western deserts, hoping to bring glory to your ancestors and sow the songs of your tribes victory?

    Next post... Races.
    ⑨ is the strongest number.


    Daseal has a myriad of races. While Humans still make up the majority of the continent, the other races are integrated (for the most part) and can be seen in Furekal, its allied nations, and Aseil and its conquered territories. Even the wastelands of the west have some 'civilisation' or other.

    Homeworlds - Replaced with 'Nations'. Same thing, mostly.


    Personality: As standard, their normal outlook would probably depend on random factors, such as nation, religion, upbrining, etc etc.

    Physical description: As standard. Some humans are also born with green, blue, pink, and other outlandish hair colors, though these are usually rare.

    Nations - Humans are found in virtually all nations, but are most common in Furekal, Aseil, Eisenbroch, and Domais.

    Languages: Humans start out with Basic (Common), They are also easily able to learn other languages.

    Names: N/A, you guys know human names.

    Adventurers: Whether they are a Mana knight from Furekal, an Ether knight from Aseil, or a gunslinger from Eisenbroch, Humans explore and travel for infinite reasons.

    Species traits: As standard.

    DM notes: Humans! gotta have them, gotta love them.


    Personality: The Somai are militant, easily aggressive, and honorable. Somai are a little aloof to strangers, but they can quickly become staunch and loyal friends and allies. However, they are hot-headed and can be seen as a liability in certain social situations.

    Physical description: Somai appear more human than inhuman. However, they have feline ears, and slightly sharper teeth than a normal human. They usually have sharper claws as well.

    Nations: Somai are almost as cosmopolitan as humans, and are the second most widespread race. Though they have no nation of their own, they can be found virtually everywhere. They generally prefer hot/desert areas. Many are highly Nomadic.

    Languages: Somai know Basic, and their personal language, 'Somasi.'

    Example names: Felas, Jesse, Damas, Sorasal, Frier, Salain, Kalai.

    Adventurers: Highly aggressive and militant, but also staunchly loyal, Somai become adventurers due to wishing to help their allies, or just 'show off' their martial abilities.

    Somai Species Traits

    Ability modifers: +2 str, +2 dex, -2 cha -2 wis. Somai are fast, agile and strong, but aggressive, and hotheaded.

    Medium Size

    Speed: Base of 6 squares.

    Rage: Once per day, a Somai can fly into a rage as a swift action. While raging, the Somai gains a +2 rage bonus on melee attack and melee damage rolls, but cannot use skills that require patience and concentration, such as Mechanics, Stealth, or Use Mana.

    A fit of rage lasts a number of rounds equal to 5+ the Somais Con mod. At the end of its rage, a Somai moves -1 persistant step along the condition track. the penalties imposed by this condition persist until the Somai takes atleast 10 minutes to recuperate, during which the Somai can't engage in any strenous activity.

    DM notes: Catgirls! (And Catboys!) Sue me, I dare you! I basically wanted a race that could rage, so I decided to let the Somai have it. I'm still a little unsure of the ability mods, I may or may not adjust them. I feel they may be seen as too strong...


    Personality: Istais are seen as scholars. Smart, wise, and well learned. They are somewhat frail and weak of body, but they make up for it by their considerable knowledge skills. They can often be found learning to manipulate the Ether or Mana.

    Physical Description: istais stand about 1.4 to 1.7 meters tall. They generally have white or grey skin, on rare occasions, an Istais may be born with pale blue skin as well. They generally have white, black, or blue hair, although blond, brown, and other colors are not uncommon. They have square pupils, and their eyes are somewhat larger than other races.

    Nations: Istais are mostly situated in their own nation, Efel. However, Istais can be seen in most nations, although they are rare.

    Languages: Basic, they have no species language.

    Names: Demes, Sasha, Dorse, Laoi, Miek, Denad, Erafa.

    Adventurers: though it is uncommon for an Istais to be seen travelling, when they do travel they generally do it to gain more knowledge, or discover new magical abilties.

    Istais Species traits

    Ability mods: +2 int, -2 str. Istais are smart, but weak.

    Speed: 6 squares.

    Medium Sized.

    Iron Will: Istais gain a +2 species bonus to their Will defense, accounting for their innate magical protection.

    Low-light vision: Istais ignore Concealment (But not total concealment) from Darkness.

    Automatic languages: Basic, as well as an additional language.

    DM notes: Scholar/mage types. Fairly standard.


    Personality: Charismatic and friendly, Faban make friends easily. They are easily Mislead, however.

    Physical description: Mostly human-sized, they range from 1.7 meters to 1.9 meters. Slightly red skin is the norm for this race, although they can vary from a deep red, to a black skin tone. Their eyes are usually blue, red, black, and green. They possess little body hair, but generally grow their hair long.

    Nations: Faban have their own, neutral nation, a desert nation called 'Fabasia'.

    Languages: Basic, they also have a native langauge, called 'Fabasi'.

    Names: Goa, Noah, Fal, Rani, Ani, Hephre, Sphiel.

    Adventurers: Many Faban take up the adventurer career because they believe it will give their family more prestige.

    Faban species trais

    Ability mods: +2 cha, -2 wis. Faban make friends easily, but can be gullible.

    Speed: 6 squares.

    Medium sized.

    Diplomatic: Naturally adept at talking, Faban may reroll a persuasion check, but the result of the 2nd roll must be used, even if it is worse.

    Low-light vision: Fabans Ignore Concealment (But not total concealment) from Darkness.

    DM notes: Talky types. Felt the game would benefit from one.


    Personality: Ralian are seen as the engineers, and scouts of the Coallition. Small, adept with technology, and sneaky, Enoians are pragmatic and optimistic, they get along with the other races easily enough.

    Physical description: The average Ralian is 1.2 to 1.4 meters tall, and are one of the shortest races in Daseal. They generally have light skin and hair, with hair usually being blonde, brown, or white. Their skin is usually fair or pale.

    Nations: Ralians have their own nation, the Democratic nation of Elal, other than that, Ralians are hard to find in the coallition states, unless its in the military. There are a large number of Ralians in Aseil, however.

    Languages: Ralian Speak Basic, and their own language, called 'Rali'.

    Names: Zepp, Bolt, Krieg, Blitzer, Spark, Daz.

    Adventurers: Ralians make good adventurers and travellers because of their adeptness at stealth, and enineering. Even the most martial of ralians knows how to fix a machine into working order.

    Ralian Stats

    Ability mods: +2 dex, -2 str. Ralians are fast, but smaller and weaker than other races.

    Speed: 4 squares.

    Small sized.

    Gear head: Naturally adept at fixing and repairing machines, a Ralian may reroll any mechanics checks, but the result of the 2nd roll must be used, even if it is worse.

    Conditional bonus feat: If a ralian has Mechanics as a trained skill, he gains Skill focus (Mechanics) as a bonus feat.

    Low-light vision: Ralians ignore concealment (But not toal concealment) from darkness.

    DM notes: The small race, and adept with engineering stuff. While not genre breaking, it is a trope often found in video games and anime.

    End races.

    DM notes on Races: Well, I think i'm keeping the theme fairly well. I have a handful of interesting and diverse races. I will not say they keep a star wars-esque feeling, but this isn't entirely star wars anymore, is it? Balance concerns would be greatly appreciated from any who read this post.

    Next post: Classes, and modifying them to fit into Daseal.
    ⑨ is the strongest number.




      -Renamed "Mana user"

      Hit die, class skills, BaB, Class features remain the same.

      Light side is 'Mana', Dark side is 'Ether'. all future references to the Force will be 'magic'.

      Lightsabers renamed 'Magiblade'.


      Mana Users are one of the few advantages Furekal and its allies possess in larger numbers then the Empire of Aseil. Originally, they were called 'Furani Knights', and were religious warriors of Furekal, handpicked from a young age to become devout and religious warriors for their nation. However, midway through the great war, the number of Furani knights rapidly dwindled due to Aseil targetting them with assassins, warmachines, or other weapons of desturction. Furekal then decided to share their training with the other nations, allowing any race and anyone they trusted to train as a knight. 'Furekal Knights' are still around, but only as a rarity, the term 'Mana user' has become common place for these trained warriors.

      Aseil has developed their own version. Nobody knows how they were able to train them, whether it was a natural discovery, or a traitorous Furekal knight told them, it will most likely never be known. Aseil calls their mana users 'Ether' Knights.


      Mana users are now a common sight in Daseal, from Homan to Somai, all have learned how to tap into this magical knowledge. With the war in full swing, mana users are an elite force. Each one is highly traned in physical combat, and how to manipulate magic. Mana users are almost always equipped with a 'Magiblade', a weapon that was first designed in Furekal, and then quickly reverse engineered and used everywhere else. A mana user adventures due to a myriad of reasons. To become a full fledged knight, to prove their worth, to fight back against Aseil.

      However, Mana users must be careful with their abilities. Even though Mana itself is a good thing, it can be warped. Aseil has found a way to twist Mana, making it a perversion of nature and life. This energy, called 'Ether', is dangerous. Since Aseil first created Ether, it has quickly spread like a diasese within the streams of magic. Now, even the most stalwart Mana Users must be careful, lest Ether taint them and drag them into its vile strangehold.


      Mana users gain strength from being able to channel Magic and use it to perform superhuman feats. Charisma and Wisdom are important abilities for mana users, as strong will allows them to channel mana, and Charisma allows Consulars and other talent's to flow better with the class.


      Mana users start out as 'Squires', an apprentice of an Older and more Senior Mana user. Not all squires stay with their tutor, but they often keep close, with the squire going to the senior for guidance and training if need-be. Upon 7th level, when a mana user can craft his own magiblade, he is considered a fully fledged 'Knight', and is no longer an apprentice to anyone. Most Mana users are recruited from the best soldiers who show skill at manipulating magic, or from young children who accept the training of a senior knight. Not all Mana users are trained in this way, but all mana users still retain an easy familiarity with fighting and a magiblade.


      'Jedi Consular' renamed 'Mage Consular', Talents unchanged.

      Mage Consular

      Not all situations must end in bloodshed and Violence. The Mage Consulars are those who have dedicated their lives to trying to negeotiate, talk, and use diplomacy to win the day, they balance their words carefully, always making sure they do not cause anymore needless deaths.

      'Jedi Guardian' renamed 'Mana Guardian' Talents unchanged.

      Mana Guardian

      Mana Guardians are the warriors of the Mana Users, while all Mana users are trained in phsyical combat, Guardians are the best at it. They believe the best defense is their trusty Magiblade and their skill with manipulating Mana.

      'Jedi Sentinel' renamed 'Ether Hunter', Talents unchanged.

      Ether Hunter

      Ether hunters are a new branch of the ancient Mana Knights of Furekal, they work alongside the Consulars and Guardians in order to hunt down the Ether Knights, a 'reverse engineering' of the Mana Knights from Aseil, they combine focused senses with honed skills making them adept at hunting these aberrations down.

      'Light Saber Combat', renamed 'Magiblade Combat', Talents Unchanged.

      Magiblade combat

      Magiblades are weapons used by the Mana wielding warriors of Furekal, and its allies. They are weapons made of starmetal, and attuned to their wielders Mana flows. Many Guardians, and Ether hunters specialize into this training to become even more dangerous warriors.

      End revamp of Jedi.

      DM notes: Working the Jedi into the game was easier than I though, and I am pleased with this. I know a lot of the fluff is worth crap diddly right now, with no written stuff up. Once I am finished vamping some parts of the system, I will work on the campaign setting. I guess this can just be seen as a Snippet.

      Noble class - No changes.

      Dm notes: Nobles fit in fine enough.

      Scoundrel - Notes on Talent tree's.

      Slicer renamed 'Tech-hacker', No talent changes.


      Tech-hackers originally came from the Ralians, who found themselves adept at dismantling and damage technological items. It didn't take a lot of time for the other races to pick up on this ability.

      Spacer renamed 'Airship Pilot', no talent changes.

      Airship Pilot

      Airship pilots are relatively new. Only a few have been trained in use of this new 'weapon' designed by Eisenbroch shortly after it turned coat on Aseil. They have already started to master these flying devices, and it is only a matter of time before The Coallition gains air superiority against Aseil. But what if Aseil already has countermeasures?

      End scoundrel changes.

      DM note - Just changing the two sci-fi elements in the scoundrel talent trees to a more fantasy-esque theme.

      Scouts - Nothing changes in this class, move along.

      Soldiers - Nothing to see here, Move along folks.


      DM notes - Wow, that wasn't so hard. I know its nothing spectacular on its own, but a change is a change, no? Next up, skills! comments are always appreciated.
      ⑨ is the strongest number.



        Class skills: Nix Swim, and Gather information. All classes gain Survival as a class skill.

        'Use the Force' is renamed 'Manipulate Mana'.

        Swim becomes part of 'Endurance'. Gather information is out entirely, and is eliminated from the skill list.

        End Skill Section.

        DM notes: I'm very happy with the skill lists as is, I do not foresee myself needing to change any skills other than the ones above. Swim should be part of endurance. Gather information is stupid, survival should be basic. Use the force is fitting in with the fantasy, and not star wars setting.


        I don't see anything I need to change here, I think the feats are fine and awesome!

        End feats skill section.

        THE FORCE

        Force points renamed 'Mana Points', nothing else is changed.

        DM notes: Fits. And really their just action points.

        The dark side

        The Ether side of Mana is an aberration, an unnatural virus within the flow of Mana. While Mana is good, and has aided the mortal races for millenia, Ether seeks to damage the natural world, tainting it like a poison. While it is almost impossible to avoid the Ether, it is not harmful to have some taint within someone, it is almost a natural part of life now. While Mana requires training to control and bend to ones will, Ether contorts easily, allowing its user to command it. In doing so, Ether further corrupts its 'master', making them more suspectable to its raw, acidic power. It is only a matter of time before Ether totally corrupts its user, making him into a twisted, monstrous shadow of a mortal.

        Transgressions, the Tracker, and Atoning

        Unchanged, I think these fit in well enough with the setting.

        Force/Mana powers

        Mana and Ether users are able to manipulate the flows and ebbs of magic into wonderful, dangerous, and spectacular abilities. One can allow his allies to strike true and surely, or summon lightning and strike down your foes.

        Darkside powers renamed 'Ether Powers'
        Lightside powers enamed 'Mana powers'
        Mind affecting's name is unchanged.

        Dark Rage changed to Ether Rage

        Force Disarm To Mana Disarm

        Force grip To Mana grip

        Force lightning To Ether Lightning

        Force Slam To Mana Slam

        Etc, etc. I'm not going to rename every force skill, Just assume that if its Light/Neutral, 'Force' changes to 'Mana', 'Darkside' changes to 'Ether'.

        Force Talents

        Alter Talent Tree Renamed 'Magic Alteration', no changes to the talents.

        Magic alteration

        Certain Mana users are able to manipulate their enviroment to allow their allies and themselves an advantage on the battlefield, giving them the ability to turn the tide of a battle.


        Control Not renamed, stays as is, no changes.


        You are able to infuse your body with Mana, allowing you to recover from grevious wounds, have skin as hard as steel, and recover mana powers instantly.


        Dark side Tree renamed Ether Side Tree.

        Ether Side

        You have chosen to focus on the Ether side of magic. You gain powerful abilities allowing you to wield amazing magical powers at levels beyond most magic users wildest dreams. What will be the cost to use them, however?

        You must have an Ether side score of atleast 1 or higher to select talents from this tree. If your Ether side score is ever reduced to 0, you lose access to all talents in this tree until yor Ether score increases.


        Sense talent tree remains the same.


        Your attunement to the magical flows has given you a broader perception of the world.


        Force Techniques

        In each force technique, replace 'Force' with 'Mana', nothing else is changed.


        Force Secrets

        In each Force secret, replace 'Force' with 'Mana', nothing else is changed.


        DM notes: Standard stuff, nothing too difficult yet. Continuing to work on setting as I change each chapter of the book into a more fantasy based univers.

        Next post! More detailed posts on Mana/Ether sides, and other magic using traditions.

        Btw I know you guys are out there reading! Any sort of comments you'd like to post are welcome! Don't just lurk....

        ⑨ is the strongest number.


          I like what i see so far though, admittedly, i know nothing about SW (not a fan). One criticism: Wouldn't "Force Lightning" be changed to "Mana Lightning" rather than "Ether Lightning"? Typo on your part? Or do i just not understand?

          Whether or not i would play it is up in the air. I don't really like anything modernistic.




            Why reinvent the wheel ? Unless you are doing this for pure need to try to see if can be done. It seems like you are putting a ton of work into this, unfortunatley I offer no kind of suggestions for lack of knowledge of the subject. Hopefully your crew appreciates all you are doing for them.

            Good Luck

            Mikey [smilie=confuzzled.gif]


              Once everything is done and if the time is right you can definitely count me in as a player.


                Originally posted by Wolf
                I like what i see so far though, admittedly, i know nothing about SW (not a fan). One criticism: Wouldn't "Force Lightning" be changed to "Mana Lightning" rather than "Ether Lightning"? Typo on your part? Or do i just not understand?

                Whether or not i would play it is up in the air. I don't really like anything modernistic.

                Force lightning is a Darkside force power. It has the [Darkside] tage as a descriptor, so I named it Ether lightning instead.

                Modern? Well yes, it will be 'modern'. There are guns, there will be tanks, robots, cars, airships, zeppelins. But there is still fantasy in it, and perhaps 'Steampunk' is the wrong word to describe the game, its fantasy. The robots will be a mix of technology and magic, the tanks run on coal furnaces, the cars are noisy and reminiscient of the model T. Its not really 'modern', of course, opinions are opinions and you can make of the settintg what you will.

                Why reinvent the wheel ? Unless you are doing this for pure need to try to see if can be done. It seems like you are putting a ton of work into this, unfortunatley I offer no kind of suggestions for lack of knowledge of the subject. Hopefully your crew appreciates all you are doing for them.
                Why not reinvent the wheel? I'm doing this because I like the Star-wars Saga system and want to use it to run my game, if I ever run it. That, and I can't to much whilst my Warmachine army's paint dries.

                And thank you for the luck!

                Once everything is done and if the time is right you can definitely count me in as a playe
                If and When I run it, you'll be one of the first to know.
                ⑨ is the strongest number.


                  Okay. It was just me misunderstanding. :mrgreen: Like i said. I know nothing or almost nothing about SW. Not a fan. Any knowledge has been garnered in passing.



                    Originally posted by Wolf
                    Okay. It was just me misunderstanding. :mrgreen: Like i said. I know nothing or almost nothing about SW. Not a fan. Any knowledge has been garnered in passing.

                    The system is a star wars system. But its a d20 system, and very much related to DnD and D20 modern, the base classes are highly reminiscent of the latter. The setting, however. Is not star wars. Its very much reminiscent of video games and anime... I can shout out a lot of inspirations...

                    -Star Wars
                    -Battle Chasers
                    -Final Fantasy 6
                    -Star Wars
                    -Full metal Alchemist
                    -So many others....
                    ⑨ is the strongest number.


                      Originally posted by Bloody Saint
                      -Star Wars
                      -Battle Chasers
                      -Final Fantasy 6
                      -Star Wars
                      -Full metal Alchemist
                      -So many others....
                      None of which i have played. :-P Except maybe a couple of the "So many others....". Anyways. Yeah. ;-)


