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Lords of Creation Open Source

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    Alexander - with Demigods they don't have to advance though. You advance only through working at advancing. I wouldn't be surprised to see some permanent Demigods who help their God some when they can.

    Ao - Interesting piece.
    "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Salvor Hardin, Foundation

    The one and only Dwarven Warrior!


      The concept has intrigued me since I first heard of it. What this is, is an original forum based game that, I strongly feel, has awesome potential.

      Whew, that came out like Cap'n Kirk...

      Anyway, discussion is all good but, I've been known to talk for days on a subject and never accomplish anything. I chose to start from scratch and set up some base rules to conver concepts I've seen discussed. I like the way they feel so far and, I've got some more work to do on them.

      These rules need to be short, but sweet. They must pack a lot of punch in a small package. Later will come the variants and mods. Maybe an 'expert version' but, first ya gotta isolate the core aspects. The rest will follow.

      I'd like to see the system boil down to a game that needs no DM. The bottleneck therein is the fact that someone needs to be willing to keep track of things. That person is usually the DM in a standard game but, my vision is something self propelled by the players.

      note to self... integrate the mapping aspect with maptool, include directions for this, make a campaign file with images for this game in order to make it easier for the cartographer.

      I want the rolling of dice to be involved for sure.

      Should there be guidelines for running this with a Gamemaster of sorts? I think so but, they need to add some fun for the Overlord or BOM. (Big Omnscient Mofugga)

      so another note, add rules for the BOM.

      and... methinks I've said enough for now...

      I don't wanna get into the potential for mass recruiting and making it a community game until the rules are complete. ((Just in regards to my personal participation... feel free to continue what you're doing in the recruiting area and such))

      I'm erratic... I might never get back to further revising what I've already done... I'm funny like that.

      dammit... I started rambling again.


        The game in itself has no need for a Gm, other than to just get everything set up and keep things going. When the game finally begins I'm gonna be a player, not a Gm. when it comes down to arguments about the rules, I'm a Gm. other than that, I'm gonna be playing right along with the rest of the group.

        And the community gaming thing should DEFINITELY NOT BE STARTED til we get a couple playtests complete and get the rules all set.

        Xealot, detailed is good. just try working on another part of the game and come back to tech later. I'm gonna try to think of a way to transform Ao's "tech tree" into one that is more compatible with the version that is gonna be used in the Guinea Pig Group.

        Right now i just wanna see core rules, with people who want to focus specifically in an area expand those rules, while others keep getting the core down.
        Last edited by mythlord; 04-11-2009, 08:43 PM.


          Well, there needs to be a progenitor god of sorts. Something to go URRRRRRRRRRM POP And make things

          Dice rolls should be minimized, hell a d6 for certain chance games vs gods would be the worst done.

          Demi-gods? WHAT HAVE I SUGGESTED!??? I only mentioned the book about Gods to help...give them stats. >.> But yea, I'd like have demi-god kids Cain isn't dead, He's back and angry his creations were 'sploded out of Quantum Blue Screen of Death, he even bought a new PC to run it >.>

          Man this went nuts when opensourced, yet few of those interested did the actual first test run...that hurts a few things...


            Umm..Wow. I think this got away from me a wee bit.

            Ah well; let me know when it needs a website


              I was working on updating v0.12 earlier today when I stumbled upon a structure system that formed mid-way through my work.

              It came from a question I asked myself while I was working: If there is going to be technology, then how do we lose that technology and keep the populace? How does an advanced culture get reduced back to savagery by attacking their progress rather than their population?

              Seeing as how this is a fantasy world, and there is a demand for a "technological" development in the world as well as fantasy elements, I incorporated what I called MESC.

              In short, there are four tiers of power.

              Mundane is the easiest to build and work on, and can achieve many things all on it's own. It's the "bread and water" of civilization. Roleplaying it would reflect things like population, reproductive habits, diet, natural things like that.

              Extraordinary, however, is the boosts in civilization. They are all the perks to civilization, and the things that put us above animals. Roleplaying it would be tech advances, new methods of travel, leisure, entertainment, and the advancements in the weapons of war.

              Supernatural is the mysterious and powerful force of raw magic. Far superior to simple perks, these are the defining marks of a fantasy civilization. Roleplaying it may make magical citadels with arcane firing towers, food appearing out of thin air for the masses, and beings themselves who are arcane forces, no longer bound to a mortal lifespan as long as the mana continues to flow. Supernatural is seperated from Extraordinary, even though Extraordinary could represent minor magical effects as well. Supernatural, however, can be removed from a game that is going to stick to a low-magic, more realistic setting.

              Cosmic is the power of beings beyond the Material World. Deities, angels, outsiders that consume stars and live in nightmares, those sorts of things. They exist in the Planes, once they are made, and exist there, rather than in the Material world.

              So, let me know what you think of v0.20. I'll be finishing the rest over the next week, time willing.


                This is actually pretty good for the idea that me and coboney were forming, it would make it much easier to "unlock" powers and sort them, allowing certain levels of God's to Have different powers. MESC is a good idea, I hope version .21 or .3 wraps up some more things.


                  o.o. Let me know what ya want updated to the first post.

                  I give up trying to even keep up with you guys; lol. Brain no worky that fast.:-D


                    Originally posted by Xealot View Post
                    Only one. What would keep a majority, if not all of the gods, from joining, and having all the gods of the pantheon's followers from worshiping each other, thus everyone getting and extra 3 or 4 dp then having two or three gods out in the cold getting hammered because the other 8 or 9 gods are teaming up? Not saying it would, just that it is a possibility. IMO I say, allow no more than 2DP from this to keep it from becoming broken.
                    I would hope that there would be sufficient overlap of divine areas that teams of 8 or 9 gods are just not possible without internal competition and squabbles. And as for the teaming up bit, if 8 or 9 gods teamed up even as things currently stand the outsiders would still be getting blasted. I'd suggest adjust the dp bonus for being in a pantheon down if this is what you are worried about, maybe 10% of the total not 25% rather than place a limit on the bonus - the idea is that once a pantheon forms and starts growing, as a pantheon, it should become more of a blow to leave it and lose the mutual aid it offers.

                    (Ducks as bovine is followed by rotten goats cheese)

                    That said, this is yet another 'mechanic' requiring bookeeping and pantheon rules may be better dropped until we see how cooperation works in the game in practice; as other posters have said alliances will form of their own accord.

                    Originally posted by cbolttoak
                    It came from a question I asked myself while I was working: If there is going to be technology, then how do we lose that technology and keep the populace? How does an advanced culture get reduced back to savagery by attacking their progress rather than their population?

                    Seeing as how this is a fantasy world, and there is a demand for a "technological" development in the world as well as fantasy elements, I incorporated what I called MESC.

                    In short, there are four tiers of power.

                    Mundane is the easiest to build and work on, and can achieve many things all on it's own. It's the "bread and water" of civilization. Roleplaying it would reflect things like population, reproductive habits, diet, natural things like that.

                    Extraordinary, however, is the boosts in civilization. They are all the perks to civilization, and the things that put us above animals. Roleplaying it would be tech advances, new methods of travel, leisure, entertainment, and the advancements in the weapons of war.

                    Supernatural is the mysterious and powerful force of raw magic. Far superior to simple perks, these are the defining marks of a fantasy civilization. Roleplaying it may make magical citadels with arcane firing towers, food appearing out of thin air for the masses, and beings themselves who are arcane forces, no longer bound to a mortal lifespan as long as the mana continues to flow. Supernatural is seperated from Extraordinary, even though Extraordinary could represent minor magical effects as well. Supernatural, however, can be removed from a game that is going to stick to a low-magic, more realistic setting.

                    Cosmic is the power of beings beyond the Material World. Deities, angels, outsiders that consume stars and live in nightmares, those sorts of things. They exist in the Planes, once they are made, and exist there, rather than in the Material world.

                    So, let me know what you think of v0.20. I'll be finishing the rest over the next week, time willing.
                    Nice, but how does your deity build up to this kind of power and how quickly?

                    And where have you posted this version 2.0 BTW?
                    Last edited by bert; 04-12-2009, 06:45 AM.


                      Originally posted by bert View Post
                      Nice, but how does your deity build up to this kind of power and how quickly?

                      And where have you posted this version 2.0 BTW?
             my work on CTDraft LoC is the first post on page 2 of this thread. I regularly change and update it as I'm working, and post that it has been updated.

                      And again, it's v0.2. Once I have completed a full set of rules, I'll call it CTDraft v1.0 Beta, and have a full patch thread setup on the game forum, as well as a R&D thread and a Q&A thread for CTDraft LoC.


                        TheTallestDwarf said...

                        Man this went nuts when opensourced, yet few of those interested did the actual first test run...that hurts a few things...
                        Human nature. It is easy to post in a discussion and a lot of work to be part of a game. This is how it always is with any sort of Project. Lots of people willing to talk about it, few wanting to actually do anything.

                        That is why my idea for a larger game does not require much effort from the supporting players. Finding people who want to 'work' up to being full 'Gods' is gonna be rather tough. But getting a bunch of people who only have to post once every 3 days to stay alive is quite different.

                        Personally I think the DemiGod idea should just be an extension of the Player Diety. You create them to work on your World or Worlds in your place. Giving you another Persona to RP with.

                        MythLord said...

                        When the game finally begins I'm gonna be a player, not a Gm. when it comes down to arguments about the rules, I'm a Gm. other than that, I'm gonna be playing right along with the rest of the group.
                        Not really a good idea. So you want to be a Player that gets to win all the arguements? That is how most people would see it. You are either GM and above it all, or you are not.

                        And the community gaming thing should DEFINITELY NOT BE STARTED til we get a couple
                        Somehow I do not think you have to worry about that. For a larger game to work the Rules would have to be proven. The people who play Dieties would have to really love the game to even consider the effort my version would require.



                          Ok guys we seem to be going in lots of different directions here...

                          I think we need to take a look at the different paths we're going down as they seem to be leading in different ways

                          Tblood is going down a more combat, rigid build of the game

                          Me and Mythlord are doing more of a constant evolution type

                          Cbolt is doing a tweak.

                          There's pros and cons to each.
                          "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Salvor Hardin, Foundation

                          The one and only Dwarven Warrior!


                            O.K. maybe i didn't phrase that correctly A.T.

                            What i meant was that i would be playing like a player, but being slightly "out of the way". really acting more of the God of Balance most likely, which i shall go and submit now. I wanted to be active in the game, but be a player. And i know you've probably all heard this before, but i would probably be more harsh on myself with the rules then with the other players.


                              I'm just designing a combat system, as I was told to do by Mythlord. It probably won't be done for a little while considering I'm lazy (yay!)

                              After we all design the systems, we can work them together as one coherent game, hopefully.


                                To Tblood, your original version was actually a good idea, but would require some small tweaking to work with the current rules were going to be using in the playtest. Maybe just modify some of the stats for races, and make them work with the battle rules, or modify the battle rules to work with the stats, either way I don't care. But you did have a very good idea.

