Originally posted by Northlander
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Also a few things confuse me about the rules: Create ecosystem powers require lifeless regions. However the problem comes with shaping existing ecosystem to support extraordinary populace. It seems like you can only create extraordinary populace from mundance populace. This also means you would need to shape the mundance ecosystem where they lived to extraordinary one which is not possible since there's already populace in that region.
That answers some of the questions you're asking. Basic rundown being that I changed it so a low-level ecosystem supports all higher levels, but high-level ones can't support lower ones. Now, while a deity can't shape an existing region or ecosystem, the populace there can (something I'm still in the process of working on), as well as allow them to survive in such an environment.
Also do "create extraordinary icon", "create supernatural being" and "create divine icon" actually create beings that can survive anywhere or do they require extraordinary, supernatural and cosmic ecosystems to spawn them?
Also what is the difference between extraordinary, supernatural and divine icons power wise? They all seem to create beings with 1 IP. Similarly what are the benefits in creating supernatural or extraordinary populace over mundane? What about cosmic?
I know that I'll make Cosmic Icons the only ones that can easily change from Astral to Material, for example, and that Icons that match their Region, Ecosystem, and Populace levels get bonuses of some kind (synergy kind of deal)
Me thinks one potential thing for god to earn DP from might be their own astral realm. If they have one they could start gaining extra DPs from their populace as dead souls migrate to the afterlife they have crafted for them. This would give reason to create "cosmic" regions.
Also when it comes to battling other gods and their followers what exactly is attacking what? Is it populace vs populace or icon vs populace or icon vs icon? How do icons interact with populace? Should terrain influence battles? So for example if you have supernatural region "buffer" between mundane attacker should there be penalties/losses for the mundane moving through that region?
How much intervention can gods have outside of their icons when it comes to battles? I.e. let's assume terrain has some effects and a god wishes for their mundane troops to have safe passage to enemy lands: they use dp to shape unoccupied supernatural land to mundane (how much this would cost anyways?), then they spend dp to send their troops to attack (is this populace or icons?). The other deity sees approaching attack but can't shape the land back to supernatural since it's now occupied. Instead of that they decide to target the enemy troops with a curse that does... what exactly? Reduces their attack rating? Reduces their populace? It would help to know what attacks.

Finally I hope you guys are planning to keep this simple. There's already plenty of stuff that is confusing to me.
