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D20 Based Space game

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    D20 Based Space game

    Making this up mainly to use for a freeform game, but why do anything half-arsed? Here's a (hopefully) complete enough system to actually run a game based on it.
    Basics: Uses a six attribute system like D&D; Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Gain +1 to one attribute every 4 levels. New feats are earned every other level (i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.). Mental powers will be based off of Psionics. Psionic power points regenerate during the day at 1/24 of your total points an hour, not less than 1 point an hour. You may not have more than your max power points at any time. First level skill points are class x4.

    Money: Their dollars are called creds or credits. They come in three different forms. The first is small square plastic chips with set denominations(think poker chips in Vegas). These only go up to 1,000 cred chips. The second is a personal cred card. These are personalized cards that are for a single user (think debit cards) that require a genetic signature to use. The upside is you can put as many creds as you want on them. The third kind is a card that can be loaded with different values (think gift cards). They don't have the same restrictions as personal cards, but require even amounts of creds (amounts of 5) and are not accepted everywhere. These last are the favorite method of payment for bounty hunters and mercenaries.

    Acrobatics : Dex - Use instead of Balance or Tumble
    Athletics : Str - Use instead of Climb, Jump, or Swim, Use for Running
    Bluff : Cha
    Computer Use : Int
    Concentration : Con
    Craft (chemical) : Int; Trained Only
    Craft (electronic) : Int; Trained Only - Grant synergy bonus to Disable Device and Repair.*
    Craft (mechanical) : Int; Trained Only - Grant synergy bonus to Disable Device and Repair.*
    Decipher Script : Int; Trained Only
    Demolitions : Int; Trained Only
    Diplomacy : Cha
    Disable Device : Int; Trained Only - Use for pick locks as well.
    Disguise : Cha
    Flight: Dex - This is for personal flight not in a ship.
    Forgery : Int
    Gamble : Wis
    Gather Information : Cha
    Hand to Hand Combat : Grants synergy bonus to BAB and unarmed damage. 5 ranks grants +1 to BAB, 8 ranks grants Flurry of Blows, and 10 ranks gives +1 to dam, etc..*
    Heal : Wis
    Insight :Wis - Investigate and Sense Motive fall under this
    Intimidate : Str or Cha
    Knowledge (Behavior) : Int
    Knowledge (Culture) : Int
    Knowledge (Psipowers) : Int
    Knowledge (Spaceship) : Int
    Knowledge (Tactics) : Int
    Knowledge (Technology) : Int
    Knowledge (Weapons) : Int
    Navigation : Int
    Perform : Cha or Dex - Use for any attempt to entertain or distract. GM discretion on which attribute applies to a given perform skill.
    Perception : Wis - Use for Listen, Search, and Spot
    Piloting : Dex; Trained Only
    Profession : Wis
    Repair : Int; Trained Only - Grants synergy bonus to Craft (mechanical) and Craft (electronic).*
    Research : Int
    Stealth : Dex - Use for Move Silently, Hide, and and attempts to pickpocket, steal, etc.
    Streetwise : Wis
    Survival : Wis
    Use Psionic Device: Cha

    *Synergy bonus of +1 at 5 trained ranks and +2 at 10 trained ranks. Only highest synergy bonus is applied and only to applicable tasks. Hand to Hand Synergy bonus only applies to melee attacks not ranged. There are further bonuses for the 15th and 20th levels of trained ranks, and Hand to Hand grants an improved Flurry of blows at the 16th level of trained ranks.

    Cybernetics: Improvements a character can buy. Minimum level for implant purchase is lvl3 for lvl1 upgrades, lvl9 for lvl2 and lvl15 for lvl3. Cost for upgrades is 100,000 creds for lvl 1, 500,000 creds for lvl 2, and 1 million creds for lvl 3. You must have the previous level upgrade to buy an improved one.
    Cybernetic Neuronet - A small lattice work of microprocessors and hard drives stretched on your skull under the skin. Allows complete recall of any memories in minute detail and improves the use of other cybernetic implants. Can allow you to download things you've seen or heard to a computer. Grants Int +1.
    Cybernetic Lenses - Improves vision allowing you to see over great distances/ see small details. Grants Dex +1.
    Cybernetic Hearing - Small speakers implanted in your ear canal. Can be used to magnify your hearing and to play back your favorite music. Grants Wis +1.
    Robotic Arms - Modifications involving implanted motors and exoskeletons are added to your arms granting increased strength. Grants Str +1 at lvl1, +2 at lvl2, +3 at lvl3.
    Robotic Legs - Modifications involving implanted motors and exoskeletons are added to your legs granting increased strenght and speed. Grants speed +10 ft., Str+1 at lvl1, +2 at lvl2, +3 at lvl3.

    Feats: Any d20 Modern feats that make sense or can be altered to fit. Example: Acrobatic - Change from +2 to Jump and Tumble checks to +2 to Acrobatics Skill.
    Skilled Technician - Prereq: Hacker Class. After years of self-teaching or through formal training you are able to pull more knowledge from your head than previously to use and repair computer systems. Benefit: +2 Computer Use, +2 Repair (Computer Systems)
    Cybernetic Improvement - This feat can be taken multiple times. Grants the use of one cybernetic improvement.
    Psionic Power - Grants Psionic powers.
    Jack of All Trades - Prereq: Character level 8+. You can use any skill untrained, even those that normally require training and those that are exclusive to classes you don’t have. You cannot, however, gain ranks in a skill unless you are allowed to select it.
    Zero-G Training - Prereq: Dex 13. You can function normally in low-G or zero-G environments.

    Hack Computer - Psionic power that allows the caster to mentally access the computer and attempt to override the computer's security.
    (more to be added)
    Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-16-2009, 05:53 PM.
    "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
    Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
    Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


    Baseline Humans: Recieve +1 to one attribute of player's choice. Racial Feat: Player choice. Base Speed is 30 ft.

    Ubers: Genetically engineered humans, made to be faster, stronger, and harder to kill. Bred to be soldiers. +1 to Str, +2 to Con, -2 to Cha. Suffer from superiority complex, don't play well with others. Racial Feat: Endurance. Base Speed is 30 ft.

    Mentals: Genetically engineered humans, given mental powers that make them modern day wizards. +1 Wis, +2 Int, -1 Con, -1 Str. Racial Feat: Psionic Power. +2 to Power points. Base Speed is 30 ft.

    Saurions: Reptilian alien race, Very strong and honorable, but not very bright. +1 Con, +2 Str, -1 Cha, -1 Wis. Racial Feat: Iron Will. Restrictions: May not take any unlawful class (i.e. Hacker or Pirate). Base Speed is 35 ft.

    Vaurians: Alien race, gifted with mental powers similar to mentals. +1 Int, +2 Wis, -1 Cha, -1 Con. Racial Feat: Psionic Power. The majority of Vaurian military are Psiwarriors. +3 to Power points. Base Speed is 30 ft.


    Chitak: Alien race not on friendly terms with, well, anyone. None have ever been taken alive and they are not know for being talkative. They appear to be something like a cross between a big bug and a squid.
    Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-12-2009, 10:34 PM.
    "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
    Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
    Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”



      Most basic melee weapons such as swords and axes will be in. You can take their stats pretty much straight from the PHB for D&D. Additional things to note:

      Melee Weapons:
      Gauntlet, Sword - 1d6 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit, 5 lbs, 5 ft., 55 creds.

      Gauntlet, Sword Retractable - 1d4 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit, 5 lbs, 65 creds, Blade can be withdrawn into the gauntlet when not in use.

      Ranged Weapons:
      Blaster pistol - 1d6 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit, 30 ft., 2 lbs, 150 creds. Think 9mm pistol.

      Laser rife - 1d8 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit, 80 ft., 5 lbs, 200 creds. Think M-16 rifle.

      Plasma rife - 1D12 Damage, 19-20/x2 Crit, 120 ft., 8lbs, 250 creds. Think large caliber sniper rifle.

      Plasma grenades - 6d6 Damage, 5 ft. Range Increment, 12 Reflex save, 10ft blast radius, 400 creds for 6.

      Military Grade blasters do one damage die higher base damage and have stabilizers that increase your chance to hit (+2 bonus to hit). Extra cost is 50% more to price.

      Special Melee Add-ons:
      Electric Generator - adds shock damage to melee weapon through a generator in the handle; +2 electrical damage. 200 creds.

      Plasma Blade - Instead of an actual metal blade it has a blade made of contained plasma; +1 damage die of fire damage. 500 creds.
      Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-16-2009, 07:30 PM.
      "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
      Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
      Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


        Space Ships

        The three races of the alliance all use a series of jump points and FTL engines to travel great distances. The jump points are for traveling from one galaxy to another, while FTL engines are used for system to system travel. It is currently unknown how the Chitak ships navigate through space.

        Vaurian ships: Tend to be very elegant and fast. Vaurians are always on the cutting edge of starship engine development, which ensures that their ships are the fastest and most agile of the three races.
        Example: Vaurian Scout ship- 1 Size, 6 Speed, 6 Maneuverability, 2 Shields, 1 Weapons, 4 Sensors

        Saurian ships: The Saurians favor overwhelming firepower and powerful shields to speed and stealth. A Saurian battle cruiser carries more firepower than anything else in the fleet.
        Example: Saurian Battle Crusier- 6 Size, 4 Speed, 3 Maneuverability, 6 Shields, 6 Weapons, 5 Sensors

        Human ships: Humanity tends to walk a line somewhere in between the other two races. Having learned space travel from the other two races, human starships tend to blend speed and maneuverability with heavy firepower and strong shields.
        Example: Human Destroyer- 4 Size, 4 Speed, 4 Maneuverability, 4 Shields, 4 Weapons, 5 Sensors

        Chitak ships: Chitak ships are both fast and well armed. Jet black and an odd spike shape, they are not to be taken lightly even by Saurian cruisers.

        Sizes: 1- Holds 1 to 3 people. 2- Holds 5 to 15 people. 3- Holds 20 to 75 people. 4- Holds 100 to 800 people. 5- Holds from 1,000 to 2,000 people. 6- Holds from 2,000 to 6,000 people.
        Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-13-2009, 12:29 PM.
        "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
        Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
        Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”



          Shock Troopers - Elite military troops. The best training, equipment, and weapons, HD d12, BAB +1, Saves: +2 Fort, +1 Reflex, +0 Will. Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Concentration, Demolitions, Flight, Hand to Hand Combat, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Tactics), Knowledge (Weapons), Perception, Profession, Survival. Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency and Armor Proficiency (heavy). Skill points: 4+Int bonus.

          Mercenaries - HD d10, BAB +1, Saves: +1 Fort, +1 Reflex, 0 Will. Skills:Athletics, Computer Use, Concentration, Disable Device, Gather Information, Hand to Hand Combat, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Knowledge (Behavior), Knowledge (Weapons), Perception, Piloting, Profession, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival. Feats: Track and Armor Proficiency (medium). Skill points: 4+Int bonus. Bonus feat earned every even level (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.).

          Pirates - HD d8, BAB 0, Saves: 0 Fort, +2 Reflex, 0 Will. Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gamble, Hand to Hand Combat, Knowledge (Spaceship), Knowledge (Tactics), Perform, Piloting, Profession, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival. Feats: Deceptive and Armor Proficiency (light). Skill points: 4+Int bonus.

          Hacker - HD d6, BAB 0, Saves: 0 Fort, +1 Reflex, +1 Will. Skills: Computer Use, Craft (electronic), Decipher Script, Disable Device, Forgery, Gamble, Gather Information, Insight, Knowledge (Technology), Profession, Repair, Research, Stealth. Feats: Skilled Technician and Armor Proficiency (light). Skill points: 6+Int bonus.

          Pilot - HD d6, BAB 0, Saves: +1 Fort, +1 Reflex, +1 Will. Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Flight, Gamble, Gather Info, Insight, Perception, Knowledge (Spaceship), Knowledge (Culture), Knowledge (Tactics), Navigation, Piloting, Profession, Survival. Feats: Vehicle Expert and Armor Proficiency (medium). Skill points: 6+Int bonus.

          Engineer - HD d6, BAB 0, Saves: +1 Fort, +1 Reflex, 0 Will. Skills: Computer Use, Craft (chemical), Craft (electronic), Craft (mechanical), Demolitions, Disable Device, Knowledge (Spaceship), Knowledge (Weapons), Profession, Repair, Research. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light) and one of these three: Builder, Cautious, or Gearhead. Skill points: 6+Int bonus.

          Diplomat - HD d6, BAB 0, Saves: 0 Fort, +1 Reflex, +1 Will. Skills: Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gamble, Gather Info, Insight, Knowledge (Behavior), Knowledge (Culture), Knowledge (Tactics), Perception, Profession, Research, Streetwise. Feats: Alertness and Armor Proficiency (light). Skill points: 6+Int bonus.

          PsiWarrior - Special Mentalist class, orignally part of the Vaurian military, has since been taught to some human Mentals. HD d8, BAB 0, Saves: +2 Fort, 0 Reflex, +1 Will. Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Concentration, Decipher Script, Hand to Hand Combat, Heal, Insight, Knowledge (Psipowers), Perception, Profession, Stealth. Feats: Defensive Martial Arts, Armor Proficiency (medium), and Weapon Focus. Prereq: Psionic Power. Skill points: 2+Int bonus. Psionic power is based off Wisdom. Psi Power points at 1st level = 0*.

          Telepath - Original human use of Mentals, less military focus. HD d6, BAB 0, Saves: 0 Fort, +1 Reflex, +2 Will. Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Info, Heal, Insight, Knowledge (Behavior), Knowledge (Culture), Knowledge (Psipowers), Perception, Profession, Research, Stealth. Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Studious, and Trustworthy. Prereq: Psionic Power. Skill points: 6+Int bonus. Psionic power is based off Intelligence. Psi Power points at 1st level = 2*.

          *Add points from race and bonus points from a high Ability score.
          Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-14-2009, 10:14 AM.
          "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
          Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
          Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”



            Here's what I'm thinking:

            Low-grade armor available to everyone that can buy. Cheaper, but far less effective usually. Usually only one modification may be made to these suits.
            Basic Spacesuit: +1 AC, Max Dex +8, 50 creds.
            Reinforced Spacesuit: +2 AC, Max Dex +6, 100 creds.
            Flak Armor: +3 AC, Max Dex +5, 150 creds.
            Military Light Armor: +4 AC, Max Dex +5, 200 creds.

            Medium-grade armor is found in the hands of police and some mercenaries. Better protection, but greater cost. Restrictive selling limits the market. Two mods can usually be made to these suits.
            Eagle Body Armor: +4 AC, Max Dex +4, 200 creds.
            Phoenix Armor: +5 AC, Max Dex +4, 500 creds.

            Heavy-grade armor available only to the military. The best protection around, but isn't available to non-military at any price. These suits can often take three or more mods.
            Kraken Armor: +6 AC, Max Dex +3, 750 creds.
            Predator Armor: +7 AC, Max Dex +3, 1,000 creds.
            Dragon Power Armor: +8 AC, Max Dex +6, +1 Str, 2,500 creds.

            T-Shields: Low power energy shields that cover your body. While they are virtually useless against melee weapons, unable to take more than a couple of swings, they provide some protection from ranged blasters (cut damage in half). High end military models not only last longer and absorb more, but also provide limited protection against Mentalist attacks (i.e. saving throws).
            Civilian models: +1 to AC, lasts for 5 attacks, halves blaster damage that hits while active, 5 round recharge.
            Military models: +2 to AC, lasts for 10 attacks, halves blaster damage that hits while active, allows saving throws against Mentalist attacks while active, 5 round recharge.

            Armor Mods:
            Last edited by SoberIrishman; 05-15-2009, 10:15 AM.
            "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
            Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
            Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


              A little context would be helpful here. What sort of setting, what kind of play are you going for, that sort of thing.

              I love Space settings but I need a little more before I could have anything helpful to say. My one big question is about Ships.

              Are they just transportation or do they play a bigger role. In other words are we talking fast and loose Star Wars, or more detailed Star Trek style?



                I'd be inclined to do cybernetics as feats, that way everyone can have access to them.

                I'd also either increase the damage of the energy weapons, or add something to the melee weapons that make them power weapons or something. I just can't picture a big axe being as effective as a plasma rifle.


                  Alexander Tau- As you can hopefully gather from my edits, I want the ships to play a part. I'm not sure if I will have the time and creativity necessary to actually stat different starships, but I think it would be a nice feature to have. I'm drawing influences from a lot of different sources of Sci-fi, not just Star Wars and Star Trek.

                  Lowthor- I liked the idea of using cybernetics as a feat type thing, so I removed it from races. As to damage, I have several responses. First thing is I think there should be common weapons and then police and military weaponry that is stronger and more accurate. Second is my vision for what the weapons are like in comparison to modern weapons. However I did think you had a point so I uped the damage on the pistol and plasma rifle.
                  "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
                  Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
                  Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


                    I was using those two to represent different styles of using ships. Star Wars represents the whole genre of 'ships as hotrods'. You jump in and fly like crazy. Not a lot of detail to the flying or running of the ships. Mostly they are a way to get from place to place.

                    The Star Trek style is one where the Ship itself is a focus to a fair degree. Operating the Ship is something to do as well. Generally this requires a fair amount of work so this will probably not be the way you are going.

                    Chances are you are thinking more of the former. Which is fine those kinds of Ships are fun too.



                      Well I'd like to manage to get somewhere inbetween, but it will probably be closer to Star Wars than Star Trek yeah.
                      "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
                      Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
                      Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


                        Money system:

                        Chargeable/Refillable Cards (Think debit cards)

                        Perhaps use real value amounts instead of a wealth system, so that players can receive treasure in money that they can identify with, instead of a bonus to rolls. Would also lower amount of rolls needed.

                        Add a subskill to computers or forgery or similar skill to allow players (maybe pirates get a bonus to this) that allows them to make fake cash cards.


                          I think his is a good game and it has potential. I have a couple of suggestions.
                          First thing the skills :
                          I borrowed some skills from DnD 4e

                          Acrobatics : Dex or Str
                          Athletics : str
                          Bluff: cha
                          computer skills : int
                          Diplomacy :cha
                          Endurance :con
                          Hand to hand combat : Dex or Str
                          Heal : wis
                          Insight :wis
                          infiltration : wis
                          Intimidate : unlike DnD this should be Str not cha
                          Perception :wis
                          navigation : int
                          Stealth : dex
                          Spaceship knowledge : int
                          weapon knowledge : wis

                          if you want Intimidate to have the ability mod of DnD witch is Charisma i don't think that the uber Should suffer from a -2 cha caus if i see a 7+ feet tall man build like a tank charging at me with an axes i'm gona be intimidated. Maybe a -2 to int would be better

                          And the Saurions i think a race that has mastered space travel would be intelligent.
                          just think about it and tell me what you think. Thanks.
                          Last edited by Gryphon; 04-24-2009, 10:10 AM.


                            Pocal- added a money system.

                            Gryphon- that's a good start to skills. For intimidate I'd say let it be either Str or Cha. Gives players more flexibilty. As for the Saurions I'm making a small change. I know I want to add another skill called forgery (Int). I'll probably add one or two more before done.
                            "Behold I have become Death, Destroyer of worlds."
                            Originally posted by D&D Basic Rules, Altered by me
                            Disclaimer: [Your DM, TTW and] Wizards of the Coast [are] not responsible for the consequences of splitting up the party, opening hidden coffins, shaking up or mixing unfinished alchemical potions, throwing a stick past a werewolf and yelling "Fetch!", angering a dragon of any variety, or saying yes when the DM asks, “Are you really sure?”


                              the Ships in your game are single seater (only a pilot can fit). Or mother ships with smaller Battleships like in battlestar galactica. or both.
                              Last edited by Gryphon; 04-24-2009, 09:33 AM.

