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The Battle Field

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    The Battle Field

    Here is a very old story, began almost a year ago on the old forums, very very old forums, it began Jan 26th 2006, i hope you enjoy it, as much as the first who read this story, enjoy my friends.

    The famed and fabled Arcorshirak sat atop his death black stallion surveying the battle field on which his Purple Dragon Knights were engaging a rampage of trolls, giants, orcs, and goblins. the spellcasters stood behind him, hidden by thier invisibility spells, they cast thier spell, fire and acid upon the Rampage while the Knights sunk blade and arrow into them. Arcorshirak rode down to the battle field barring his Bastard Sword and decapatating an orc immediately after engaging in the melee, his cape flowed and his blade rose and fell methodically. his purple armour was swathed in the blood of his foes, his sword dripping. the Horde was retreating, and so it was time to chase them down and make sure they were all dead, he shouted through the bars of his helm " TAKE NO PRISONERS, FORWARD !!!!! "

    he booted his stallion to an immediate run, he came upon a single goblin screeching and running for its life, he took that life with ease. he rode on after killing the goblin and came to confront a giant, it was running lumberingly, with no great speed and Arcorshirak caught up to it easily he slashed at the back of its legs with his sword as his horse galloped past it, then wheeled around it again and again taking it to the ground with out it ever even attacking. it was on its knees its large hands wildly swinging at its unseen assailant. Arcorshirak then sheathed his sword, drew his Composite Longbow and knocked an arrow. he rode to the giants front, aiming carefully his arrows burried itself in the giants left eye, knocks another arrow, and fires it into the beasts other eye, enraged adn blinded the giant howls in pain and Arcorshirak fires arrows down its throat, then rides on

    many days later Arcorshirak is back in his small palace of a home walking through his gardens with his son, telling him of the battle and after events written above, and says to his son " you, my son, have great potential as a warrior, when you are older i think jsut maybe you shall be recruited into the ranks of the Purple Dragon Knights, it is near time for the midday meal, let us see what the chefs are preparing.
    ( remember stay on the story line, i have faith in you all. )
    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

    The Warden of The North
    The Royal Executioner
    The RiDDLe BoxXx

    "Yes father..." is the young man's only reply as they continue onto the kitchens with their stomaches all a rumble in anticipation with what Anton the head chef might have cooking up today. Arcorshirak places his large and hairy arm around his sons shoulder and seems content.

    I don't wanna be a Purple Knight... is the youngsters first thought that comes to mind, but he has not the courage to speak it aloud. Why can I not just tell him straight out that I wish to study under Harnester... I want to follow the path of magic... why would I wish to wade into battle with naught but a sword and some armor when I could rain death upon my enemies with magic?"

    Coris casts a quick glance at his father's smiling face and stifles the thought though... He would never hear of it and, it would crush him for me to say it aloud... Taking a deep breathe, Coris bites his tongue and soon forgets his doubts amidst a heaping tray of bacon and salt bread. The day has dawned bright and clear and Coris is still young and light of heart... the fates will deal what they will and he knows that for now and forever, his life is in his fathers hands.




      [quote]It didn’t take either of the two long to scarf down the meal that had been set down before them.

      “Coris, head to your room. Junior academy’s tomorrow; you need your rest.â€


        As Coris lay in bed, he quickly drifted into a deep sleep filled with not so plesant dreams, nightmares you could call them. He dreamed that his father had found out about his secret of wanting to become a mage. and heres how it happened

        As Coris awoke his father was standing above him, the spell book that Coris kept hidden in his pile of books in his hand, Coris went quickly from the sleepy state he awoke in to complete and utter shock and fear, he knew that his father wanted him to become a Purple Dragon Knight, and he did not want his father to find out that he wanted to become a mage, at least not like this. Coris leapt out of his bed and looked at his father with fear filled eyes, well, the dreaming Coris watched the dream Coris do this anyway. His father looked down at him, sadness fillnig his eyes, and uttered a small simple word. " why? " and Coris did not have the answer to that question, in fact Coris did not even understand what his father meant... why as in why did you not tell me, or why as in why the hell do you want to be a mage. Coris knew that this was a dream, but that didnt stop his mind from racing withtrying to come up with an answer for his father, and he couldnt, couldnt for the life of him answer his father, either meaning, he couldnt. and this scared Coris, scared him horribly, because if he couldnt think of an answer in a bloody dream then how in the Nine Gates of Hell was he going to come up with an answer if his father ever found out in actuality. Coris frantically tried to wake him self up, he looked at his father, now with a tear running down his harsh, battle worn face, his only son did not want to follow in his footsteps and that was saddening. Coris tried to speak to his father, tried to say anything but he couldnt, his throat had closed up and tears had swelled behind his eyes, and suddenly he heard himself say " forgive me father, please forgive me." his father turned around and whispered to him " you want to choose your own path, i understand, but at least fight with sword and spells." then turned and left the bedchamber.

        Coris awoke, for real this time, and his father was not standing in his bedchamber, infact, the servant had not even brought hot wash water yet, the sky was still dark, and Coris also noticed that he was drenched, in a cold, sickly sweat, he had to change his clothes, but he couldnt move he was frozen with fear, for when he looked to his wardrobe he saw.....
        ( oooh, suspense, one of you better make this really frikken good, i left you a PERFECT opportunity ... )
        I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

        /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

        The Warden of The North
        The Royal Executioner
        The RiDDLe BoxXx


          ...the gilded dragon emblem begin to move upon it as though it had come to life to question him where his father had not. The dragon's mouth opened and filigreed flame crawled across the wardrobe door. Raising it's foreclaws, Coris new it would leap at him and rend him in his very bed.

          But instead it, rather cheerfully, began to wave at him. "Sobek!" Coris hissed, "get out of there now or my father will catch you and have you lashed." He couldn't help but smile as an idiotic grin disappeared from the gilded dragon's face and it returned to its original noble posture. Sobek, the mage's apprentice, stepped from his wardrobe with a gallant flourish.

          "I couldn't resist scaring you, you were tossing and turning. Wimpering like a little puppy." It was Sobek who smuggled in the less common ingredients Coris used to practice magic under his father's nose, Sobek who gave him hints when he was doing it wrong. Sobek admitted to him once that his master had found out about his little thefts, but that upon discovering their intended recipient he let Sobek go. Master Turrian encouraged everyone to pick up a little magic, even if it was petty tricks. It broadened the mind's scope, he said, allowing them to see things they might otherwise have missed.

          It was not long before Coris forgot his dream as the two boys sat and talked of the previous day's battle with excited voices. They almost didn't hear the footsteps approaching their door ...


            (( beautiful piece Cretin, please do open your own thread. ))

            Almost... Sobek heard the steps of boots... metal boots... and dove to the clsoet while casting an invisibility spell upon himself.

            The chamber door crashed open and the Training Leftennant walzed into Coris' room, urgency plastered on his face. " Coris, your presence is requested by Arcorshirak, it is of extreme urgency. Follow me." and the leftennant walked from the room.... good thing cause thats when the invisibility spell wore off of Sobek, and Sobek motioned for Coris to follow him while tossing him his clothes.

            As Coris rushed down the hall after the Leftennant, tossing his pajamas and pulling on his clean clothes he got some rather inviting looks from some of the younger ( meaning more around his age ) serving girls, and even some of their mothers! by the end of the hall Coris was fully and properly dressed, the Leftennant pushed open a door and told Coris to enter....
            and i leave the story again to another.... best make it good.
            I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

            /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

            The Warden of The North
            The Royal Executioner
            The RiDDLe BoxXx


              ... his father's receiving room and wait.

              "Your da is on his way back from the stables and will be here in a few moments." the leftennant turned a quick about face and was about to leave when Coris spoke a question to him.

              "Burdok... what's happened?" he asked in the hopes of receiving some bit of insight into his father's reason for summoning him with such urgency.

              "That's not for me to say son." replied the burly man. He paused his departure for a moment though and looked back over his shoulder to add, "I will say that you might wanna start considering sowing your oats whilst ya can lad..." Burdok then continued on out of the room, chuckling to himself as he shut the door behind him.

              Corlis stood there in the familiar confines of his father's quarters and began ruminating on the leftennant's final words.

              Sowing my oats? While I can? What could he mean by that?

              Corlis began to pace back and forth around the room and couldn't help but look around at the various trophies and tapestries that adorned the walls of his father's reception room. Each one bore a tale of his father's exploits in one campaign or another. He paused and took a moment to stare at the greatsword that hung above his father's fireplace.

              The sword was wrought of an alloy who's making was long forgotten. It was stronger than any steel and had never a need for sharpening. The weapon was a symbol of his families right to rule and had been carried into battle by his father's father's father's, well... suffice to say it had been in the family for generations.


                Coris stepped toward the sword, his hand outreached.... the handle within and inch of his fingers, and the door slid open silently... Sobek entered the room unnoticed, and issued a loud * BANG * that scared the bejebus outta poor Coris.

                "What in the nine hells are you doing here?" asked Coris

                "I dunno, some of the guards brought me in... told me the Commander had it in for me, i really dont like being handled like a child by the guards... i must get my hands on the item they possess to be uneffectable to magiks..." and Sobek trailed off.

                A cuff in the head and a kick in the shin brought Sobek back to reality. "Well they said that my father was coming back from the stables, which means hes personally prepared a couple mounts for some reason, or we're in big trouble, because my father hates the smell of horse crap. Sobek, have your move viscious and powerful spells ready to go....

                jsut a small piice to add to the suspense, i love how this is comming along, its beautiful, its gorgeous, im going to hug every single person that posted in this thread when it comes to an end. wait, nevermind people might stop posting. keep it moving along this is awesome i love it...
                I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                The Warden of The North
                The Royal Executioner
                The RiDDLe BoxXx


                  just a note, i edited all the previous posts to make the actual story show up in a quote box. this will make it a bit easier for those who just wish to read it to do so without paying mind to our banter. Please enclose any future additions in a quotebox if you can figure out how to do so. If not, no big deal, US or I can edit the post later if need be.


                    ah, and when i saw you had posted i was hoping for a great continuation, cause i wante dto write some more on this. anyway, i do like the idea Ao, and thanks. if there are any more posts made in this thread ( and i damned well hope there will be) they will be enclosed in a quote box. yay.... sexy boxes!!!!!
                    I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                    /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                    The Warden of The North
                    The Royal Executioner
                    The RiDDLe BoxXx


                      "By the flaming skin of a Balor, get the Hells out of my way!" Coris knew his father's rumbling commands by heart.

                      The door swung open, nearly knocking Sobek down. Arcorshirak gave the mageling a stern look, then turned toward his son. "Bad news, Coris, your uncle Darok has contested the throne, and has the entire support of the Southern Reaches behind him. Orcs and goblins yesterday, and seeds of rebellion today... I'm sorry son, but you're going to have to leave the kingdom. Can this be real? Only Burdok and myself know of this plan... and apparently Sobek, so your leave must be in secret."

                      "But father..."

                      "Don't argue, Coris, this will get ugly, I need you safe." Arcorshirak walks over to the fireplace and removes the greatsword. "If you find word of my death, return with power to retake the symbol of our line. Don't say that father Swear this oath to your king and father this day."

                      Coris kneeled and held out his hand, palm up "I swear it by the blood of my ancestors."

                      Arcorshirak ran the blade across the palm of Coris, sealing the oath. He then turned to Sobek...
                      I thought I'd help out a bit
                      Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                      Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                      Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                      Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                      Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                      GM'ing: Praetor


                        greatly appriciated Archie, think ya can keep it up?? mwuahahaha.

                        ... he was stnading there, his eyes wide, as the King strode to him, and spoke firmly. " it seems you know of this, so you will be included or kill. I do not want to kill you, so i shall include you. this is a very dangerous time we have come upon boy, and my son has very few that he trusts, but you are amoung them, so i ask you to make an oath. Swear, upon the Crown and the blood that runs through your veins, that you shall accompany my son, Coris, in his journey, and do the best you can to keep him clear of danger. not to sure about that last one, but you get it. do you accept this?"

                        I, Sobek, swear, upon the Crown and the blood that runs through my veins, that I shall accompany your son, Coris, in his journey, and do the best i can to keep him clear of danger. though i am in agreement with the fac tthat its almost impossible to keep him out of trouble." he winked at Coris as he said the last few words, Coris cracked a grin. what has happened to the Kingdom, father. the Southern Reaches have always been peaceful. theres almost no reason for an uprising. it makes NO sense.

                        As Sobek and Coris strode from the room, both with their right hands dripping blood, it was mayham, there were troups of soldiers, guards, servent, cooks, archers. it seeme dthat the entire residence of the city was coursing through the castles halls like blood through veins. it was unbelieveable. what was more unbelieveable was the amount of faces that Coris and Sobek recognised. they didnt realise how many people they knew, cared for, and depended on until that moment, when Royal Guard and foot soldiers ran side by side, despite rank. when cooks, and servants sped past each other, without the grimaces and foul looks they always had for each other. when the Capitan of the Royal Guard was to busy running down hall to tell Coris to grab a practise sword. despite all of it the most amazig thing was the fact that, not even 3 hours before, every single one of the people running through the halls would stop whatever they were doing and bow deeply to the Heir. now they were to busy making sure his father remained king, and he heir. it was truly exasperating. Sobek and Coris joined the traffic in the hall and headed...
                        I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                        /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                        The Warden of The North
                        The Royal Executioner
                        The RiDDLe BoxXx


                          ...toward Coris' chambers. If he was going to have to leave, he might as well gather all his essential belongings, not the least of which was his spellbook, a small prayer book over who's pages he had painted and scrawled the workings of the two cantrips he had mastered. At the Ranger's Gate, he nodded to Sobek, as the mageling headed off toward his own dwelling.

                          "In fifteen at the stables, don't be late." Sobek was always to the point.

                          Coris looked at the litter of things in his room. What to take? He grabbed his trusty spellbook and a few pages of parchment and stuffed them into a sack. What else? A change of clothes, a few candles and a small board game went in too.

                          "The horses are waiting, my lord." It was Burdok at the door. "They've three weeks rations and a few hundred gold, plenty to buy a place to live in Avor to the north."

                          Burdock pulls out a rolled up cloth. "This has been in my family since your ancestor rose to power. My family has always been oathed to guard our king, and this I give to you, as the proof of my oath."

                          Burdok began to unfold the cloth, revealing...
                          Alas, the darkness shineth brightly today!

                          Archmagi1's Portal of Wonders - Mastermind
                          Arch's Comprehensive PF House Rules Google Doc
                          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 1
                          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 2
                          Maptool Macro Basics: Lesson 3

                          Pathfinder Psionics: Psionics Unleashed!

                          GM'ing: Praetor


                            nicely done. are you continuing the Evram Tallfellow sotry aswell Arch?

                            a crystaline sword, it appeared to be very delicate. it would clearly be mounted on a wall as it could not be used in battle. It had a feint glow aswell, and the hilt was jewled imaculately.

                            "What is this? why would anyone make a sword from crystal? Burdok, can this sword be used as a weapon or will it shatter?" Coris was confused.

                            "haha, many have thought te same Coris, it is crystal, but it is stronger than anything the Dwarves can craft. watch." Burdok swung the crystal sword at the stone wall, the was a loud bang, and sparks flew, but when Coris looks to the sword there was not even a scratch along the slender blade, the wall, had a deep gouge where Burdok had hit it.

                            "that is amazing, i will take excellent care of it, i must hurry, Sobek is waiting for me. thank you, you are a good man, please protect my fatehr." and Coris took every thing he had set out, and darted from the room, hurrying to meet Sobek at the stables.
                            I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                            /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                            The Warden of The North
                            The Royal Executioner
                            The RiDDLe BoxXx


                              Hope you don't mind. Ideas sprouting in my brain must be plucked out before the drive me nuts. Not to mention that this looks like a lot more fun than some other things i could be doing. :mrgreen:

                              Wolf Wings
                              Sobek stood just inside the doors of the stables, holding the reins of both horses in his hands as Coris hurried in. "Are you ready?" Sobek asked.

                              "As ready as i will ever be." Coris took the reins of his horse and, after stowing his things with hte rest of his gear, he mounted. The horse stood strong beneath him. One of the best animals in the stable. An animal bred for speed and endurance. Its coat was a deep black, almost blue, and it shown with health.

                              Sobek mounted his own animal, a horse of almost equally good breeding to Coris' own. The animal was a almost golden chestnut color, it's conformation as close to perfect as horses come.

                              Together they rode out, following backroads and the least travelled paths, meeting no one. More than once they turned down other roads to avoid people they heard coming, knowing that that had to let as few people as possible see them go.

                              At the top of a rise, with woods behind them so that they were not skylining themselves against the deep azure sky, they paused, Each looking back at all that they were leaving behind. Each thinking their own thoughts and praying their own silent prayers for the safety of those that they loved. Those that they were being forced to leave behind.

                              "Well. No matter what else this is going to be, it will be an adventure." Sobek said, trying to shed the somber mood.

