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Two Dragons

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    Two Dragons

    This is a short story that i wrote a while ago and actually finished. If i had any friends on here, they would tell you that i am terrible about starting stories and never finishing them. . . . It is kind of romance-ish but with no sexual content. I am only going to post the first chapter at the moment until i know people want to read it. Then i will post the rest. Thanks.

    One note of warning. There is a very slight bit of nudity in teh first chapter but i am not descriptive about it. Consider this a warning and i appologize if it is against the rules.

    Wolf Wings
    __________________________________________________ ___

    Chapter 1

    Together they flew through the air, Waylera urging Ceirre to continue. “Come on. We can’t stop now. We must find somewhere safe.â€

    Well... on with it then... i'm likin' the reason for lack of dragon skellies... cool idea.


      As you wish.

      Wolf Wings
      __________________________________________________ _

      Chapter 2

      Waylera woke early in the morning before the sun had fully risen into the sky. She jerked awake, realizing that she must have fallen asleep and hurriedly checked Ceirre. He was breathing, still shallow but not as weak. His heart was beating, she even thought that it might have been stronger than the night before. She sighed in relief then checked the bandage on his leg. It was dried to the wound from blood that had seeped through but not wet from it any longer. She smiled and fought back tears of thankfulness before lying back down and holding him close again.

      Heera awoke shortly after the sun was fully up and came into the room but Waylera didn’t even look up and she thought her to be still asleep. Waylera watched her when she was not looking. The woman moved with the ease of confidence and Waylera decided that she liked that trait. The woman seemed to know what she was doing from what Waylera had seen the day before but when she came to check Ceirre Waylera sat up, feigning having just awoken.

      “Good morning,â€


        Chapter 3

        “Don’t go. Wait until I can manage, then we can go together. I don’t want you going alone,â€


          Chapter 4

          In the morning, a message appeared in her hand and she read it while the men packed up what little they had used during the night. Heera said that Ceirre was continuing to improve and Waylera smiled. Then she thought of something and crept away and took flight. It took only a moment for her to realize how close they were to the clearing where she and Ceirre had landed which meant that they were less than a few hours away from the town. She returned to where the people were packing and heard one of them suggest that they give it up and leave but the other nixed that idea, knowing that it would do no good to assuage what they had already done. They were going to continue on and find the place. She had to finish this.

          Suddenly she heard them stop and she stalked closer to find that they had indeed found the clearing and the tracks that showed her Shifting. They could easily see the tracks leading away.

          “What now?â€


            Chapter 5

            Waylera woke early and took the remaining dark hours to stalk around the town and check on things. All was quiet at this hour. She heard someone turn over in their sleep and another cough but otherwise little more than a few small cats on the prowl, though they sensed her and kept their distance.

            At dawn, Waylera returned to the woods behind the house. She heard movement from within and a short while later, the message from Heera appeared in her hand. She read it then read it again with a smile.

            The hunter, I believe his name is Oren, has threatened
            the villagers and given me an ultimatum. If I do not help
            him hurt Ceirre, he will kill the villagers one at a time.
            This has given me an idea. The potion you gave me to
            send him to you looks like any other potion or essence. I will
            give it to him and tell him that it is a contact poison. If he
            asks why I have it, I will explain that it is helpful in some
            cases when used orally. While he is pouring it on Ceirre,
            I will escape through my room. When we are both clear
            you will not have to worry about going in. There is no one
            else here in the house. If I do not hear from you by noon, I
            will accept ‘for the villagers sake’, and thereby get both
            Ceirre and myself out of here. He has not harmed either
            of us. Be careful and be ready. We will come.

            Waylera liked the idea and it would be effective in getting Ceirre and Heera away from the man. Then she would be able to get to him and he would be the one to pay. She roved the woods around the town until the sun neared its peak then she went back to the area behind Heera’s home. Shortly thereafter, she saw the back window open and Heera slipped out. When she entered the trees, Waylera called to her quietly. Heera spotted her and came over silently.

            “Did you give it to him?â€


              Chapter 6

              “No. There’s nothing and no one.â€


                am i being out written by the new girl?? i knew i should have gotten my arse moving with that story.. damnit!

                anyways, its good, i like kinda ( bah romance )hope yeh get the time to read at mine ;-)
                I Shall Rule the World; black rain and fire shall reign from the skies as the streets thy mortals have forged becomes rivers flowing continuosly with your blood. Humanity shall crumble and death and despair shall cover thy lands.Let the Black Rain fall upon all thy unbelievers.

                /me Sips the Blood of only the Purest of Souls from an ever flowing Chalice Crafted from the Bones of those who stood in His way.

                The Warden of The North
                The Royal Executioner
                The RiDDLe BoxXx


                  I am working on reading yours, Unknown. I am a bit slow at reading other people's works because i have only so much time on my hands.

                  No worries about being outwritten. I have more than 40 stories started and only a few have ever been finished. This was one of them. My next project, i think, will be getting some of my poetry on here.

                  Wolf Wings


                    Well... i'm glad I checked back in and you more than made up for the bit of 'love' I was forced to endure

                    This is a pretty damned good story and I'm glad I took the time to finish it. Hopefully you'll do the same with your other 40 stories.


                      LOL Yeah. I work on them all as the inspiration comes to me. At least i haven't started any new ones lately. I did start posting chapters of another one that i am working on but it is still a work in progress. I have maybe 14 chapters and i am working on getting them edited so that i can post them.

