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Another Story of Mine

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    Chapter 8: The Confrontation.

    Taliff landed outside the cabin and changed form. As soon as he was human again, he carried the pack inside. Eesha came up from the stream when she noticed him. He was already putting the items away when she came in.

    “What are you doing?â€


      Chapter 9: The Journey

      Taliff woke easily well before the rising of the sun and stretched his wings above them in the cave, his wingtips brushing the walls on either side. He stretched his jaws and neck then settled himself. He would wait until the others awoke before getting up. A few hours later, Anciano awoke and, soon after, Wylirean did as well. He stood and stretched his wings and neck much the way that Taliff had done. Taliff, himself, stood and walked outside to the small spring that flowed from beneath the bedrock and took a long drink. When he finished he again stretched fully in the clearing, from his tail to his head and from the tips of his wings. Before long, Anciano and Wylirean joined him. Anciano held his gear under one arm.

      “Are you ready then?â€


        Woot! Chapter 10!

        __________________________________________________ _____

        Chapter 10: The Return

        None of them spoke for a long moment then one that Taliff recognized as Auron asked, “When must we leave?â€


          Chapter 11: The Return Trip

          Taliff smile and hugged her again then picked her up and lifted her to his shoulders before taking flight. With her, he returned to the palace and landed before the large doors. She stayed atop him as he walked inside. Inside, she leapt down. “You know your way to your rooms. I will see you in the morning before you leave.â€


            up through chapter 10... i coulda sworn that he was gonna go meet with some black dragons when he made the little fella stay behind... and... it just dawned on me who Taliff is in relation to another tale... yipes!


              lol! Yeah. And technically level 44 as well. :mrgreen: ;-)


                This may be the last one for a little while. I am about caught up with myself and really need to get more typed up if i am going to keep updating so i will be concentrating on writing instead of concentrating on editing.

                __________________________________________________ ______

                Edited out because i just realized that i posted the same chapter twice....


                  Chapter 12

                  At last a new chapter. I have this one done and ready so i am going to get it on here while i have time to do so. Enjoy.

                  __________________________________________________ ___________
                  Chapter 12: The Departure

                  When morning came, they went back to Eesha’s house. Taliff had already decided that they would leave the next morning. Taliff told everyone this over breakfast. Through the rest of the day, he was constantly looking for anything that might be fixed. Wylirean trailed after Eesha and Anciano just tried to stay out of the way and help when he could. That evening Taliff took Eesha aside, asking Anciano and Wylirean to wait for him. “Do you want me to stop and say goodbye one more time tomorrow? We will likely never see one another again.â€

