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    Testing day!

    He had wondered in the cavern for days. He stumbled along going through the events in his head. He was an adapt individual destined for greatness. His parents were of the finest order and came from powerful lineages. His family named was feared and respected and came with many privileges. Older siblings had gone on to start their own families and legacies. His heart was like stone and non-wavering, and he had never lost a confrontation either by brawn or by wits.
    Then why had she forsaken him. She broke his heart and scared him for life. Everything he did was for her. She had spoken to him and told him many times she would love him and shower him with her affection and loyalty, once he passed the test. He had readied himself and was to awaken a new hero; instead he awoke to disgrace and shame.
    Luck was on his side. He awoke before the others. As he rose up he noticed his condition and that of the others. He was the only one stricken with this new malformation, he had failed the test. Though the ten others in the room were life-long friends if they had learned of his outcome they would kill him on site. He sprang into action and grabbed a near by dagger. One by one he cut their throats until all were slain.
    He scurried off into the forbidden caverns to search for his new family. Though he was taught to despise them and kill them on site he was now one of them. Like a living nightmare he realizes his formal life is over and that he had become the very thing he hated the most. An outcast, a failure, the lowest of the low, he is now a Drider!



      Wrote this last year

      This is a little longer then I usualy write. Iwrote it over a year ago.

      To the reader: This is an exercise in imagination. I have not given this dialogue between two characters any names, places, or descriptions. As you read this piece let your imagination decided what these two look like and where they are at. The characters are not even gender specific. Writing this way lets the reader have more input into the story. I guess we are co authoring this piece together. Have fun and enjoy.

      1. What’s it like?
      2. What is…. what like?
      1. You know the place you are from…. Hell.
      2. I know what you are asking, but I do not think you know what you are asking.
      1. Huh?
      2. Let me clarify it for you. Hell is not a place, well it is in theory, but not a place you actually go to or get sent to. Does that make sense?
      1. Actually it makes it worse. You really need to do better.
      2. Okay. Hell is what you make of it. It is human conjured; therefore you would be better at explaining it to me than I could to you.
      1. That doesn’t make any sense. Don’t you reign from Hell? Isn’t there supposed to be fire and brimstone? Aren’t you supposed to be torturing the souls of the damned and all that?
      2. Stop! Stop! Stop! First let’s get some ground rules established. One, I am an Angel, not a fallen angel, not a corrupted angel, and definitely not evil. Two, the creator loves me and I love the creator. I have been assigned a task, and because of my love for the creator I do the best job I can. Three, I do not have the ability to create underworlds or mythical places of actual existence. Four, I do not torcher souls or try to make the heavens fall, nor do I have the desire to rule your world. Five, this is the most important so pay attention, I only look human, I am NOT human. I do not think the same way you do, and I do not feel the same way you do. Therefore, stop making human assumptions about Angel kind if you can. This will help you understand my position a little better.
      1. Okay, I know you are the king of lies, but what you are saying flies into the face of what every religion and holy book says about the Devil. You want me to believe that you are not trying to singe the earth in a fiery ball, and leave heaven in a heap of ash? Then if that is the case, where did all this supposed false information come from?
      2. Vivid imaginations I suppose. Look, I love you humans like you love puppies and kittens. I can not control, nor would I want to, about the way I feel about humans. Humans always try to explain things away into a neat little shape. So, when Angels and humans used to have better relations in our past, humans tried to define things they did not understand. Through out history humans have learned about the power of fear and pain and I suppose, that is how my image was created.
      1. So, then if everything I know about you is wrong, Why don’t you tell me everything from the beginning.
      2. What good will it do you? Will you be a better person, or more devout to the creator? …..Okay, I will start from the beginning, and feel free to ask about anything you do not understand. However, I can assure you will be let down. How classic is this line? In the Beginning there was darkness!
      1. What, was before god?
      2. Oh, I did not even get past the first sentence! Do you really want to know?
      1. yes!
      2. Before the Creator there was… another creator. I was not part of that time so I have no information to offer other than what I have already said.
      1 Now I know you’re lying. There was no god before..well. god.
      2. Ah..yes you are partly correct. There was no god before god, but there was most certainly a previous creator, before our own.
      1. Same difference! I mean you are just playing the name game here...
      2. Do you realize I am a super genius? I mean, I have the ability to understand how everything in the universe works both physically and metaphysically, but there is one thing I can not figure out
      1. What? What does that got to do with anything?
      2. Is why humans insist on using the term, “same differenceâ€



        Rise my children! Rise from the dusty earth and walk among the living. Feast upon flesh of your enemies, fill your bellies with the bones of the righteous! My fearless legion you have found your worth, serving me!

        To the village, advance upon the sleeping village and leave no man, women, or child alive! This I command of you. Let your rage be the last thing these simpltons see. Once you have slacked your thirst for innocent blood, then we go to the next town and so on and so on until that pompus cleric of St. Cuthbert shows her cowardly face.

        She can keep hiding from us, but with enough bloodshed she will be forced out of hiding, and when she does, I will kill her!



          Bad day

          You picked a bad day to be a hero boy. I wonder what was going through your mind? Was it some sudden surge of anger that brought you to this point? Did you think I acted inappropriatly to the little lady? Do you see how she is dressed? She looks like a wh****, there fore, she is to be treated as such!

          If you had just minded your own buisness we wouldn't be in this situation right now. Don't try to talk, just listen to what I have to say. How are we supposed to move on from this? Do I drive this blade in deeper and end our disagreement, or do I let you live and have to worry about you showing up later?

          Ah, ah no talking. Let me think... ah I know...I'll cut you deep enough not to kill you, but keep you laid up for sometime. After that I am going to go back over there and extend my sinceirest apologees to the lady, and offer to make it up to her by escorting her to a evening out. ah ah ssshhhh.

          Listen now, quiet, I need to listen for the pop as I press the blade. Don't move, don't move if I go too far you'll bleed out. a man, stop the crying and let me listen for the pop. Ooops you've wet yourself, your father must be so proud. Ahh there we go. Did you hear that? That little pop sound is so,..... subtle ,yet, powerful.

          Now lay down and don't move. I know..I know it hurts, but just lay still. That's a good boy. Sshhhh

          Mikey :evil:


            heh, I like that last one... i can see the fellow squirming... very creepy it was.



              Thanks! I have no idea where that came from. Very creepy. When I start writing I just get into a groove and poof there it is. I think I am going to write about some butterflies and rainbows now.



                I'm Back

                I'm back! It's good to be back in port again. Things seem to be a little different since the last time I was here. It seems the the patrols have moved further back towards the warehouses. Hmmph! I swore to give up thieven, but damn they make it near impossible to give it up. 2 years in lockup! Stay focused...stay focused. Just go get a job! Hello? What's this? A fair maiden walking alone, please don't turn up that back alley, please...don't. Okay, look around, and yep no one saw her make that turn. I better go check on her....umm no stay here...ummm okay I'm going to just take a peak.
                Ohh there she is it dark in there...ahh hell, one more time and then that's it!

