Chapter 11
We arrived at the school, I spoke over the team frequency.
“Everybody stay put, weapons under cover until we leave.”
I got out and headed into the school. The looks I got were mostly amusement, somebody dressing up like a Olympus MetaHuman, no biggy. The principle's office was not hard to find, and my reception there was slightly less than amused.
“I need to see your principle.” I told the glowering woman behind the desk.
“Please take off that mask.”
“Sorry, that is against the rules.”
“Who are you?”
“Pulsar, and this really is urgent.”
“I mean who are you really, I can see who you are dressed as.” snarky and unpleasant.
My forcefield lit up. Her mouth hit her desk.
“The Principle, now please.” a little Darth Vader voice to complete the effect.
She pointed to a door to her right. I opened and went through it to find a rather average middle-aged man doing the usual paperwork.
“Who are...” he began.
I flashed my shield, I was out of patience.
“I'm Pulsar, and I need your help. One of my people has been hurt, and the only chance we have to save her requires your school's help.”
“But. But what could we do? I don't understand.”
“I do not have time to make you understand. You know who I am?”
He nodded, twice actually.
“Then you know what I do. Does Olympus matter to you at all?”
Again, he nodded. Just the once this time.
“Then help me, explanations can come later. Call an assembly, and take me there. I have a team of people outside waiting for my signal, time is short.”
“Alright.” and off he went. The PA crackled to life and the student body began to shift it's location.
Mr. Huckle, the Principle, showed me the way to the gym. As soon as we got in the door I tapped my earpiece.
“Psyche, bring her in, my location.”
“On our way.”
The kids started to steam in from the other end of the rather large space. They spotted me and their chatter grew louder. The bleachers along the walls began to fill.
Psyche and the team made their way in the room, I directed them to the center of the open space.
The kids were dead silent now. Somehow they had figured out that we were not some sort of show but instead the real deal. Never felt so many eyes on me before.
Might as well do it right. I floated into the center of the room, hovering 10 feet over where Selene now lay. She was still, but breathing.
“I am Pulsar.” add a little echo along with some volume, bring up the shield.
“We are here because we need your help. Selene is a Metahuman and she has been hurt. Not shot or stabbed, the hurt is in her mind. A very evil man has done something to her and we need all of you to help us undo it. Do you think you can do that?”
“YES!” came as a roar.
I floated down next to Selene's prone form. To Psyche I directed the question I had to ask.
“It might not work, but the kids will be in no danger. You have my word on that.” was her reply.
“Why the tears honey?”
“The kids, they love us, so much, it is wonderful. Bring them closer.”
Back into the air.
“Kids, I need you to move down here, sit in a circle around us.”
A waterfall of children roared down towards me. They were not yelling or shouting, but just the movement was like thunder. I think I was a bit over-sensitive right then.
“Now I need one brave boy, and one brave girl. I am going to ask you to take one of Selene's hands. This will be a little scary, like a roller coaster. You are perfectly safe but you might see lights, or flashes of weird stuff. I know this is a lot to ask, but you know we would not let anything happen to any of you.” Psyche was speaking with what we called the 'mom voice' it worked on everyone, including me.
Full of warmth, trust, and love, it was her at her very best.
A bunch of hands shot into the air, but one boy, and one girl, got up and moved to sit next to Selene's hands. I was ready to warn them not to touch her until we were ready.
Off by the rest of my team the Principle was looking extremely uncomfortable. I could not blame him, but I could not allow him to stop us either. I drifted down near Psyche and whispered “The Principle, convince him this must go on unhindered.”
Via my special senses I saw the tendril of mental force reach out and make the connection. In a moment the look on Mr. Huckles face changed to something more hopeful.
I rose back into the air, I needed space to focus. I wove a matrix of energy around, and through, the entire group of us. It was delicate and complex. Working with psychic energies is difficult for me and I was really pushing my limits here. Psyche was helping, and on familiar ground, but I had to guide energy that I could not control.
But now I could put Selene into telepathic contact with each individual person and shield them from any hostile feedback. In theory.
“Ok, everybody. I want you all to think of a happy memory. A birthday, a trip, anything you like. I need you to keep thinking about it until I tell you to stop. Now you two, please take her hands.”
They both reached out, I felt contact being made.
Selene stirred, not much, but it was something.
The two children holding her hands looked ok. Nothing was coming back to them from Selene that I could detect.
“Tiny but positive, not sure how much it will take. Go slow, one a second until I tell you to stop.”
I began to link the kids to Selene one at a time. Everything was flowing into my wounded Telepath, and nothing was going back. At least that worry did not materialize, the kids were fine.
We continued for a few minutes. I could tell Selene was responding but she was still out. The fear that this might not work was back in full force.
My head was aching, and I really needed a drink of something. Each new link was a pop in my head that sent little echoes of pain down my spine.
Psyche called to me from below, odd that she spoke rather than sent, stress of the moment I suppose.
“It is not enough, that blackness just swallows up each new contact. Hit her with all of them at once. I know what that means. I love you, please don't die.”
Oh, this is going to hurt.
I landed and sat down, let's not crash into the kids.
Up went my hand, into it I gathered all the strands, all the connections. The faint glow of my forcefield became a stronger one. In a smooth motion I threw the energy at Selene.
In one instant she was connected to some 300 children. Their lives flooded her, all that power, life when everything is possible, invulnerable, eternal, alive.
Selene's eyes snapped open and she screamed. A long hard scream that seemed to empty her and finally fade away into echoes. She grabbed the two children that had held her hands and squeezed.
Cheers erupted, all that sort of stuff. Everybody cried.
At least that is what I was told. I was unconscious at the time. Head pretty much exploded when I made those links, fire, pain, not even a little bit fun.
As I swam up from the blackness a thought not my own swirled just out of reach.
'You know, if you die you are going to bum me out.'
My eyes open, slowly. Impressions intruded, couch, dry mouth, whole body intact, but wishes it was not. Alive, probably.
Psyche was sitting next to me. We seemed to be in a lounge of some sort.
“Where is everybody else?”
“Entertaining the kids, that was the plan if this worked.”
“So I guess I am not dead.” the jury was still out as far as I was concerned. Nobody alive could hurt this much.
“No, but if you were a cat I would say that you have 8 left. She is fine, Speed came and took her home. The docs have her but it looks good. Long term though, not sure. We are going to have to alter how we handle this project of yours.”
“Yeah, fine, water please. ”
We stayed for a couple of hours. I got better quickly and was soon setting up zero gravity bubbles for the kids to try. They loved it. Sure a fair amount threw-up, but as soon as it left their mouth, it vanished. I am good. The child in question also found themselves floating back to the ground to recover.
Selene did recover but our new understanding of what constant contact with horrible minds could do to the Telepaths made us slow down our operations. We knew we had to continue the work, but we did not want to destroy our people to do it.
So to compensate each of the psychics visited a elementary, junior or senior high school every month. Through less dramatic means they absorbed the happy life of the children. The kids got a MetaHuman show that they would never forget, and some of the worst of the worst vanished off the face of the earth.
Sitting back, here and now, thinking about it all. 63 Jack the Rippers would never hurt anyone ever again. More than worth what it cost, but it did cost. Psyche and the others tried to hide it from me but the impact of those 63 personalities on them is something they will never shake. Every Telepath who has done this work has shown some twitch, or phrase, or emotion, that is not their own.
Evil has a foothold in my girls. From the moment I understood this I have thought carefully about everything I ask them to do with their power. I need them.
There are more serial killers out there, in North America, and the rest of the world. But we eventually terminated the search program. We did not want to, we knew there is more to do. But to continue would have cost us some amazing women and I could not ask that of them.
13 months, 63 killers, enough to make a difference in a lot of lives.
We arrived at the school, I spoke over the team frequency.
“Everybody stay put, weapons under cover until we leave.”
I got out and headed into the school. The looks I got were mostly amusement, somebody dressing up like a Olympus MetaHuman, no biggy. The principle's office was not hard to find, and my reception there was slightly less than amused.
“I need to see your principle.” I told the glowering woman behind the desk.
“Please take off that mask.”
“Sorry, that is against the rules.”
“Who are you?”
“Pulsar, and this really is urgent.”
“I mean who are you really, I can see who you are dressed as.” snarky and unpleasant.
My forcefield lit up. Her mouth hit her desk.
“The Principle, now please.” a little Darth Vader voice to complete the effect.
She pointed to a door to her right. I opened and went through it to find a rather average middle-aged man doing the usual paperwork.
“Who are...” he began.
I flashed my shield, I was out of patience.
“I'm Pulsar, and I need your help. One of my people has been hurt, and the only chance we have to save her requires your school's help.”
“But. But what could we do? I don't understand.”
“I do not have time to make you understand. You know who I am?”
He nodded, twice actually.
“Then you know what I do. Does Olympus matter to you at all?”
Again, he nodded. Just the once this time.
“Then help me, explanations can come later. Call an assembly, and take me there. I have a team of people outside waiting for my signal, time is short.”
“Alright.” and off he went. The PA crackled to life and the student body began to shift it's location.
Mr. Huckle, the Principle, showed me the way to the gym. As soon as we got in the door I tapped my earpiece.
“Psyche, bring her in, my location.”
“On our way.”
The kids started to steam in from the other end of the rather large space. They spotted me and their chatter grew louder. The bleachers along the walls began to fill.
Psyche and the team made their way in the room, I directed them to the center of the open space.
The kids were dead silent now. Somehow they had figured out that we were not some sort of show but instead the real deal. Never felt so many eyes on me before.
Might as well do it right. I floated into the center of the room, hovering 10 feet over where Selene now lay. She was still, but breathing.
“I am Pulsar.” add a little echo along with some volume, bring up the shield.
“We are here because we need your help. Selene is a Metahuman and she has been hurt. Not shot or stabbed, the hurt is in her mind. A very evil man has done something to her and we need all of you to help us undo it. Do you think you can do that?”
“YES!” came as a roar.
I floated down next to Selene's prone form. To Psyche I directed the question I had to ask.
“It might not work, but the kids will be in no danger. You have my word on that.” was her reply.
“Why the tears honey?”
“The kids, they love us, so much, it is wonderful. Bring them closer.”
Back into the air.
“Kids, I need you to move down here, sit in a circle around us.”
A waterfall of children roared down towards me. They were not yelling or shouting, but just the movement was like thunder. I think I was a bit over-sensitive right then.
“Now I need one brave boy, and one brave girl. I am going to ask you to take one of Selene's hands. This will be a little scary, like a roller coaster. You are perfectly safe but you might see lights, or flashes of weird stuff. I know this is a lot to ask, but you know we would not let anything happen to any of you.” Psyche was speaking with what we called the 'mom voice' it worked on everyone, including me.
Full of warmth, trust, and love, it was her at her very best.
A bunch of hands shot into the air, but one boy, and one girl, got up and moved to sit next to Selene's hands. I was ready to warn them not to touch her until we were ready.
Off by the rest of my team the Principle was looking extremely uncomfortable. I could not blame him, but I could not allow him to stop us either. I drifted down near Psyche and whispered “The Principle, convince him this must go on unhindered.”
Via my special senses I saw the tendril of mental force reach out and make the connection. In a moment the look on Mr. Huckles face changed to something more hopeful.
I rose back into the air, I needed space to focus. I wove a matrix of energy around, and through, the entire group of us. It was delicate and complex. Working with psychic energies is difficult for me and I was really pushing my limits here. Psyche was helping, and on familiar ground, but I had to guide energy that I could not control.
But now I could put Selene into telepathic contact with each individual person and shield them from any hostile feedback. In theory.
“Ok, everybody. I want you all to think of a happy memory. A birthday, a trip, anything you like. I need you to keep thinking about it until I tell you to stop. Now you two, please take her hands.”
They both reached out, I felt contact being made.
Selene stirred, not much, but it was something.
The two children holding her hands looked ok. Nothing was coming back to them from Selene that I could detect.
“Tiny but positive, not sure how much it will take. Go slow, one a second until I tell you to stop.”
I began to link the kids to Selene one at a time. Everything was flowing into my wounded Telepath, and nothing was going back. At least that worry did not materialize, the kids were fine.
We continued for a few minutes. I could tell Selene was responding but she was still out. The fear that this might not work was back in full force.
My head was aching, and I really needed a drink of something. Each new link was a pop in my head that sent little echoes of pain down my spine.
Psyche called to me from below, odd that she spoke rather than sent, stress of the moment I suppose.
“It is not enough, that blackness just swallows up each new contact. Hit her with all of them at once. I know what that means. I love you, please don't die.”
Oh, this is going to hurt.
I landed and sat down, let's not crash into the kids.
Up went my hand, into it I gathered all the strands, all the connections. The faint glow of my forcefield became a stronger one. In a smooth motion I threw the energy at Selene.
In one instant she was connected to some 300 children. Their lives flooded her, all that power, life when everything is possible, invulnerable, eternal, alive.
Selene's eyes snapped open and she screamed. A long hard scream that seemed to empty her and finally fade away into echoes. She grabbed the two children that had held her hands and squeezed.
Cheers erupted, all that sort of stuff. Everybody cried.
At least that is what I was told. I was unconscious at the time. Head pretty much exploded when I made those links, fire, pain, not even a little bit fun.
As I swam up from the blackness a thought not my own swirled just out of reach.
'You know, if you die you are going to bum me out.'
My eyes open, slowly. Impressions intruded, couch, dry mouth, whole body intact, but wishes it was not. Alive, probably.
Psyche was sitting next to me. We seemed to be in a lounge of some sort.
“Where is everybody else?”
“Entertaining the kids, that was the plan if this worked.”
“So I guess I am not dead.” the jury was still out as far as I was concerned. Nobody alive could hurt this much.
“No, but if you were a cat I would say that you have 8 left. She is fine, Speed came and took her home. The docs have her but it looks good. Long term though, not sure. We are going to have to alter how we handle this project of yours.”
“Yeah, fine, water please. ”
We stayed for a couple of hours. I got better quickly and was soon setting up zero gravity bubbles for the kids to try. They loved it. Sure a fair amount threw-up, but as soon as it left their mouth, it vanished. I am good. The child in question also found themselves floating back to the ground to recover.
Selene did recover but our new understanding of what constant contact with horrible minds could do to the Telepaths made us slow down our operations. We knew we had to continue the work, but we did not want to destroy our people to do it.
So to compensate each of the psychics visited a elementary, junior or senior high school every month. Through less dramatic means they absorbed the happy life of the children. The kids got a MetaHuman show that they would never forget, and some of the worst of the worst vanished off the face of the earth.
Sitting back, here and now, thinking about it all. 63 Jack the Rippers would never hurt anyone ever again. More than worth what it cost, but it did cost. Psyche and the others tried to hide it from me but the impact of those 63 personalities on them is something they will never shake. Every Telepath who has done this work has shown some twitch, or phrase, or emotion, that is not their own.
Evil has a foothold in my girls. From the moment I understood this I have thought carefully about everything I ask them to do with their power. I need them.
There are more serial killers out there, in North America, and the rest of the world. But we eventually terminated the search program. We did not want to, we knew there is more to do. But to continue would have cost us some amazing women and I could not ask that of them.
13 months, 63 killers, enough to make a difference in a lot of lives.