Chapter 1
6:01 am
Not a time most people are happy to see. Since it was Saturday and I had the day off, I was really not pleased.
My phone was insistent, the ring for important people.
"Bobby man, you awake?"
It was Mark, my best bud, someone who should know better than to call... someone who did know better... someone who I had asked to help me with a very delicate matter. I was awake.
"Yeah, you called, you talk" Ok so mostly awake.
"Listen, get yourself together and get over here, now."
Now I was scared, what he had been doing for me for the past week flashed into my brain.
"What did you see Mark? Is it about her?"
"Yeah, her, but not what you thought, not what I thought. You gotta get over here!"
Sudden relief swept over me, not what I thought!
"Then what is going on? It is 6 bloody am man."
"Look, we have known each other a long time. I have been up for the last 24 hours trying to prove that what I have in front of me is not real. I can't, it's real. This is not a joke. I swear on my mother's life, on your mother's life, hell I swear on your mother's hamburgers! Just please, please, get over here."
"I'm on my way"
I wanted to think he was just screwing with me. He had cause. For the past two weeks he had been monitoring 2 cameras that were set up in my girlfriends house.
I know, this is not normal. Believe me, nothing about this situation was normal, I had my reasons.
But swearing on my mom's burgers, well that was just not a joke. When Mark was 23 he got sick, really sick. For a while eating was a problem, his life was in danger. For some reason my mom's combination of crackers, meat, and a little ground turkey worked for him. Saved by burgers.
Out to the car, pull out onto the road.
Her name is Isabelle Clark.
We met 3 years ago when our social circles connected in the usual way. A girlfriend of hers started dating one of my basketball buddies. For the next two years we saw each other now and again. I always sought her out when the groups met, and it seemed she did the same with me.
A date eventually followed, and another, and another.
For a year we were inseparable, life was good. One small problem though, no sex.
Kissing sure, but nothing beyond that. She could not, or so I was told. A physical condition made it impossible. No name for this condition, no real explanation.
But you know what? I did not really care. She is smart, witty, cute, playful, and a whole lot more.
But it seemed she cared. There are odd things about her life, she lives according to a schedule that would make the Army proud. Every night at 1am or so, she would suddenly become passionate. Kissing, cuddling, those things couple do when one person can have sex and the other cannot.
Again, no complaints, but a little too regimented perhaps.
One night, just about two weeks ago, something changed. I could tell from the moment I arrived, she was focused on something, she had decided to do something.
At 1 o'clock I found out what. She almost dragged me into her bedroom, she did push me onto the bed.
And then... and then... words just fail.
Now look I have had some good sex in my life. I knew this one girl I thought might just kill me in bed with her passion and raw fire.
This was nothing like that, this was beyond that. From the moment we touched, and for hours afterward, I was in some sort of twilight zone state of mind. Everything was perfect, everything was pleasure, it was bliss.
I cannot tell how how jarring it was to be pushed out the door when 3am approached. Not out of the house, just out of the bedroom. At the time it was just odd, now I look back and I really have to wonder.
The next day I thought things would have changed, but it seemed they had not. She told me we should not have done what we did but she knew I so wanted to. She said that things seemed to be ok for her, but that a repeat performance was out of the question.
What kind of a medical condition is that? Believe me I took a good look at her when we were in bed, everything looked perfect, hell beautiful is the proper word for her body.
Looking back now I realize that I had a little bit of a break with reality about then. The most wonderful woman I had ever known, a love that I thought impossible, and the sex. I was afraid to have sex with her again, almost as much as I needed to do it again.
Mark pushed me over the edge, even though it was all very well-meaning.
"Maybe there is another guy." he said. And he continued with, "That would explain a lot of it right? Can't have sex because the other guy is getting it all. Worried about marks and other little details that might give her away. The schedule, somehow it keeps her safe from him finding out, although damned if I know how it works."
Then I had a thought, one I wonder if I would take back even if I could...
"Do you still have those tiny remote cameras you showed me?" I asked.
Mark is a techno-wiz, loves the little toys. He had his whole house wired with voice-activated controls, and there was always something new at his house.
"Sure, why... no... no really no."
"I have to know. I am going insane."
"Man it is illegal as hell, she finds out we both go to jail."
"I realize that. Either help me, or put a bullet in my brain, I cannot live like this"
"Dump her."
"NO! No I won't do that without proof. You don't know man, you just don't understand. I thought it was bullshit too, I really did. We gotta keep the species going so we make up Love to help everything work out. But there is something else... something that is real. Wipe that dumb look off your face, it is Love, True soul-burning, cannot stop, cannot quit, cannot live without her LOVE!"
He said yes.
Right about now you are probably expecting an interesting tale about how we placed the cameras. Actually it was rather dull. She has a spare key she never uses, I borrowed it. Next afternoon when she headed out to work, we went in, placed the 2 cameras, and were out the door in less than 20 mins.
Then we waited, then we watched, then we grew very bored.
I made Mark turn off the bedroom camera when she started to get ready for a bath. I made him promise that even if I was not around he would do the same. He can look very sincere when he wishes.
For 12 days nothing happened. No phone calls from people I did not know about. No strange visitors. In fact nothing at all to give me any new information about anything. She just sort of existed quietly, oddly, but quietly.
I did not go over to Mark's house last night. I did call to tell him that it seemed we had at least knocked a few things off of the list and I no longer thought she was cheating on me. I told him to shut down the cameras and destroy all the recordings. He said he would be happy to do so 'cause he was tired of doing it. Again, he sounded very sincere and honest when he said that.
So why was I about to pull up at his house at 6:42 am?
He kept watching, that is clear enough. And saw... what?
I will admit that of all the insane and completely-without-any-basis-whatsoever things I thought of just then, I was no where near the truth.
Front door, not completely closed.
I hear "Up here!" from a bit of a distance. His workroom was upstairs in what used to be the attic.
"Love on the Run" by Christopher Darque
6:01 am
Not a time most people are happy to see. Since it was Saturday and I had the day off, I was really not pleased.
My phone was insistent, the ring for important people.
"Bobby man, you awake?"
It was Mark, my best bud, someone who should know better than to call... someone who did know better... someone who I had asked to help me with a very delicate matter. I was awake.
"Yeah, you called, you talk" Ok so mostly awake.
"Listen, get yourself together and get over here, now."
Now I was scared, what he had been doing for me for the past week flashed into my brain.
"What did you see Mark? Is it about her?"
"Yeah, her, but not what you thought, not what I thought. You gotta get over here!"
Sudden relief swept over me, not what I thought!
"Then what is going on? It is 6 bloody am man."
"Look, we have known each other a long time. I have been up for the last 24 hours trying to prove that what I have in front of me is not real. I can't, it's real. This is not a joke. I swear on my mother's life, on your mother's life, hell I swear on your mother's hamburgers! Just please, please, get over here."
"I'm on my way"
I wanted to think he was just screwing with me. He had cause. For the past two weeks he had been monitoring 2 cameras that were set up in my girlfriends house.
I know, this is not normal. Believe me, nothing about this situation was normal, I had my reasons.
But swearing on my mom's burgers, well that was just not a joke. When Mark was 23 he got sick, really sick. For a while eating was a problem, his life was in danger. For some reason my mom's combination of crackers, meat, and a little ground turkey worked for him. Saved by burgers.
Out to the car, pull out onto the road.
Her name is Isabelle Clark.
We met 3 years ago when our social circles connected in the usual way. A girlfriend of hers started dating one of my basketball buddies. For the next two years we saw each other now and again. I always sought her out when the groups met, and it seemed she did the same with me.
A date eventually followed, and another, and another.
For a year we were inseparable, life was good. One small problem though, no sex.
Kissing sure, but nothing beyond that. She could not, or so I was told. A physical condition made it impossible. No name for this condition, no real explanation.
But you know what? I did not really care. She is smart, witty, cute, playful, and a whole lot more.
But it seemed she cared. There are odd things about her life, she lives according to a schedule that would make the Army proud. Every night at 1am or so, she would suddenly become passionate. Kissing, cuddling, those things couple do when one person can have sex and the other cannot.
Again, no complaints, but a little too regimented perhaps.
One night, just about two weeks ago, something changed. I could tell from the moment I arrived, she was focused on something, she had decided to do something.
At 1 o'clock I found out what. She almost dragged me into her bedroom, she did push me onto the bed.
And then... and then... words just fail.
Now look I have had some good sex in my life. I knew this one girl I thought might just kill me in bed with her passion and raw fire.
This was nothing like that, this was beyond that. From the moment we touched, and for hours afterward, I was in some sort of twilight zone state of mind. Everything was perfect, everything was pleasure, it was bliss.
I cannot tell how how jarring it was to be pushed out the door when 3am approached. Not out of the house, just out of the bedroom. At the time it was just odd, now I look back and I really have to wonder.
The next day I thought things would have changed, but it seemed they had not. She told me we should not have done what we did but she knew I so wanted to. She said that things seemed to be ok for her, but that a repeat performance was out of the question.
What kind of a medical condition is that? Believe me I took a good look at her when we were in bed, everything looked perfect, hell beautiful is the proper word for her body.
Looking back now I realize that I had a little bit of a break with reality about then. The most wonderful woman I had ever known, a love that I thought impossible, and the sex. I was afraid to have sex with her again, almost as much as I needed to do it again.
Mark pushed me over the edge, even though it was all very well-meaning.
"Maybe there is another guy." he said. And he continued with, "That would explain a lot of it right? Can't have sex because the other guy is getting it all. Worried about marks and other little details that might give her away. The schedule, somehow it keeps her safe from him finding out, although damned if I know how it works."
Then I had a thought, one I wonder if I would take back even if I could...
"Do you still have those tiny remote cameras you showed me?" I asked.
Mark is a techno-wiz, loves the little toys. He had his whole house wired with voice-activated controls, and there was always something new at his house.
"Sure, why... no... no really no."
"I have to know. I am going insane."
"Man it is illegal as hell, she finds out we both go to jail."
"I realize that. Either help me, or put a bullet in my brain, I cannot live like this"
"Dump her."
"NO! No I won't do that without proof. You don't know man, you just don't understand. I thought it was bullshit too, I really did. We gotta keep the species going so we make up Love to help everything work out. But there is something else... something that is real. Wipe that dumb look off your face, it is Love, True soul-burning, cannot stop, cannot quit, cannot live without her LOVE!"
He said yes.
Right about now you are probably expecting an interesting tale about how we placed the cameras. Actually it was rather dull. She has a spare key she never uses, I borrowed it. Next afternoon when she headed out to work, we went in, placed the 2 cameras, and were out the door in less than 20 mins.
Then we waited, then we watched, then we grew very bored.
I made Mark turn off the bedroom camera when she started to get ready for a bath. I made him promise that even if I was not around he would do the same. He can look very sincere when he wishes.
For 12 days nothing happened. No phone calls from people I did not know about. No strange visitors. In fact nothing at all to give me any new information about anything. She just sort of existed quietly, oddly, but quietly.
I did not go over to Mark's house last night. I did call to tell him that it seemed we had at least knocked a few things off of the list and I no longer thought she was cheating on me. I told him to shut down the cameras and destroy all the recordings. He said he would be happy to do so 'cause he was tired of doing it. Again, he sounded very sincere and honest when he said that.
So why was I about to pull up at his house at 6:42 am?
He kept watching, that is clear enough. And saw... what?
I will admit that of all the insane and completely-without-any-basis-whatsoever things I thought of just then, I was no where near the truth.
Front door, not completely closed.
I hear "Up here!" from a bit of a distance. His workroom was upstairs in what used to be the attic.
"Love on the Run" by Christopher Darque